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Written by Val on Oct. 25, 2021

Thank you for the birthday wishes and thoughts! My day was a mix of things. Cake & celebrating with co-workers, followed by taking mom to an appointment with the cardiologist and then Kevin planned supper & grilled T-Bone steaks! We enjoyed some quiet time after supper, which was welcome. My mom continues to struggle with fluid retention & heart failure symptoms. The doctor wanted to admit her to the hospital to get the fluid off and monitor her, but there are no available beds so we came home yesterday with more medication to try and get the fluid under control. It seems like this has gone on for SO long. Hoping for better days ahead. Your thoughts & prayers are appreciated.

Written by Barb & Pete on Oct. 24, 2021

Happy Birthday to our incredible cousin Val!! We wish you a fantastic day and wonderful year! Am just reflecting on all the fabulous times we've had together from childhood and on -- playing together and all the holiday celebrations over the years from 4th of July picnics to Thanksgiving and Christmas. We always have had so much fun together! Am posting this pic of you in your role as organizer of the Haga Reunion -- you are so talented and loving to bring us all together at events like these. Enjoy your day Val! You are such an incredible person and we love you more than you can imagine!!

Written by Sue on Oct. 13, 2021

I want to wish my dear Aunt Bonnie a very happy birthday today! I hope you are feeling better every minute and can celebrate! I’m so glad I was able to see you last weekend.

My love and thanks to everyone for all the support and love and prayers. My dad’s life was worth a celebration, even though it was bittersweet. I’m so glad we could be together and share the memories of him and also the pain of his loss. Much love to all.

Written by Val & Kevin on Oct. 12, 2021

Happy 82nd Birthday today to my mom! We look forward to bringing Olive Garden to you this evening for dinner & hope you feel well enough to enjoy it. We all love you and our biggest birthday wish is for you to start feeling better! Posting a photo of a happier time - your epic 80th birthday celebration at the Minnesota Vikings Game!

Written by Val on Oct. 5, 2021

Here is a link to Uncle Robert's obituary. Please note that there will be a livestream of the service so if you are unable to come you can watch it online.

Written by Shelley on Oct. 5, 2021

Thank you Uncle Robert for being a great teacher and a steady presence in our family. Will see you at home.

Written by Val & Kevin on Oct. 3, 2021

Uncle Robert passed away Sunday, October 3rd at 5:19 p.m. after a fall resulting in a broken hip sent him to the hospital. He has been struggling with health issues for a long time & now he is at peace. Our thoughts & prayers go out to Barb & Pete, Sue, Steven and Kathleen & their families. Uncle Robert was the uncle that I spent the most time with my entire life. I shall cherish my memories of holidays spent together especially Christmas, July 4th picnics in the Velva Park, trips to Lake Hester back in the day, events at the Bergen Church. All special memories - we will miss you Uncle Robert! Arrangements are with Thomas Funeral Home in Minot. Visitation is on Friday from 4-6 p.m. & funeral services are on Saturday, October 9th at 2:00 p.m. at Christ Lutheran Church in MInot. Burial will be at the Bergen Cemetery & we will have fellowhsip at the Bergen church after the burial. Rest in peace Uncle Robert.

Written by Val on Oct. 2, 2021

Sending continued prayers for Uncle Robert and for Barb & Sue and their families as they go through this very difficult journey. My heart is heavy, but know we have to trust God's unfailing love and his plan for our lives. Hugs and prayers.

Written by Val & Kevin on Sep. 27, 2021

Congratulations to Kathleen & Craig on the arrival of Lucas and to Sue on gaining the title of Grandma! What a blessing! Prayers for Uncle Robert as he continues to deal with medical issues. Wish there was a magic wand to make all the problems go away! We are very much enjoying some beautiful weather! 90 degrees again here today! But tomorrow cooler weather! Love to all!

Written by Barb on Sep. 27, 2021

Baby news! Sue is currently babysitting her new grandson. Since she doesn't have time to post pics, I will post one of precious little Lucas -- the day he was born, Sept 15th. Prayers are appreciated for the new baby and parents!
Prayers are also appreciated for Dad as he ended up in the ER last night (Sun). His left hand (the uninjured arm) was swollen. They checked that he didn't have a blood clot, artery problems or have a heart attack and thought he had superficial thrombophlebitis and sent him home. Today his arm was redder and warm to the touch, so they lined up an appointment with Dad's doctor. Dr. thinks he has an infection (as Dad also has had a sore throat and earache) so is getting him on an antibiotic. He's felt crappy and had voice problems for a couple of weeks. One good point, his hemoglobin was up. Thanks for your prayers.
Hope everyone is doing great! Stay healthy! Love, Barb

Written by Shelley on Sep. 14, 2021

Thank you wonderful family for the birthday wishes! I had a 15 mile bike ride, fall flower planting, rest and family calls, and a very nice dinner out at the Bavarian Inn in Shepherdstown, WV. A beautiful place a few minutes from my house - cousins should all visit someday!

Written by Shelley on Sep. 14, 2021

Thank you wonderful family for the birthday wishes! I had a 15 mile bike ride, fall flower planting, rest and family calls, and a very nice dinner out at the Bavarian Inn in Shepherdstown, WV. A beautiful place a few minutes from my house - cousins should all visit someday!

Written by Bonnie F on Sep. 14, 2021

Guess I need to put something on the family eb site. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHELLEY! Sounds like you have a full day planned. I eel very bad that I have not put anything on the website, but I guess if you don't feel the best that is an excuse. Robert did call toay and said the baby will be h ere soon.

Written by Kevin & Val on Sep. 13, 2021

Happy Birthday to my sister Shelley today! Sounds like your day has already been delightful - a bike ride & trip to the beautiful garden center & later supper with good friends! Wishing you a wonderful year ahead! Love you!

Written by Barb & Pete on Sep. 13, 2021

Happy Birthday to fabulous cousin Shelley!! We wish you a wonderful day and grand year! This is a new year, of a new you!! Celebrating the incredible person you are! Posting a fond memory from Feb 2008! Enjoy your day Shelley!