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Written by Sue on Sep. 19, 2017

Huge news! Kathleen and Craig got back from England and they are engaged! No date set yet. I will keep everyone posted!

Written by Shelley on Sep. 14, 2017

Thank you all for the birthday messages!
I had a really good day. I just wish I could go back in a time machine to 44. 😞 Thank you for remembering me!

Written by Pete and Barb on Sep. 14, 2017

Happy Birthday Shelley!
You're such a fun, free-spirit cousin -- we hope you have a fun, free-spirit kind of day!!
And belated Anniversary wishes to Ron & Cindy! Most inspiring to be together 36 years!
All is well in Mpls. I went to an Elvis/Johnny Cash impersonator concert almost 2 weeks ago and Bonnie, you would have loved it!! The Elvis guy was incredible -- sounded just like him, had the same outfits and worked the crowd. The women swooned and went wild. The Johnny Cash guy wasn't so great at Johnny -- only sounded like him on really low notes. But he also did Neil Diamond and was a GREAT Neil. I'm still singing the songs in my head & dancing The Pony.
Otherwise, we've been painting our screened-in porch. They're re-doing our west wall now, and then we'll get to paint some more -- but this time will do it before the screens are in, so will be much easier.
Love to all!
Barb & Pete

Written by Bonnie F on Sep. 13, 2017

Hope your meeting went well, and hope they knew it was your birthday and sang for you! Still remember vividly the day you were born, Grndma Lue's farm sale day. I wanted to go so badly, but had been having pains off and on and didn't want to be too far away from the Dr. Checked with the Doctor about 5 p.m., he
examin!ed me and said that I probably wouldn't make it to Minot it was going to be a fast delivery. He was right Water broke and you were here in about 20 minutes. You have always been a very fast acting person even as a newborn.
Hope to talk to you later tonight Mom

Written by Desiree on Sep. 13, 2017

Holy cow man! Blockages, stents, falling asleep on his horse - I just got on to wish my bestest cuz ever a happy birthday and find out about all of this. Poor Uncle Curt, geez how scary. So glad that they found it and maybe if the man would ever slow down he might feel better. I know, preaching to the choir ;-)

Anyway I'm praying for you and hoping that the miracle hired hand shows up at your door Auntie Bonnie. I know first hand how hard it is to work with your husband! Hang in there.

Happy birthday Shelley. I hope you do something fun. Love to all!

PS - I'm definitely in for a trip - how about somewhere tropical...but with our luck there'd be a hurricane ha!

Written by Cindy on Sep. 13, 2017

Happy Birthday, sweet Shelley! From the sound of it makes me believe you and your friend will be out celebrating in DC tonight, look out all you old swamp people of Washington! I always envision you and your pals like the women of "Sex In the City: lol hope I'm right?!Have a wonderful bday:) love you.

Written by Val on Sep. 13, 2017

Happy Birthday today to my sister Shelley! Love you to Mars and back (I think that's farther than the moon)! Know you are having a busy day at work today, so hope you can relax and enjoy your dinner with your girlfriend tonight. As time passes and I grow old, I cherish our friendship more than ever! Thanks for sharing our Bergen Church adventures - we've made some great memories & the church social was a favorite!

I cannot believe next year will be 5 years since your 50th and the infamous "Hippy Party" in Colorado! Ladies - I think we need another get-together! Maybe a celebration for Shelley's 55th next September? Please post your thoughts & ideas! We should start planning now for next year!

Have a great day sis! Love you!

Written by Cindy on Sep. 13, 2017

Thanks for the update on Curt, I do worry about him(and with good reason it sounds like) I know you do your best Bonnie but I don't think all the convincing in the world will work with him. Just try not to overdue yourself, I know he needs help but it won't do any good if you get "down" too. He must really love what he does since he won't quit even with a scare like a heart stent- and shame on that doctor for telling him to only rest one day-unbelievable!
Thanks for the anniversary wish, Val, we had a very nice day. I had to work in the morning to orient to the flu shot info for this year, then had to rush up to Estes Park for the closing on our condo-so happy to be done with it, now just have the garage sale on Saturday and then at least I can get my house back in order. Tired of the mess, what doesn't sell will go to the church for the Fall garage sale which I'm not in charge of but of course have to help(its the "old ladies" who do the sewing group who run the show but will need to help with it. I start giving flu shots at various clinics next week so will be busy now until our trip to Hawaii the end of October. Sounds like the trip to SD was wonderful! I bet Kevin could retire and be busy all the time, there is always lots to keep you busy as Ron will certainly attest to.
Have to get to bed, got to get up early to take Lucy(the inlaws dog) to the groomer, always have to go at 7:30 am because it "stresses" her out to be around too many other dogs. Sheesh:}

