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Written by Cindy on Jul. 6, 2019

Well we didn't do much for the 4th but had a nice day with friends. Hope you all had some fun celebrations!
Tomorrow will be a special day as we are all going to a baby shower for Chelsea and Chance's baby girl-had such fun shopping but was kind of sad that I couldn't find too many fluffy dresses for newborns:( Nonetheless, found some cute things. Have to admit I really enjoy shopping, especially for baby girl stuff! Know Grandma Des will spoil the heck out of this little angel-can't wait to help her! Jenny is planning to attend so maybe she will change her mind and decide it would be wonderful to make her mom a "grandma"-ha! Right!
Miss you all

Written by Sue on Jul. 3, 2019

Happy 4th of July everyone! Enjoy the day! Hope you have a great birthday tomorrow, Desi!

Written by Val on Jul. 2, 2019

Want to wish everyone a Happy July 4th and wish Desi a Happy Birthday on July 5th! We will be taking in the festivities in Velva - the parade, cake walk and fireworks in the evening & probably some farm work in between. Carl has been home since June 26th & trying to help dad get caught up on some cow sorting, identification & getting animals ready to be out to pasture. He was also home the end of May for 2.5 weeks, so this has been such a BIG help & we are grateful that he has taken his vacation to do this. Kevin & I have been trying to help as we can. Have a great 4th!

Written by Barb and Pete on Jun. 27, 2019

Hei from Norway. We have spent time with our relatives and toured in the homeland of Hadeland. Now we are seeing other areas of Norway. Have been in the mountains at Telemark, explored Kristiansand and are now in Stavanger. Just got back from a boat trip in the fjords. Moving on to Bergen tomorrow. Hope everyone is doing great!

Written by Val on Jun. 27, 2019

Hello HHF's! I know it is not July yet, but I have updated the website as I don't know if I will get to it this weekend! Carl arrived home again on Wednesday night & so we are hoping to be able to help with more fencing & cow working. Going to be hot and humid!

Written by Cindy on Jun. 21, 2019

Yea! First post that has actually gone through in a long while, must keep them very short lol

Written by Cindy on Jun. 21, 2019

Hi have a cool, rainy day here again☹️Even snow at higher elevations-where is SUMMER?! Have my mom here for awhile, went to Denver yesterday to see Greg, Jenny and Matt coming to Greeley today. Miss you all!

Written by Sue on Jun. 20, 2019

Congratulations, Val, 35 years at one employer is quite an accomplishment! The place will fall apart when you leave!
All is well here. Working at summer school. It will be done next week. Coming to Minot on July 5. Leaving July 13. Made the reservation two days before I got the anniversary invitation. Bummer!

Written by Val & Kevin on Jun. 15, 2019

So happy to see some recent news on the website! Want to wish a very Happy Birthday today to our sister-in-law Olga! Hope you have a restful day and are pampered by your husband! I am sure the pups will give lots of birthday kisses!

Written by Bonnie F on Jun. 14, 2019

Congratulations are due for Val, she was honored at the VEC annual picnic for 35 years of service to VEC! Ver y proud of her, I was unable to be there, but Kevin took a video for us. Congratulations on a job well done, Val!

Written by Cindy on Jun. 12, 2019

What fun, Barb, Pete, and Shelley! I'm in Casper with my mom, going to the dr today. Hoping she will come home with me for a few weeks!

Written by Barb & Pete on Jun. 12, 2019

Barb and Pete reporting they had a WONDERFUL afternoon with Shelley, who was here for a business trip. Check out our selfie. All is well here. Hope everyone is doing great!

Written by Val on Jun. 7, 2019

The website peeps are telling me that the messages must be short due to security issues. So keep messages shot & we seriously need to check other options

Written by Val on Jun. 7, 2019

The website peeps are telling me that the messages must be short due to security issues. So keep messages shot & we seriously need to check other options

Written by Val on Jun. 7, 2019

Hello all! This website is really acting goofy! I posted yesterday to wish Candy happy birthday & explain the message issue but my post is not here.