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Written by Val & Kevin on Jul. 14, 2021

Thanks everyone for the anniversary wishes! We actually had a very nice evening just enjoying some simple things. Ordered sub sandwiches from the deli & had a picnic in the Velva park. Rode our bikes. Visited our little grand nephew Walter & enjoyed an ice cream cone from Happy Cones! The weather was beautiful this evening. We are in for a heat wave again, so happy to enjoy a nice evening outdoors!

Written by Robert, Ardella, Pete & Barb on Jul. 14, 2021

HAPPY 42nd ANNIVERSARY to incredible couple Val & Kevin!! You guys are the best and we wish you tons of love, joy and laughter today and in the years to come!! Told Mom you were celebrating 42 years today and she laughed and said "that's a long time". Celebrate the milestone! Love, Robert & Ardella, Pete and Barb

Written by Val on Jul. 5, 2021

Hoping Uncle Robert is feeling better today. Very glad that my mom could sit with him in the ER yesterday. He was in a lot of pain with his back. Know he is getting weary of not feeling well. Prayers for pain relief.

Written by Barb on Jul. 4, 2021

Happy Birthday Des!! Hope you have a grand day celebrating!
FYI, Dad is in the hospital again. He woke up with horrible back pain and agreed he needed to go to the hospital. Bonnie went up to be with him in the ER, then Val took over when Bonnie needed to go eat a late lunch with Shelley, Deb & Kevin. Dad has 5 compression fractures. They are working on pain management. He also has issues with breathing and still not enough hemoglobin, so I asked if they would give him a pint of blood and sounded like they would. I'm driving there tomorrow-Tues (had just got back home last Friday nite) so a quick turnaround. Prayers are so appreciated!! Barb

Written by Val on Jul. 4, 2021

Sending Happy Birthday greetings to Desi for Monday, July 5th! Hope you got to have a long holiday weekend from work & can celebrate & relax on your special day! Have a good one!

Written by Val on Jul. 4, 2021

Happy July 4th to all the HHFs! We had an activity filled day here in Velva! Deb & Shelley are visiting so we took part in hometown July 4th celebration in Velva. We attended church & then had brunch at the Heisler's, but Val has not learned how to use her new oven so things got behind. We attended the parade in Velva, it was great! Goldie Braaten drove her shiny red 1957 Chevy & Kevin drove the fire department tanker truck. Deb, Shelley, mom & I watched from the sidelines. We went to the park to watch some of the foot races, Shelley & Deb did some archery practice, we played some BINGO, visited the petting zoo, had ice cream & ended the day with a delicious supper at the farm. The highlight was juneberry pie with Thomas Jefferson Vanilla ice cream! Hope everyone enjoyed their July 4th celebration!

Written by Barb & Sue on Jun. 26, 2021

Just came back from a most inspiring Church Lunch in Bergen!! Val & Kevin, Shelley, Bonnie, Punky, Donna (briefly), Sue and I had such a lovely time laughing, visiting, sharing memories and taking a walk around Bergen. The lunch featured all church foods -- red jello salad, Swedish almond cake, pickles, wonderful egg salad, etc. -- everything was delicious!! Huge thanks to our hosts for a marvelous time!!
FYI on Dad -- the doctors suspect his heart medication is causing bleeding and has lowered his hemoglobin. With not enough oxygen in his blood, he has been unusually tired and can't walk more than a few steps without being exhausted. He's now on iron and they took away his heart med, and will do a lab on Mon a.m., and see the dr Mon p.m. Prayers again are appreciated for our elders!! Love to all!, Barb & Sue

Written by Val on Jun. 19, 2021

Happy Father’s Day to all the HHF dads. It was a VERY windy day in ND! We had a wonderful steak dinner at the farm. Shelly, I and Kevin joined mom and dad for steak. I made Kevin’s favorite dessert, Cherry Delight which made him very happy! We were happy to have a short visit with Sue, Barb & Robert who had been for a drive to Bergen. They stopped at the farm to visit for a short visit. We went down to the eagle nest and looked at the baby eagles who were down in the nest but we could see their heads poking out. It was so windy today the nest was swaying with the tree! Hope all the HHF dad’s had a good day!

Written by Val on Jun. 15, 2021

Happy Birthday today to OLGA! Hope you have a wonderful day! Wish we could share some tea & birthday cake!! As mom mentioned below, lots of company coming! Hoping the weather cools off a bit & maybe we get a rain shower! So dry here! Our kitchen remodel is coming along. Got the shiny new appliances yesterday. Now just waiting on the countertops!!

Written by Bonnie F on Jun. 14, 2021

It has been a long time since I have put anything on the family website. This week comes the company. Sue will be here tonight from Texas and Barb is driving today from Mpls. to greet her . Shelley arrives on Friday and Deb will be here on July 2nd to stay until July 8th. Shelley will be here for Velva's giant free concert and 4th of July fun, Looking forward to seeing all of them! Bonnie F

Shelley arrives f

Written by Val on Jun. 4, 2021

Greetings from the ND desert! We hit a high of 105 yesterday and today we are near 100 again! It is critical that we get some rain. Please pray for rain for ND! There is no grass in the upland pastures, water holes are dried up & more days of hot, windy weather will mean the crops are not going to make it. Dad is very fortunate that he has access to the river so his cattle have a place to get water, but the river is VERY low too. Lots of ranchers are already selling off lots of cattle as their is not going to be feed or pasture. Ten years ago we were fighting the worst flood we’ve ever seen & today, we can’t get more than a few drops of rain once in awhile. Crazy!

Written by Val on May. 29, 2021

Hello HHFs! I have updated the family website homepage for the month of June! Hope everyone is enjoying a nice holiday weekend! It is warm and WINDY in ND today! Hope the Hultman's had a great time celebrating Talon's graduation this weekend. Velva has graduation this afternoon so we will be going to a couple of open houses this afternoon! Carl was home for 10 days and left this afternoon to go back to NC. Sure appreciate him coming home and helping at the farm. We did enjoy a few "fun" things. Continue to pray for our "elder" family members as they try to navigate all the health issues they face. Love to all!

Written by Val & Kevin on May. 26, 2021

Happy Graduation weekend to Talon! We really wish we were able to be there & celebrate your high school graduation! Would have been so much fun to get together with all my cousins! We wish you all the best Talon & hope your take time to just revel in the celebration! Good luck with your summer plans and plans for the future!

Written by Val on May. 25, 2021

A boy! Congratulations!! How fun! Glad everyone is doing well with the exception of feeling sick, but hopefully that will pass. Congrats on 25 years of teaching Sue! I can't imagine the challenges you had this year. Hopefully next year things will be somewhat back to normal!

Written by Sue on May. 22, 2021

Hi everyone! Meant to tell this earlier, but May is busier than December for teachers, I think! I thought Craig might put it on the site. He and Kathleen found out on the fourth that they are having a baby boy. He is in the 93rd percentile for height, no surprise there! All is good but she still is sick quite often. One more week left in my 25th year of teaching. Quite a year for the history books!