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Written by Val on Aug. 9, 2022

Happy 20th birthday today to Talon! Wow - where did that time go? Hope you had a wonderful day celebrating! HOpe all is going well for you and you are ready to start college classes again! Have a great year!

Written by Sue on Aug. 7, 2022

Too long since I’ve posted on the site! Congratulations to Chance, Chelsea, kids, Dave and Desiree on the latest addition to the family! Welcome, Willow!
Had a great vacation in Spain and England. Had flight glitches at every point, but all worked out each time. I can’t recommend Apple Air Tags enough! Were able to track down our luggage every time even when the airlines claimed they didn’t know where the bags were. Took every type of transportation possible but pedicab and helicopter. Even took an Uber taxi on the Thames river in London! Here I am at Kensington Palace with Queen Victoria!

Written by Bonnie F on Aug. 6, 2022

Such good and exciting news from Connors.

thanks for sending all the photos, Willow is such a beautiful baby, Really enjpyed seeing the photos and hearing from you, Desi. Thinking of you and hoping your injury gets better or that something can be done.Everyone enjoy the new baby! Bonnie Feist

Written by Val on Aug. 6, 2022

Congratulations to Chance, Chelsea & family on the arrival of Willow Lynn!! Congrats also to Grandma Desi & Grandpa Dave! She is just a little peanut! Thanks for sharing the pictures! So sorry to hear you are having issues with your neck after the “ hot dog bun” incident! Hope they can help you! Congrats again!!

Written by Desiree on Aug. 5, 2022


Written by Desiree on Aug. 5, 2022


Written by Desiree on Aug. 5, 2022


Written by Desiree on Aug. 5, 2022


Written by Desiree on Aug. 5, 2022


Written by Desiree on Aug. 5, 2022


Written by Desiree on Aug. 5, 2022


Written by Desiree on Aug. 5, 2022


Written by Desiree on Aug. 5, 2022

She's here! Tiny baby Willow Lynn decided to join the fam a little early on August 1st. At 4lbs 15oz she's literally the size of a doll! Everyone is doing great and Willow didn't even have to be in an incubator. Chelsea had a c-section so they were in the hospital for few extra days but are home now. Dave and I had the kids while they were in the hospital and boy are we exhausted lol.

I'm still struggling with my head and neck. Went back to work last week and was only able to do 2 hrs before I started getting dizzy with head and neck pain. I had an MRI last Friday and my neck is pretty messed up. I've got 3 vertebrae that have shifted with nerve protusion. I see the surgeon neck week :(

Hope Uncle Curt can get some relief too. Glad Deb is home to be able to help a little too. Love the pic of Bonnie and Punky. So glad you're out having fun and doing stuff! Love you all.

Written by Val on Aug. 2, 2022

Here is a photo of Punky and Bonnie with Allen Jackson before the concert began!

Written by Val on Aug. 2, 2022

Hello all! The family website has been updated for August! We will have a new addition to the family with the arrival of Willow this month! Looking forward to seeing photos of the new baby! It has been hot & humid in ND! Love summer but hate the humidity. This past weekend I drove to Grand Forks with mom & Punky Burckhard & we attended the Alan Jackson concert. It was a wonderful concert! On the way back home, we diverted to Northwood, ND & visited the cemetery where a number of Sherva & Haga relatives are buried. Deb is in ND visiting for a week. She is watching Dad very closely & trying to make him behave, which is a full time job. Prayers for dad are appreciated - he has so much back pain & leg pain & he is unable to do much walking. He has an MRI of his spine on Friday & then hoping he can get an appointment with the back doctor that did his surgery a number of years ago. Hoping there is something they can do to relieve his pain. Love to all of you!