Written by Val on Sep. 11, 2017

Happy Anniversary to Cindy & Ron! Hope you take time to enjoy the day! You are both retired now so you should be able to plan whatever you want! Good to see an update from Sue and so happy your roof repairs were minor! So awesome that your church has helped so many people already. It truly takes groups like that to help people get through after such a devastating event. Makes me so sad to see all the destruction from the hurricanes.

Thanks to mom for the update on my dad. Last night I looked out my window and saw dad on his horse but the cows he was putting in were BEHIND him, not in front of him. I looked through the binoculars & he may have been asleep at the reins. I did go help him and asked him if he had been sleeping, he said "maybe". Good thing the his trusty horse knows the way home. I truly wish he would sell the cows & lessen the stress on everyone!

Kevin & I had a nice vacation to the Black Hills. Kevin has a very hard time relaxing, but he does like to drive. We spent a couple nights in Spearfish, SD. Went to the Sturgis Mustang Rally - there were over 500 Mustangs there. Most were newer models, but we found a few vintage ones. We stayed in Custer, SD a couple nights also and there they had a Studebaker Car Show - so we got to see lots of cars! We also enjoyed driving through the Custer State Park, which is gorgeous. We headed towards ND on Tuesday morning and stopped for a night in Medora. Went to the musical & enjoyed the beautiful scenery there. We were home by Wednesday. I took Thursday off, but went to work on Friday & got caught up on some things. On this trip I learned that I could be retired, but Kevin probably can't. He likes to be busy & enjoys his work.

The forecast here calls for 95 degrees today and then things are going to change. We have rain in the forecast and that is fine. We need some moisture.

Love to all!

Written by Bonnie Feist on Sep. 11, 2017

Guess I will try to update Curt's condition. He had abnormalities when they did a nuclear stress test. He hasn't felt good all summer, and we have been doctoring. Got word that he needed to have an angiogram to see about a possible blockage. That was done on August 23rd in Minot, he had a 80% blockage on the left side of his heart, so a stent was put in. He was in the hospital overnight, but got out the following morning with the Dr. saying he could resume NORMAL activities, guess the doctor wasn' t aware of what NORMAL was for Curt, he stayed in the day he got our, but has been working hard ever since, no use to say much he doesn't listen anyway. We were very grateful that Carl had planned to be here for 10 days, so he was here to watch the place and take care of ranching while Curt took a very short time off. His color is better and he isn't dizzy anymore, but he still needs to sell cattle and lighten his workload. The HS kids we had this summer, really gave us a lot of stress we didn't need. Now they are back in school and it is just the 2 of us on a daily basis. I am sometimes a pretty good helper,but I find out that I tire easily and seem to irritate my husband with some of my attempts help, but we are plugging along and maybe a miracle will send us a good hired man to help us straighten up the place and retire soon. Love, Bonnie

Written by Bonnie Feist on Sep. 11, 2017

Guess I will try to update Curt's condition. He had abnormalities when they did a nuclear stress test. He hasn't felt good all summer, and we have been doctoring. Got word that he needed to have an angiogram to see about a possible blockage. That was done on August 23rd in Minot, he had a 80% blockage on the left side of his heart, so a stent was put in. He was in the hospital overnight, but got out the following morning with the Dr. saying he could resume NORMAL activities, guess the doctor wasn' t aware of what NORMAL was for Curt, he stayed in the day he got our, but has been working hard ever since, no use to say much he doesn't listen anyway. We were very grateful that Carl had planned to be here for 10 days, so he was here to watch the place and take care of ranching while Curt took a very short time off. His color is better and he isn't dizzy anymore, but he still needs to sell cattle and lighten his workload. The HS kids we had this summer, really gave us a lot of stress we didn't need. Now they are back in school and it is just the 2 of us on a daily basis. I am sometimes a pretty good helper,but I find out that I tire easily and seem to irritate my husband with some of my attempts help, but we are plugging along and maybe a miracle will send us a good hired man to help us straighten up the place and retire soon. Love, Bonnie

