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Written by Val on May. 22, 2021

Good news! Shadow has returned home! He was spotted at neighbor David Feist’s & while we were looking for him, he found his way home! We are all very happy he is home again! Carl, mom, dad, Kevin and I had nice visits last night with Robert & Ardella. Glad we could all visit. Today Carl, mom, Kevin and I are going to Bismarck for a graduation open house for Jimmy Weigel’s youngest son. We are planning to visit the Heritage Center & also see the “Nut Mobile” - nothing can compare to the Weinermobile, but we are going to check it out! Love to all!

Written by Barb on May. 21, 2021

Hi All,
Wanted to let you know that prayers are appreciated for Dad, as he has come down with pneumonia. Fortunately a nurse practitioner comes right to Edgewood once a week so she checked on Dad on Thurs. and got him on drugs for pneumonia. We are so grateful it was caught early and he didn't end up in the hospital.
SO glad to hear Carl is back for a visit. Praying for Shadow to find his way back to the farm. Pete and I are entering the world of iphones (because my existing cell only works for texts -- I can't make or receive calls at our house after Verizon upgraded to a 5G network - altho it works fine a block away or in Minot). Apple is a big learning curve. Just got new numbers yesterday after spending 3 1/2 hrs at the phone store -- and I knew exactly what I wanted. Will send out a text with my new number after I master my contact list in the next couple of days. Love to all!, Barb

Written by Bonnie F on May. 21, 2021

Hello all HHF,S- There han't been any action for a long time. Plenty of action on the Feist side of the world. Carl came in last night on the 11 p.m. plane from NC. I was too tired to stay up but happy to see he had made it and will be home for awhile. The sad part of this story is that Shadow our dog, greeted him at 12 midnight when he got to the farm, then we don't know what he did, as he had completely disappeared, we have spent the rest pf the day looking for him, nothing yet. hopeully he will turn up somewhere. Hope everyone is okay. Love, Bonnie

Written by Val on May. 8, 2021

Happy Mother’s Day to all the amazing HHF moms! Hope each & every one of you has a special day & know how much you are loved & appreciated!

Written by Barb & Pete, Dad & Mom on May. 1, 2021

Happy Birthday to my incredible sister Sue!! It sounds like you have had a lovely day with lunch with Steven and Mary (and a visit from James, their new puppy) and lots of calls and cards. Enjoy your Birthday Weekend!! Lots of love and best wishes from Dad & Mom. We all love you so much!,
Barb & Pete, Dad & Mom

Written by Val on Apr. 29, 2021

Hello everyone! The family website has been updated for May! Sending early May Day birthday wishes to Sue! Hope you have a fantastic day! Thanks Cindy for the update on Aunt Audrey. Hope she continues to do well in her new surroundings. We are supposed to have 80 degrees here today, but there are clouds, so don't think that will happen. Guess it is fine. We are so dry, don't need it to dry out even more! Had a couple of very nice visits with Barb when she was here. She went back to Minneapolis yesterday. She & I met at Charlies Cafe in downtown Minot and had breakfast on Thursday morning. I had the MOST delicious caramel roll - can still taste it! Love you all!

Written by Bonnie f on Apr. 29, 2021

Thanks so very much for your message about how things are going with Audrey. I am hoping that I have gotten rid of the feeling of being nauseated, actually hae thought a few things smelled good-tho I probably won't eat them. Thekids bought me some meals that are frozen and can be heated up, sure is nice, though some are a little strange? I am taking physical therapy twice a eek, the gal is really working me over, hoping to get more mobile soon so I can go places again. Soon it will be May, and I hope the weather brings some rain and sun, we need them both.Love, Bonnie F

Written by Cindy on Apr. 27, 2021

Hello everyone, My mom is starting to settle in at The Greeley Village, she is able to find her bathroom on her own now so that is good. Its been a transition for sure but someone has been with her every day-Jill, Des, or I which helps. She does "sundown" starting at about 2pm each day, wants to know where she is, how long shes been there, when is she going home, is it necessary for her to br in this place, etc, etc-it is very difficult to constantly review but I think we are doing well with it. She has been feeding herself and eating very well, have decided that as much as she loves her coke and coffee it is definitely a culprit in making her nauseous-so trying to cut that out. she doesn't understand because she can't remember being "sick"
once an episode is over:( She likes to stay mainly in her room at present but thats ok because we are with her. Thank you for all your good wishes and prayers Hope and pray Uncle Robert and Aunt Bonnie are feeling better. Glad Uncle Curt and Aunt Ardella are doing ok.
love to all!

Written by Val & Kevin on Apr. 24, 2021

Happy Birthday today to Greg Thompson! Hope you are having a nice day! May be your mom made you a yummy birthday cake? Hope the weather is nice there! We are hoping for some rain this week!

Written by Val & Kevin on Apr. 20, 2021

Hello all! Prayers for Uncle Robert, Aunt Audrey and my mom as they all deal with health issues. it is hard to grow old and hard for those of us that love you to watch you struggle. One day at a time... Hope Uncle Robert is improving, Aunt Audrey is getting accustom to her new home in Greeley and that Bonnie gets stronger every day! Love you all!

Written by Barb on Apr. 19, 2021

Hi from Minot. Again, your prayers are appreciated for Dad. He went by ambulace to the hospital last Friday (16th) & was released Saturday (probably a day too soon). He had a racing heart episode that started Thursday (from exertion I'm sure - he had gone 25 days without once they took him off his blood pressure med) and kept going until Fri a.m. when Edgewood suggested he go to the ER. His blood pressure was very low and he felt miserable and weak. The doctor didn't realize he had been exerting himself a lot and the physical therapists had been trying to get him to go without oxygen - not a good combo. He's getting better slowly altho this a.m. he said he's not feeling great. Will see him this afternoon. I expect to be here at least thru next Monday. Love to all! Barb P.S. Know Bonnie is still not feeling good and Audrey just moved I think. Lots of prayers/good thoughts needed.

Written by Val & Kevin on Apr. 8, 2021

Happy Birthday to Cousin Barb and her awesome husband Pete this weekend! Hope you both enjoy your special days and have fun celebrating! We continue to have very dry conditions here in Velva & surrounding area. At this point we would take rain or snow! We just need something wet! Please continue to keep my mom in your prayers. She is still fighting nausea and just simply does not feel well. She was at the ER on Monday night & they gave her fluids & anti-nausea meds, but she continues to struggle with the nausea. Hoping it subsides soon!

Written by Barb & Pete on Apr. 6, 2021

Happy Birthday Erica!! We hope you are having a great day and do something special to celebrate!! Enjoy your day!
We have had incredible weather here the last two days -- was 84 degrees yesterday and hit 70 today! Winner - we are ready for Spring! We have grilled twice already.
Shot update -- Pete got his 1st shot last Friday at work! Woo hoo! I get my 1st shot tomorrow at Sam's Club. After trying for several days I almost cried when I actually snared an appointment!
Dad is feeling much better once his racing heart incidents stopped -- apparently his blood pressure was too low. He tires out easily but is making progress. Prayers going out for Bonnie and Audrey and Dad for healing!! Love you all!, Barb & Pete

Written by Val & Kevin on Apr. 5, 2021

A very Happy Birthday to our daughter Erica! We are so proud of the woman you have become & love you to the moon & back!! Have a great day!

Written by Val & Kevin on Apr. 5, 2021

A very Happy Birthday to our daughter Erica! We are so proud of the woman you have become & love you to the moon & back!! Have a great day!