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Written by Pete & Barb on Jan. 12, 2018

Happy Birthday to our beautiful (inside and out) niece Kathleen!! We're wishing you a fabulous day and year! Hope you have a fun celebration - wish we were there with you! Am attaching one of my favorite pics of you -- looking a little mischievous after Rascal chased you down the hall and you finally gave him a treat!
Love to all! Hope everyone is staying warm!
Uncle Pete & Aunt Barb

Written by Val & Kevin on Jan. 11, 2018

Happy Birthday today to Kathleen! Wishing you a special day! The year ahead holds lots of excitement for you! Sending warm wishes from bitter cold ND!

Written by Barb & Pete on Jan. 11, 2018

Happy Birthday to the most incredible Mom ever! We wish you a wonderful day and healthy, great year!! Hope you are staying warm today. I remember you said it was bitterly cold when your Dad went to get you and your Mom from the hospital in the car, and you had to make the final trek from your grandparents to your house by horse and sleigh. Hope you don't have as much snow there today.

And congrats to Curt and Bonnie on 59 years!! Very inspiring!! Fascinating memories Bonnie on your wedding day!

Love, Barb & Pete

Written by Sue on Jan. 11, 2018

Happy Anniversary, Curt and Bonnie! Wow! 59 years! That's fantastic! What a great example to everyone of faithfulness and love. Much love to you!

Written by Sue on Jan. 11, 2018

Happy Birthday, Mom! I hope you are having a wonderful day! I love you.

Written by Bonnie F on Jan. 10, 2018

Celebrating our 59th wedding anniversary today. I don't remember exactly why we got married in January, think it had something to do with when we had first met. Anyway, 59 years ago there was water running in the streets, a very nice winter day, an afternoon wedding , reception at the church and a short honeymoon to the big town of Bismarck!YAHOO!! Tried to look at the forts at Fort Lincoln, but of course everything was covered with snow. A side trip to Glen Ulllin for a view of some Charolais, was not my highlight, but I was there. Hoping we can stick it out till next year and celebrate the big 60 with a cruise or something special. Happy Birthday to Ardella today, hope it is a good day, tried several times, but busy signal, sure you are talking to your kids. WE will probably go to the local bar for a supper, as driving to MInot doesn't sound real warm and cozy. Love to all , Bonnie F

Written by Val & Kevin on Jan. 10, 2018

Happy Birthday to Aunt Ardella! Wishing you a wonderful day! Stay warm & cozy inside!



Written by Val & Kevin on Jan. 10, 2018

Happy 59th Anniversary to Curt & Bonnie! Sending "warm" wishes on a very cold day in ND! Hope you can do something special to celebrate, even if you have to delay for a few days due to the cold weather! Happy Anniversary!

Written by Val on Jan. 2, 2018

Happy Birthday to my dad! Looking forward to taking you out for supper tonite & sharing some birthday cake! Glad the weather was a bit warmer today for your birthday!

Written by Sue on Jan. 2, 2018

Happy Birthday, Uncle Curt! Hope you have a wonderful day and get to celebrate in a big way! Love to all!

Written by Barb & Pete on Jan. 1, 2018

Happy New Years All!
Happy Birthday Jill!! Hope you've enjoyed a special day & have a grand year -- you're a special cousin!
Thanks Val for posting the pics of Christmas Day -- I added a few too. Noticed the vertical ones look a little "widescreen" (no, we all didn't get that wide with all the good food we ate). We had such a fun day -- huge thanks to Val & Kevin for hosting us.
Finally went above zero today (plus 3 - woo hoo), but immediately dropped below a couple of hours later. Think it will break tomorrow. NOT inspiring.
Wishing everyone a fantastic 2018!!
Love, Barb & Pete

Written by Cindy on Dec. 31, 2017

Wow! The pictures of your Christmas in ND look amazing, I love, love, love the ties and headgear- looks like such fun! We need to make sure my mom gets to see them- she'll get a real kick out of them. Kudos to you Val for making the leutefisk for the "oldies" ewww! The tshirt for Barb is a hoot! Will check in with my mom later today, she likes to stay in bed on these cold mornings she says, guess I'll remind her she could be in ND lol. Love you all. Happy 2018!

Written by Val on Dec. 31, 2017

Check out the Christmas 2017 album for some photos of our Christmas Eve & Christmas Day celebrations! Be sure you watch the fantastic video too!

Written by Val on Dec. 31, 2017

Happy New Year everyone and Happy New Year's birthday to Jill! The Heisler's are spending a quiet New Year's Eve at home! It is bitter cold here again tonight & the best place to be is home! Wind chills could be near 40 BELOW again tonight!
Mom & I took Shelley to the airport today. Her flight was delayed some, but she got off & did catch her connecting flight. We had a great Christmas!

Erica arrived on Friday evening, Dec. 22nd. We had a gathering of Kevin's family on Saturday, Dec. 23rd at the Verendrye Electric meeting room. There were about 50 of us & we had a great day! We had made a saran wrap ball & had lots of fun with that & then played BINGO! Christmas Eve Shelley arrived in the afternoon & we enjoyed spending the evening at the farm.

We had a wonderful Christmas Day celebrating at our house with Barb & Pete, Robert & Ardella, Erica, Shelley & mom & dad. Although it was COLD, we were plenty warm in our house! I prepared lutefisk & those who ate it gave it a thumb's up! We had our traditional silly headpiece gifts & the guys also got very glitzy ties! We played a game with Jelly Belly's that included testing jelly beans with flavors such as Barf, Lawn Clippings, Rotten Fish, etc.. There were some interesting faces! We had a little Elvis sing along with my new Vintage bluetooth microphone! Shelley & Barb were backup singers for "Bonnie Elvis". All in all a great day! Tuesday was a day for relaxing & Erica left Wednesday morning.

Mom, Shelley & I went to the movie "The Greatest Showman" and had a day of crafts, yoga, tea and coloring! Very nice!
The cold weather kept us home but it is nice sometimes to do that too!

Wishing you all a great year in 2018! I am going to work on posting some Christmas photos & will let you know when they are ready to view!

Written by BFeist on Dec. 30, 2017

Hi everyone and HAPPY NEW YEAR to all!HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Jill on New Year,s Day, waiting for time to take Shelley to the airport, the plane is delayed, She is hoping to get home to DC before 2018. Best Wishes to all HHF'S on the upcoming year 2018! May it be a GOOD YEAR FOR ALL OF US