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Written by barb and peye on Feb. 25, 2019

Hola from puerto vallarta. Was so thankfful we didn't get the horrible blizzard they predicted so our flight actually left on time
Was 81 above zero today and we are soaking up sun for all of you. Hope everyone is doing great. Love barb and pedro

Written by Bonnie F on Feb. 19, 2019

Happy Birthday, Bryan (Bo) Boshinski, sorry to be late but the wishes are sincere. Hope you had a good birthday! Bonnie F

Written by Val & Kevin on Feb. 19, 2019

Happy Birthday today (20) to Bryan Boshinski! Hope your day is AWESOME!

Written by Val on Feb. 17, 2019

Desi - sorry about the sand terminal, but maybe it is for the best. You have had some rocky times with that business. Delivering flowers sounds like a fun job! Congrats on Chance & Chelsea’s engagement! Let us know when they are married! I am on Facebook so guess I can let you know!

Written by Desiree on Feb. 16, 2019

On a happy note, Chance proposed to Chelsea with a stunning 1 carat white & black diamond ring! I taught him well ;-). They still plan to go to the Justice of the Peace however since I'm not on Facebook I'll probably have no idea when it happens lol.

And to end on a fun note I had a 2 day job delivering flowers for Valentine's Day. It was so much fun and I actually made decent money AND they want to hire me for future deliveries. I am employable! Of particular note was the bouquet I delivered to the meth house with the giant dogs from hell and the 2 dozen long stemmed roses I delivered to a 4th grader in her classroom from her daddy. Excessive and weird, just sayin... ove to all

Written by Desiree on Feb. 16, 2019

Hello, well our crazy life continues down its crazy path. We lost our sand terminal contract due to the corporate merger. We weren't alone as they decided to close all of the independent sand terminals. The guy who called Dave (who we didn't even know) told him "it's nothing personal just business." 20 years and they gave us 28 days to get out. To be honest Dave and I are very relieved that our "contract from hell" is finally over.

Written by Desiree on Feb. 16, 2019


Written by Val on Feb. 14, 2019

Happy Anniversary today (15) to Desi & Dave! Hoping you "lovebirds" have a wonderful day! It is REALLY cold here AGAIN this morning! I guess we sound like a broken record up here with our complaints on the weather. Hope everyone had a nice Valentines Day. I spent my evening trying to lend a hand at the farm. Mom had been out in the cold and needed some relief so I took over after work. It was very "romantic" spending time outdoors on a moonlit night with hundreds of hungry and hateful cows! Bright spot was mom made me a steak! My husband was in Bismarck setting up for a sport show & did not get home till 9:00 p.m. He got a bowl of soup. Such is our life!

We have continued cold and more snow in our weekend forecast. Yippee!

Written by Cindy on Feb. 14, 2019

Happy Valentine's Day all HHFers,
Cold here too but certainly better than the deep freeze up north! Got the card from Sue as I'm sure most of you did and sounds like it's beautiful in Houston, maybe we should all make a mass exodus there(her place is lovely and there is plenty of room-I'm sure she wouldn't mind-LOL!)
Hope you're all having a "love" filled day.

Written by Bonnie F on Feb. 13, 2019

Happy Anniversary to Dave and Desiree, don't know if Feb. 14th is the exact day, but I know it is close, as I remember the wedding very well! Val and I and little Erica flew to the wdding and Carl came up from New Mexico and we had a grand time! Nice to have these memories to fall back on when it is freezing on this Valentine's Day here in ND! Please send some warm weather soon, we are getting weary of this whole thing, Love, Bonnie F

Time to renew Simplesite!

Written by Val on Feb. 7, 2019

Hello from the deep freeze! Was a balmy -31 this morning on my way to work. We are VERY tired of winter! Spring can't come soon enough!

It's that time of year folks! Time to renew our subscription to Simple Site. The cost for the website is $!20 per year and Shelley is paying the subscription charge. So if you want to see this continue, please send Shelley a contribution towards the yearly subscription. Their subscription rates are going up & they are offering a deal to get one year free if you renew now, so she is going to do that.

Stay warm everyone!

Written by Val on Jan. 31, 2019

Hello everyone! Many thanks for those concerned about us "up north"! We survived the effects of the polar vortex! It was COLD! Schools cancelled classes, the mail was not delivered and the mall was closed! That does not happen often!I am always concerned about my parents and them having to be out in the cold to take care of their animals. Thankful they made it through. Next week looks like more cold. Yuck! We will enjoy Friday, Saturday and Sunday as the weather is supposed to be warmer, but we will get more snow too!

Is everyone fired up for Super Bowl Sunday? Can't say that I am too fired up, but always like to watch for the commercials!

Hope everyone stays warm, healthy & safe, where ever you are!

Written by Cindy on Jan. 30, 2019

Hi Everyone, I too was getting on to tell everyone to stay safe and warm, know most of you know the drill but can't help but worry about Uncle Curt who seems to think he's "Superman" and has to take care of his cows and forgets to take care of himself, lol! Know you'll watch out for him, Bonnie but you may have to strap him down or he could become a "human popsicle"!
Bummer that Barb has to go out-that's part of the benefit to being retired-stay in and 'snuggle" under a blanket all day-ha!

Talked with Jenny today, she is home with a viral thing but plans to go back to work tomorrow-remember those days thinking you HAD to be at work even if you should stay home-boo hiss. Don't get sick half as often as I used to.
Again, hoping to go to get up to Casper next week for a visit with my Mom, last time I tried the weather got nasty so I stayed home. Its going to be London's birthday so always like to be around for the kids' special days.
Good to see some posts!

Written by The Eskimos Barb & Pete on Jan. 30, 2019

Aack - indeed it is FRIGID here. Couldn't believe how the temps kept going down yesterday afternoon/night. We hit at least -28 that I saw on our thermometer. Is supposed to do the same tonight, then rise (but still stay below zero on Thurs - of course have to go to the dentist & take a friend to the airport - had hoped to stay indoors - whine, whine). But then, finally a break on Fri and we'll be almost 40 above zero on Saturday! There will be much rejoicing.

Such exciting news about Chance & Chelsea! (loved the pics you posted from Christmas Des). Is so wonderful when you find "the right one." And to be a grandma - wow! I can just see all the shopping (and spoiling) this will entail! Congrats!!

Stay warm and healthy everyone! Love, Barb & Pete

Written by Desiree on Jan. 28, 2019

Thanks everyone - just wanted to get on the website and say STAY WARM UP THERE! Geez it looks the weather is literally like living in a freezer. Be careful all of the Northmen and women! I know you're hardy but seriously.