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Written by Bonnie F on May. 11, 2019

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO ALL THE MOMS OF HHFS, young and old and in between. Hoping for a decent day here in ND, but on this place you never know! Bonnie F

Written by Val on May. 8, 2019

Thanks for sharing your news Cindy. Sorry about the snow! Hope we don't see that here. I am so glad "Visiting Angels" are going to come to see your mom. I think it is a great idea and she will warm up to it. I wish we lived closer so we could visit her. Miss you too!



Written by Cindy on May. 8, 2019

Hi everyone, here we are again! Woke up to SNOW coming down this morning. Got home Tuesday afternoon after spending almost a week with my Mom. Talked with Bonnie and Ardella on the phone on different days so Mom really enjoyed that, lots of reminiscing about "old times" with Ardella, think they both really liked that. John arranged to have "Visiting Angels" come in to visit while I was there and got mom to agree to them coming in to "help out" once a week( she was not too thrilled with this idea) she did agree to try it. She is getting worse with her short term memory so think it will be good to have someone coming in.
Hope all of you are well. Miss you!

Written by Bonnie F on May. 7, 2019

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY today to Carl and Olga. I remember your wedding day so well, a small but very special ceremony in the small park with the eagle statue in it. When I ever get to Bismarck and drive by that park, I think of you both. I hope your day is good and that you will celebrate 15 years of marriage together, Hope you have many more together, Love, Mom and Dad

Written by Zondra Thompson on May. 7, 2019

I love your Web site!

Written by Val on May. 7, 2019

Happy 15th wedding anniversary today to Carl & Olga! Seems hard to believe it has been that many years since you were married outdoors at a beautiful little park in Bismarck! Your adventures together have taken you many places. Wishing you a special day and many more years together!



Written by Barb & Pete on May. 4, 2019

Official (late) Birthday Greetings to the best sister in the world -- my beautiful sister Sue! We wish you a fabulous year -- you deserve it! You are the best! Note the picture is from 1959 -- in the toy box!
I just got back from a trip to Sedona with two girlfriends -- we all turned 60, so had a great trip celebrating and catching up. Was my first trip to Sedona and the red rocks landscape was incredible!
Hope everyone is doing great!
Love, Barb & Pete

Written by Anna Maria Movitz on Apr. 30, 2019

Hello Helga Hammer Haga and Zondra Haga. I don´t know how we are connected but I just got to know we have some DNA in common. I found your picture here and like to send you happy greetings from Sweden.

Written by Bonnie F on Apr. 30, 2019

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUE Hope you have a great day! Bonnie F

Written by Val on Apr. 30, 2019

Happy Birthday today (May 1) to Sue! Hope you have a very special day!

Written by Bonnie F on Apr. 25, 2019

Hi everyone haven't heard from the Colorado folks in quite a while. How is everyone. Sending HAPPY BIRTHDAY WISHES to Greg Thompson, hope you have a great birthday! How are the Rockies doing this year? Think that is your favorite baseball team! I myself am quite sick with a very bad cold. nose runs constantly and a hacking cough. I must quit sharing the peace at church. I always think I get something when I do-it should be outlawed!!! ERica came home todaym, but I can't see her until I feel better, don't want to get her sick. Also Curt came in announcing he thinks he is getting it. Wel.l, maybe he should cook for himself, that would be one way to stay free from germs. Hope he is just imagining it, we have noone else to take care of the many cows we have. Better days ahead I hope. Bonnie F.

Written by Barb & Pete on Apr. 20, 2019

Happy Easter HHFers!! Hope everyone has a great day! So glad many of you are able to get together. A shout out to Val & Kevin for hosting Easter -- you guys are such a blessing to our family! Wanted to thank everyone for the birthday cards, calls and presents -- is always so great to connect up -- makes the day so fun. Have been keeping busy. Went to a fascinating DNA class last week. And I went to an "Accupressure Facelift" class on Weds which was very interesting. In 21 days, I'm supposed to have fewer wrinkles just by pressing 7 various pressure points on my face everyday! Hopefully I'll be a success story. And went to see The Oak Ridge Boys on Thurs nite. Am pleased to report that the bass singer (Richard Sterbin) finally cut his hair -- is much more flattering now. Our weather today was glorious -- in the 70's and sunny! I went for a long walk and Pete went biking. We are ready for Spring! Love to All! Barb & Pete

Written by Sue on Apr. 18, 2019

Happy Birthday to my new son-in-law, Craig! I hope you have a great birthday! I'm looking forward to,celebrating with you and Kathleen when I come to visit you on Friday.
Happy Easter to everyone! I'll be in Plano.

Written by Val on Apr. 17, 2019

I want to wish all the HHFers a Happy Easter weekend! Our weather forecast sounds really nice (except for some wind)! I am lucky enough to get Good Friday off as a paid holiday, so plan to be at home working! I plan to cook up a ham and some fixins and celebrate the day with mom & dad and Robert & Ardella. Hope everyone has a nice holiday weekend! Miss you all!

Written by Sue on Apr. 8, 2019

Happy Birthday dear sister Barb and dear brother-in-law Pete! What a blessing you guys are in my life! I hope you enjoy your birthdays and have a great dinner at Jensen's! Yum! Love you more than I can say!
We hit 91 degrees today which they are saying it is the first time in the 90's since the middle of last October. I'm hoping we have a little Spring yet before launching full on into summer.
Down to about 7 more weeks of school but do plan to teach summer school! I want to keep paying that mortgage down so I can retire!
Not much new here. Plan to look tonight for a hotel room so I can spend Easter with Kathleen and Craig. No papers to grade for once! Hope everyone is doing great! Love to all.