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Written by Val on Aug. 18, 2019

Good luck with the church sale Cindy! Am sure you are a super volunteer! Kevin & I spent the day at the farm today, so feeling tired tonight. We helped dad & a young man that comes to help once in a while, work 18 cow/calf pairs, sorted some bulls & moved to the pasture & we got to fix some fence. Was a busy day. Back to work tomorrow so better get to bed soon!

Written by Cindy on Aug. 14, 2019

So sorry to hear about your surgery Shelley, but from the women I have heard of that have had problems, they feel so much better after having a hysterectomy that they wished they'd have done it sooner! Hope you have a speedy recovery!
Gearing up again for flu shots this fall, starting even earlier-September 12th is "kick off day" at the hospital!
Next week I'm in charge of the garage sale for our church, will be super busy all week with that, usually turns out ok but is a lot of work-hope people show up to help!
Love you all! Keep posting

Written by Shelley on Aug. 14, 2019

Hello Family.
Everything is going great. I've been enjoying lots of attention from friends! Time flies when it is free, apparently. A few more days then I will put my head back into work. Thank you for the well wishes!

Written by Bonnie F on Aug. 14, 2019

Shelley had a complete hysterectomy. She is doing great and not taking pain pills as of yeserday. Thanks for post inquiring. Talked to
Audrey yesterday. Had a good visit talking about our "surgeries" Bonnie F

Written by Cindy on Aug. 14, 2019

What kind of surgery did Shelley have?
You are in my prayers- hope your recovery is short!
Love you 😘

Written by Val on Aug. 12, 2019

Sorry you are having problems posting on the website again. Bummer. Wish I had a good answer/solution

Written by Bonnie F on Aug. 12, 2019

Hi all, JUst a short update on Shelley, Her surgery went fine, but not only 1/2 laproscopic, she is recuperating at her apt. but hopes to drive out to her house in W. Va,
on Wednesday. Dr. said no but nurse said if she isn't taking any pain drugs she can drive .
She will be more comfortable and there is much more room at her country house. If you can, give her a call or send a post of well wishes. Thanks, Bonnie F

Written by Cindy on Aug. 11, 2019

BTW all is ok with us! Just "stuff" with my mom, she's losing her short term memory and getting worse:( but she is ok physically:)

Written by Cindy on Aug. 11, 2019

I keep trying to give you all an update on life at my house but after long note-doesn't work so CALL me sometime!

Written by Cindy on Aug. 11, 2019

Problems getting things on the web site AGAIN!:( Sorry!

Written by Val on Aug. 9, 2019

Today was an EPIC day for me! I crossed off a bucket list item to see the Oscar Mayer Weinermobile! Saw it is Kalispell, MT! I even got interviewed by a Kalispell newspaper! So exciting!!

Written by Bonnie f on Aug. 8, 2019

Hi all, It was great to see a post from Jill.I too am making pickles, but slowly as I only pick from my garden which isn't very good this year. Since we got the one inch of rain, everything has perked up! Glad Cindy is up in Casper for the birthday and to check on Sister Audrey, It has cooled off here, I am glad, too much heat for this northern girl. HAPPY BIRTHDAY tomorrow to Talon, I can't believe you are that old, HA! Bonnie F

Written by Jill on Aug. 7, 2019

Hi all. Its been awhile since I posted. The wedding plans for Bryan and Molly are coming along. November 16th will be here before we know it. Cindy is up visiting Mom before things get crazy for her again and also Talons birthday. She is very busy all the time! I wanted to share to Bonnie this weekend I and 3 addn friends will be putting up dill, hot and bread and butter pickles . It has become quite a production at the Boshinski home. It should be about 80 quarts. Still working at good ole Weld county 33rd year so far. Hope all of you are doing well!

Written by Val on Aug. 5, 2019

Happy Anniversary to Robert & Ardella! Hope your day was great! Kevin & I are on a wonderful trip to Glacier National Park! Today we hiked about 11 miles! We are taking ibuprofen & going to bed soon! It is gorgeous here!

Written by Sue on Aug. 4, 2019

Happy 62nd Anniversary to my wonderful parents! I hope you have celebrated all day.
I love you so much!