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Written by Sue on Dec. 23, 2017

Happy Birthday to Ron! Hope you have a great day and year!

Merry Christmas to everyone! The kids, their fiance's and I will be spending today together and celebrating. We'll be playing games, watching Christmas movies and working on our favorite appetizers for tonight which has become our tradition. We each make an appetizer or two and that is what we have to eat. It is always a fun selection and no one needs to make a big meal. I already made my white chicken chili for us for lunch today. We plan to go to the 11:00 Christmas Eve Candlelight service tonight.

We are starting out in the 30's this morning but will be in the 60's later today. Should be gorgeous. We might be able to play ladderball and bocce ball today at the park. Sorry the weather is not quite so nice up north for many of you.

Hope everyone has a great Christmas whatever you do! My love to all.

Written by Val on Dec. 21, 2017

Want to wish everyone a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS! We will be having a white Christmas as well as a "deep freeze" Christmas. Wind chills are supposed to be 30-40 below for Christmas Day. Brrrr... We will be inside warm & cozy with our lutefisk & meatballs! Just hoping Dad can get his chores done & join us. Thinking of all of you & wishing you love, joy & peace!

Written by Val on Dec. 18, 2017

Thanks for the update on your mom. Glad for a the most part she is doing OK. Sounds like your 60th birthday was wonderful! Countdown to Christmas this week. Unfortunately the weather is going to be VERY cold for the holiday. We could get 6-8" of snow on Wednesday. We have no snow & have been loving temperatures in the upper 30's. Erica arrives Friday night & Shelley arrives on Christmas Eve, We look forward to spending Christmas Day with Robert, Ardella, Barb & Pete! Merry Christmas to all!

Written by Cindy on Dec. 13, 2017

Hi everyone, I'm in Casper with my mom for a few days, she had upper and lower GI procedures yesterday, all went well but the prep for the colon was her"last" lol. The esophagus is still a problem but dr. says not worth doing any surgery "more risk than it's worth" so she will just have to be careful with her eating. Otherwise she's doing pretty good, still pretty forgetful but doesn't seem to be getting any worse(she continues to take rx for this). I will be going home tomorrow but we have a few projects today. Love to you all.

Written by Bonnie F on Dec. 13, 2017

Hi everyone, just read Sue's exciting news that Steven and Mary have also set the date for their wedding. It will be a busy year for all of you. I stopped and visited Robert and ardella this afternoon, after I had my neck worked on again. Robert is still hurting from his latest fall, but they were getting ready for a new frig which was coming tomorrow. Still not getting much done on myh Christmas prep, but the tree is up and looks pretty and now I have to get the Elvis tree up. it is a must for me. More later, Bonnie F.

Written by Sue on Dec. 12, 2017

Hi everyone! Big news! Wanted to let you know that Steven and Mary have set their wedding date for Saturday, October 27, 2018. That means two weddings next year! Kathleen and Craig's is on Friday, December 28, 2018. It will be a busy year. Hope you can come to both!

We actually had about an inch of snow overnight one day last Friday. It was gone by 10:00 that morning. The last time it snowed here was 2008. We had 80 degrees earlier in the week.

Still have this week and next week before I'm off for Christmas break. My shopping is done for Christmas and every gift is wrapped. I need to get my Christmas cards going. I have my Bible Study class Christmas party at my house on Saturday night. I still have a few boxes of Christmas decorations in the attic, but don't know if I'll take the time to put them out. I might go with the mantra that "less is more" this year!

Hope you are all enjoying the Christmas season.