Written by Cindy on Sep. 10, 2017

Hi Sue, So happy for an update, Glad to hear your life is getting somewhat back to normal-I mean, going back to work, etc. I'm sure there will be a new normal now for a lot of people in the Houston area.
Val and Kevin, hope to see a post about your trip to the Black Hills. So nice to do a driving trip, just the two of you. Wish we could do something like that but Ron has a tough time sitting in a car for too long(his back) but who knows maybe we can one day-just seems like too many obligations all the time.
He has been great to help getting the garage sale ready, not advertising in the newspaper, just going to put up signs and do Craigs List-hope that brings in a crowd, so much stuff to get rid of-but I think its NICE compared to a lot of the garage sales I go to, some are SO dirty I can't hardly stand it. Is fun to "poke around" at them though- my friend, Lana, does a lot of refurbishing of old furniture so I tag along just for fun. She has decided her winter "project" is to make a quilt, she thought I should do one too but told her I'd see how her efforts paid off LOL!
What was the deal with Uncle Curt? Sounds like he had a stent put in? Need more info please! Someone really needs to chain him to a chair so he doesn't work himself to death, I guess he doesn't realize you're suppose to slow down as you get older.
Keep posting everyone!

Written by Sue on Sep. 10, 2017

Hey everyone! Nice to see what is happening with the HHF families. Hope Val and Kevin had a nice trip to the Black Hills. Don't work too hard on that garage sale, Cindy! I know you are super experienced at them, though. Let us know how you make out with the $ total!
Things are slowly getting back to normal for the kids and I. I went back to work on Thursday, the 7th. Our students will come back tomorrow, the 11th. I hope not too many of them are flooded out or displaced. My school district has been trying to find out how many students we might have lost and also how many we will have gained from being displaced where they normally live. Tomorrow will be interesting. Steven went back to work the day after Labor Day although he really worked at home the week before. Parts of downtown took on lots of water, as did his building, but it looked fine to him on Tuesday, plus he is on the 15th floor. He has some coworkers who were flooded. His company is being really flexible with them. I had a few coworkers also affected. One had 5 feet of water in her house. She has a one year old so it will be tough to work on it and her husband is a police officer and they are all working 12 hour shifts right now. Kathleen went back to work the Friday before Labor Day.
Steven joined a crew from our church a few days after all the rain and flooding started and they helped a church member whose house had flooded. They pulled everything out of the house, belongings, flooring, and cut the sheet rock out 12 inches above the flood line. Hard work. As of today, our church has done that for 150 homes of members, community members and even a mosque in the area. Last week, our church held "Camp Harvey" to provide activities and childcare for elementary school aged kids so their parents could get back to work or work on their homes and their kids would be in a safe place and busy since school hadn't started yet. It ran from 8-4, Tuesday through Friday. I volunteered on Tuesday and Wednesday and then had to go back to work on Thursday.
Good news! I managed to get some roofers from the company that put the roof on my house when it was built. They came out the Thursday after the storm and fixed the leaks. All but one were because the air conditioning guy and the plumber cut holes in the roof for their vents but didn't caulk around them! Fortunately the roofers fixed them all for $100. I am happy! Many people I know are still waiting to get a roofing company to answer their phone calls.
This is getting to be a book! Thanks, everyone, for your prayers and support. Don't forget Houston. Many are still out of the homes because they are still flooded and many have truly lost everything!
Kathleen and Craig are heading to England this week to be at Craig's mom's wedding. Steven and Mary just got back from Cleveland last night. Mary was there all week for a conference and Steven joined her after work on Thursday for a short weekend there. Just a revolving door around here!

Written by Cindy on Sep. 7, 2017

Hey Sue, update? Wondering how things are with you/your home/your kids?

Written by Cindy on Sep. 1, 2017

Sounds like a fun time for Val and Kevin, when my Mom and I drove through that area on our way to ND it was just beautiful. Have a great time!
We are currently at Greg's, Ron said he'd help him change the batteries on his smoke alarms before we leave. They wanted to watch the CU vs CSU game together last night, happy to report their team (CU) won! I on the other hand decided to watch a movie, can't remember the name but it was the one with Will Smith, it was pretty good.
We will be going home this afternoon so we can do some cleaning on the patio and in the garage- ugh, hate hard labor lol. I will be having a garage sale in a couple of weeks to get rid of some of the stuff from our condo in Estes so too many projects again! Seems like a never ending thing, as I'm sure you all can attest to as well.
Have a great Labor Day weekend. Hope your house is still ok Sue, what a mess Houston looks like. Lots of clean up to be done.