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Written by Val on Aug. 31, 2017

Wishing everyone a wonderful Labor Day weekend! Kevin & I were SO looking forward to going to Glacier National Park but due to the fires out there we have decided not to go. They closed one of the big lodges there earlier this week and the Sprague Creek fire that is burning near Lake McDonald has gotten worse & in fact they lost the Sperry Chalet, which is an historic building in the backcountry. I checked the webcams in the park yesterday morning and it was smokey. So... we are heading to the Black Hills for the Sturgis Mustang Rally. This trip was for Kevin's 60th birthday, so he will enjoy this! Hope everyone has a great weekend! Hope the sun shines in Houston!!!

Written by Sue on Aug. 30, 2017

Happy Birthday to Nick and Eric! Hope it is a good one for both of you!

Written by Bonnie F. on Aug. 29, 2017

ERIC! Love, Bonnie and Curt

Written by Bonnie F on Aug. 29, 2017

HAPPY BIRTHDAY NICK, Hope the sun is shining and that you will have a great day.
We hope to call tonight, I am still on calf and cow duty, making tags and sometimes running the calf chute. Hope to finish
today,maybe we can all celebrate then, Love and miss you and hope all is going well at your house.

Written by Cindy on Aug. 29, 2017

Happy Birthday, Nick and Eric- hope you both have wonderful birthdays. Congrats on the job Nick, sounds like you'll still be fairly close to your folks so that will be nice!!

Written by Val & Kevin on Aug. 29, 2017

Happy Birthday today to our nephew Nick and to Eric Boshinski! Hope you both have wonderful birthdays! Want to wish Nick all the best too as he gets ready to begin his new job on September 5th in Davenport, Iowa! Hope everyone has a wonderful Labor Day weekend! Kevin & I are heading west to Glacier National Park. Have wanted to go there for years & never have, so we are off the entire week of Labor Day! Continued prayers for Sue & her family & the people of Houston & the surrounding area.

Written by Kevin & Val on Aug. 29, 2017

Wonderful news from Sue! I can't imagine 43 inches of rain! I sure hope the worst is over! Continued prayers!

Written by Cindy on Aug. 29, 2017

LET THE SUN SHINE!!!!!Yea, for Huston.

Written by Sue on Aug. 29, 2017

Greetings again from the waterlogged south on this Tuesday evening! We had a good day today. I think we only got about 5 inches of rain where I am. My total rainfall so far is about 43 inches. Harvey is moving to the northeast and it is actually not raining at this point at my house! Very exciting! I think we've seen the worst of it. We are having wind gusts of about 35mph, which is nothing to you North Dakotans. Unfortunately, the water is still rising in some areas in and around Houston and people are still needing to evacuate. I am so blessed to have escaped with very little damage. Thanks to all of you for your prayers and well wishes. Means a lot! Steven went to a restaurant a few blocks away tonight with a friend. It was packed. People have cabin fever I guess or are running out of food. Only a few grocery stores are open limited hours and they aren't selling any cold food. They had only two choices on the menu tonight! After awhile, he said the one side of the restaurant started cheering. He realized they were cheering because they were seeing the sun come out! I guess we should never take it for granted!

Written by Val & Kevin on Aug. 28, 2017

Appreciate the updates Sue! My heart is just sick when I see the photos on TV from Houston. I too think of what we went through in 2011 & can't imagine the magnitude of what is happening there. So many more people and so much more rain! Praying your house stays dry! Will wait for another update! Hugs

Written by Bonnie Feist on Aug. 28, 2017

Sue and family, thinking of you all, hope you can stay somewhat dry. Sounds and looks very bad, brings back all the 2011 memories of how we struggled. Keeping you and Steven and Kathleen in our prayers .Love, Bonnie and Curt

Written by Cindy and Ron on Aug. 28, 2017

So glad to see your post, Sue. Everything we see on tv (and that's the only thing we see)is major devastation! We are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers, so thankful you have Steven there with you and that Kathleen is safe with her honey. Stay safe and know those of us who know you are thinking of you, as I'm sure the entire country is. Much love, stay dry!

Written by Sue and kids on Aug. 27, 2017

It is Monday morning here in Houston/Pasadena and we are fine. Thanks to everyone for your prayers and well wishes. It means so much! I slept all night last night, which I really needed. It rained hard on and off. The water in my street hasn't ever gotten higher than a little above the curb. So grateful! My house is about 2-3 feet higher than the street. As of this morning, I've had at least 29 inches since this started Friday night. Got over 5 inches last night but don't know how much since my rain gauge overflows after 5 inches. My roof leaks are manageable and the power has stayed on so I am so very grateful. Things are so much better for me than for so many. My school district has closed for the week. Steven is working from home because every major highway or freeway is flooded and you couldn't get anywhere if you tried. Haven't walked down the streets this morning near my house, but wouldn't be able to drive very far out of my neighborhood.
Please keep praying for the safety of all in the area. It is truly catastrophic, what is happening here. Probably at least another two or three days of rain on the way. The flooding is widespread and immense. Our thanks and love to you all. I'll keep you posted.

Written by Cindy on Aug. 27, 2017

I too had been praying for Sue and the kids on my own and with my church members this morning. So glad I decided to get on the web site this evening to see if there was any news, so happy to see all is safe for our loved ones. I do hope the rain stops soon, it would be a blessing but all reports sound pretty grim. Know that our thoughts and prayers are with you in TX. We love you and are grateful all is well with you.
I went to the peach festival in western CO last week so Ron and I have been eating lots of yummy peaches. I do LOVE fresh peaches!
I will keep watching for posts and hoping for your well being in TX.

Written by Val on Aug. 26, 2017

Thanks for the update Barb! I have been texting Sue & she reported she is still doing OK. Such a scary situation. Wish the rain was done, but sounds like more is on the way. My Aunt Marcella is doing fine from last reports. Don't think they had as much rain but lots of wind. Prayers for Sue & her family.