Written by Cindy on Dec. 3, 2017

Hello everyone, Been very busy since turning 60, should be "napping" more instead of all this other stuff-lol!
I first want to thank everyone for all the birthday wishes. If this is turning 60-senior all I've got to say is "keep em coming"-this has to be the BEST birthday ever! I was very spoiled, lots of nice gifts(you know I'm still like a kid-I LOVE PRESENTS:) My sisters went way overboard, picking me up in a stretch limo for a "drink" then making believe we were going in for one drink and suprising me with a huge party-lots of friends and family, lots of food(the most yummy, beautiful cake ever),drinks, decorations(including flowers AND a tiara, which I have under my pillow-ha!)I can't even describe how SPECIAL I was made to feel. As the oldest, all I can say is "getting old isn't so bad" The only thing that could have been better was if ALL of YOU could have been here(the Wyoming folks didn't get here but both Greg and Jenny were here, Jen and her guy, Matt had to work the next day!) I think Des said she was going to post some pics but she's always busy with things.
This weekend has been busy with church functions- yesterday the womens group had our annual Christmas Tea and being on the board I helped plan, cook, and decorate for it. Was a big success, we did a program on "Christmas Around the World", was such fun, I decorated each of the table with flags and things that are traditional in those countries-yule log for France, "crackers" from England, colored lights from USA, candles on Xmas tree from Germany, etc. Then we made desserts from each country, lots of work but so much fun if any of you ever need to plan a program! Then today we were at an Advent program at one of the other Lutheran churches in Northern Colorado (we all rotate turns)-so busy but I enjoy all these women and events so much. Truly a blessing to be a part of this Christian community!
Sounds like everyone is getting ready for the holidays, I got my tree up yesterday after the church festivities. Always feel so accomplished when I get the tree up, now I can sit and stare at the tree with the lights on. Love that! Then begins the treat making-Ha. We too are having lovely weather, suppose to get colder this week, hope not too bad, planning to go to Wyoming the 12th-14th, my Mom is having upper and lower GI procedures so hope the weather is ok. Desiree is planning on going too but depends on their work situation. Hope to celebrate Christmas while there since don't plan to get there on the holiday. Hope you all are well, glad to hear some of you will be "home" in ND for the holidays. Agree with sue that it would be fun if we all could be in Texas next year to celebrate together and also for the BIG wedding!
Love you all!

Written by Val on Dec. 2, 2017

Hello everyone! I have updated the family website for the month of December! Can't believe it is already the end of another year. We have had such nice weather! Yesterday was amazing! I attended the Dickens Festival with a friend and it was so nice. We didn't even wear our coats most of the day! We had a wonderful day browsing in the stores in Garrison, ate some yummy food from the street vendors, went to an Americana Folk Music concert, which was interesting. One guy played the washtub and another a washboard with numerous accessories! Quite interesting! We watched the lighted parade and enjoyed visiting over a nice coffee! Fun day! This afternoon mom, Kevin and I are going to the Singing Christmas Tree. This event has been going on for 25 years and this year is the last year. Big news at my house is that we "retired" our old Maytag Washer & Dryer, which are 30 years old. They were still working, but we decided we should update before they quit working. I am giving them away and hopefully they will continue working for someone else for a while too! Other big news of the weekend - Kevin got Dad's tractor fixed so it actually starts on its own and does not need to be pulled everyday! Yeah!!!!

Written by Val on Nov. 29, 2017

Happy Birthday today to Steven! Hope you have a great day! Oh to be so young and have your whole life ahead of you! Congrats on your engagement too!

Written by Sue on Nov. 27, 2017

Happy Anniversary Deb and Lindsay! Congrats on another year!

Written by val on Nov. 26, 2017

Happy Anniversary to Deb & Lindsay! Hope you do something special to celebrate 35 years!

Written by Val on Nov. 25, 2017

Hello everyone! Hope you are all having a nice Thanksgiving holiday weekend! We had a very nice Thanksgiving with Carl, Olga, the pup, Mom, Dad, Robert & Ardella. It was a gorgeous day here! There was no Black Friday shopping at the Heisler household. I must be getting old, don't care about that at all!

Wanted to pass on information regarding the funeral services for Harold Braaten. The funeral is scheduled for Monday, Nov. 27th at 1:00 p.m. at Our Redeemer's Lutheran Church in Minot. There will be visitation from noon-4 p.m. tomorrow (Sunday) with a prayer service at 4:00 p.m. at the funeral home. If anyone would like to send a card to Goldie here is her address: 500 15th Ave SW, Minot, ND 58701.

Wishing you all a restful weekend!

Written by Sue on Nov. 23, 2017

Happy Anniversary, John and Candy! Hope you took time to celebrate.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. I had Steven, Mary, Kathleen, Craig, Craig's dad, John, his wife, Olga, and their two boys, Ashton and Alex over for a noon meal. Boy did we have lots of food and everything was delicious! We played Uno and went down the street to the park and played Bocce' ball. Lots of fun.

Looking at the ads for Black Friday, but don't think I'm heading out. I just did a little shopping online and think that will be it. My love to all!

Written by Val on Nov. 21, 2017

Happy Anniversary to John & Candy! Have a wonderful day celebrating!

Written by VAL on Nov. 21, 2017

I received some sad news today in a text message from Punky. Harold Braaten passed away last night (Monday). I don't know all the details but do know that he had been in the hospital & had had 3 stents put in 3 different arteries. He had gone home from the hospital on Sunday & Goldie had to take him back on Monday. I will try to keep you posted with any news I hear. Please keep Goldie in your prayers. Am more thankful than ever that e had our Haga reunion this past summer.