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Written by Desiree on Oct. 25, 2017

HAPPY BIRTHDAY VAL! It's 9pm on the 25th so hopefully this posts on the right day. Any big plans for your special day? Wishing you a wonderful day as you deserve it. Hugs and kisses

Written by Shelley on Oct. 25, 2017

Happy Birthday Sis! I so wish I was there to celebrate with you. Hope it has been a great day!!!

Written by Barb & Pete on Oct. 25, 2017

HAPPY BIRTHDAY VAL!! You're such a fabulous cousin, we wish you a fabulous day and year! Hope Kevin is taking you out to eat to celebrate. Sounds like cake is in the works with Bonnie & Curt! Enjoy!

Love, Barb & Pete

Written by Bonnie F on Oct. 24, 2017


Hope your day is bright and sunny. You know Mom and Dad love you. See you for birthday cake tonight. Love, Mom

Written by Desiree on Oct. 18, 2017

Congratulations Barb and Pete on your 20th! Wow what an accomplishment and I hope you do something extra special to celebrate the occasion - love you guys :-)

Written by Bonnie F on Oct. 18, 2017

Happy Anniversary to you Barb and Pete, I knew there was something I should remember about the 18th. Val had to remind me with her post. Hope you have many more and hope you have some kind of celebration to observe 20 years! Love AND BEST WISHES. Bonnie F

Written by Val & Kevin on Oct. 17, 2017

Happy 20th Anniversary today to Barb & Pete! We are so glad you two found one another! You are both such awesome people and together such an amazing couple! Hope you get to enjoy an evening out to celebrate this special occasion! Much love to both of you!

Written by Desiree on Oct. 14, 2017

Happy, happy birthday Auntie Bonnie and Miss Marley! Enjoy your special day ;-). Belated bday wishes to Lindsey, Deb and Carl too. Geez it's just a birthday bonanza in October.

So glad to hear that Uncle Bob is feeling better. I've broken a few bones in my day and it hurts!

We've been busy loading sand so it seems that we're always on the run.

Take care and love to all.

Written by Sue on Oct. 13, 2017

A very happy birthday today to my wonderful Aunt Bonnie! I am hoping you will have a fabulous day and year. Enjoy your road trip. Love you!

Written by Robert, Ardella, Pete & Barb on Oct. 13, 2017

Happy Birthday Bonnie! We are so glad you are off on a fun birthday adventure -- have a blast!! I'm (Barb) fondly remembering a karoke adventure in Mpls many years ago -- hoping you're having as much fun as we did that night.

For your birthday, your brother reports that he's feeling better. The arm is still sore, but it's better than it was. Progress!

Love to all!, Robert, Ardella, Pete & Barb

Written by Cindy on Oct. 12, 2017

Happy Birthday Aunt Bonnie and Miss Marley hope you both have a wonderful day and year! Love you both.

Written by Shelley on Oct. 12, 2017

Happy Birthday Bonnie Feist! So glad you went on a little road trip. Hope it has been a great day so far!

Written by Jill on Oct. 12, 2017

Happy Birthday to my wonderful 9 yr old granddaughter Marley. We will be having birthday at her house tomorrow. Happy birthday also to my wonderful Aunt Bonnie!! Hope your having a wonderful week end.

Written by Val on Oct. 11, 2017

Wishing my mom a HAPPY BIRTHDAY a little early as we both will be going separate directions tomorrow. I am so happy that mom gets to spend her birthday with two of her very good friends. Time with girlfriends is good therapy. Hope you have a great weekend away mom!

I am traveling to Las Vegas this evening to see some cousins and aunts and uncles that are gathering there. I am hoping to see Erica for a brief time. She is taking training to be a Pilates instructor and has class one weekend a month for four months and this happens to be the weekend for October. She is hoping to drive to North Vegas where I will be, after she is done with her class on Saturday evening. But she has to be up bright and early on Sunday again for class, so don't think I will see her for long.

Talked to Uncle Robert yesterday. Will be a long 6-8 weeks for him, but thankful he does not need surgery. Am sure he'd appreciate cards, letters and phone calls during his healing time!

Love to all!

Written by Bonnie F on Oct. 10, 2017

This is late for Deb,s birthday, but did talk to her on the phone tonight. Seems she is getting ready for tomorrow and
another upgrade to the whole computer system at her credit union. She is the brains behind the tech stuff. WE hope it goes well, she sounded in good spirits and said they had visited Nick at his new apartment ( no long term motel stay anymore. His apartment is in Bettendorf, he works in Davenport so has a little drive.
Just read the e-mail from
Barb, so glad Robert will not have to have surgery, know it will be hard for him to be still and also know the pain is pretty bad, but it should get better. Prayers for both of them, will try to visit more often, maybe they can give me a job.
Leaving for Jamestown and Fargo on my upcoming birthday, no I am not going to the cuckoo house, just going to see my friend Pat who is now in a nursing home there. I do miss her, she was such a good friend to me when I worked at the bank. My good friend Clara Hauck is going with me and after visiting Pat we are traveling to Fargo to watch her grandson in a college rodeo, stay overnight and maybe have some wine and relax. I need some time away from this "funny farm" which lately hasn't been funny at all.
Just heard the corn chopper crew will be here tomorrow. Yikes I am getting out just in time,HAHA Love, Bonnie