Welcome to the HHF Guestbook!

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Written by Shelley on Feb. 28, 2022


Written by Barb & Pete on Feb. 28, 2022

Happy March HHFers! Pete & I will sponsor the website for this year Shelley (so no one else has to mail a check - we'll cover it). We are in Minot at the moment. Planning to go see Curt & Bonnie tonight with some KFC. Saw Mom yesterday and she is doing well. Had some Valentine Day cards that were unopened so celebrated VD Day with her and the robotic cat. So glad to hear Kevin & Val are on their road trip. And think we've got family in Maui now if I remember my dates. Stay healthy and well everyone! Love, Barb & Pete

Written by Shelley on Feb. 27, 2022

Hello Family.
This website is housed on a platform called Simple Site and it is set to auto renewal on March 11.
The annual cost is $130. As I am now not earning income (temporarily) it would be much appreciated to have some financial support for renewing the site. If you are willing to send $10 or $20 to support the site it would be much appreciated! My address is
3024 Wisconsin Ave NW B 14
DC 20016

Written by Val on Feb. 25, 2022

Hello all! I just updated the family website for the month of March since we are going on a road trip tomorrow for a couple of weeks. We are heading south! Planning to go to AZ and then on to Las Vegas to spend some time with Erica. Hoping to be back home by the 15th of March. It is great not to have a schedule to adhere to. Hoping for safe travels & that things will be OK here while we are gone! Safe travels to Cindy & Ron and John & Candy on their venture to Hawaii! Enjoy your time there! Love to all!

Written by Val on Feb. 20, 2022

Hello everyone! I FINALLY was able to upload some pictures from my retirement party! Today has been one month RETIRED! It has gone fast & I am still trying to "get used" to the idea. I DO love sleeping in! Tomorrow I have to be up early as we have an appointment for my car at 8:30 a.m. in Minot! We are preparing for a road trip that will take us to AZ and Nevada! Enjoy the photos under the Val's Retirement tab!

Written by Kevin and Val on Feb. 19, 2022

Happy 30th Birthday today to Bryan Boshinski! Hope you are enjoying your day and that you are celebrating with family and/or friends! Hard to believe you are the big 3-0! Enjoy your 30’s! The 40s, 50s and 60s come too fast! Best wishes for a great day!

Written by Bonnie F on Feb. 19, 2022

Happy Birthday to Beau Boshinski, I thinkI have the right day, if not it is soon!
Thinking of you and hoping you can find solutins to problems you are facing. We are in another cold snap, winter just won't quit, the men are out rrying to get some hay. I am happy here in my warm house. Greetings and best wises to you all.Bonnie F

Written by Val on Feb. 15, 2022

Good for you Sue! So happy you are going to be able to retire! I am sure you are looking forward to the "freedom" from all your responsibilities as a teacher! It does feel good not to have to worry about work! Congrats!

Written by Sue on Feb. 14, 2022

Happy Anniversary, Desi and Dave! Hope you celebrate!

Today, I started the process to retire at the end of this school year! Really looking forward to a new chapter and some time without doing work all day and evenings and weekends!

Written by Val on Feb. 13, 2022

Happy Valentines Day everyone! Love you all & hope today you feel loved! Early anniversary wishes to Desi & Dave as they celebrate their special day tomorrow! I went to visit Aunt Ardella on Saturday & took this cute picture of her kissing a puppy! We had a nice visit - petting the puppy and sorting buttons! I told her I remember playing with my mom’s button jar & how fun it was to look at all the neat buttons. Thinking of all of you today & sending my love!

Written by Val on Feb. 6, 2022

Hello family! I have updated the website for the month of February - sorry for the delay. I have been under the weather and have not done much but sleep for the past few days. I have a congested head and feel so tired. I have not been sick for so long, guess I am "out of practice"! It stinks to feel so lousy can't do much. Hoping for better days ahead. Happy Birthday to Miss London tomorrow! Hope you have a great day!

Written by Shelley on Jan. 23, 2022

Hi Des! Not weird. Thank you for using family site to share what is going on with you! The Psalm plaque is really nice.

Thanks for sharing this here Cousin.

Written by Desiree on Jan. 23, 2022

Hi hopefully no one thinks this is weird but I wanted to share this. The new headstone with both of their names will be placed in March. Cindy was able to find the the beautiful plaque from Psalms that reads "She confidently trusts the Lord to take care of her." We miss our mom.

Written by Val on Jan. 21, 2022

Thanks for sharing the photos Desi & the news that you will be grandparents again! How exciting! Am glad you were able to make the trip to Casper & your mom’s final journey to her resting place with Art. Love you all!

Written by Desiree on Jan. 20, 2022

And Charlee of course