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Written by Cindy on Jan. 29, 2017

Dear Family,
I am sending a note on behalf of Jill, who as you know has computer issues. For the past few weeks our family and especially Jill have had additional concerns about Jill's health-she is doing well after the breast cancer issues of 2016 and anticipated a year of relaxation and no further worries at least with health problems. She decided to see an ENT doctor due to hearing problems in one of her ears that has been ongoing for several years and getting older figured she might need a hearing aid or some easy fix. The doctor found she does have some profound hearing loss in her ear(can't remember which side its on) so ordered a MRI to rule out any unforeseen issues, well needless to say there was an issue(otherwise why this long note) the scan showed a "meningioma" which is a brain tumor that is usually benign (non-cancerous) but wanted her to be checked out by a neurologist to be on the safe side, we were all pretty shocked and worried but had to believe that God would not give her another thing to deal with! Desiree and I accompanied her this morning to see the neurologist and got GREAT news when she agreed that it was most likely a meningioma that may have been there for the last 10-15 years, she said they are very slow growing and this was probably just an incidental finding. Jill will be having a repeat MRI to focus more on this area which is on the top right of her head, small in size, 1.2 cm, and very superficial. After that she will have repeat MRI's in 3 months and then again in another 3-6 months to make sure it isn't getting bigger, then she'll go to yearly or bi-yearly scans, so it is a life long thing but at least they are aware its there and can keep tabs on it. It is not something that can be radiated or given medicine for so the best thing would be surgery to remove it but that may never be necessary. She didn't want to worry anyone so that is why she wanted to wait until after seeing the neurologist, she did let my Mom know but again downplayed it until she got the good news today, Mom tends to worry greatly about things that we have no control over. Anyway, thanks be to God that this seems to be a disaster diverted. Know this is long but if you're like me you like to know all the facts-we are FAMILY after all and we take care of our own.
With love as always,

Written by Val on Jan. 29, 2017

Hello Everyone! I have updated the website for the month of February, which is fast approaching! Miss London Hultman is going to be 18 years old very soon! My how the years have flown by! Loved the old photo of her on the bicycle out at Uncle Bob's shop north of Minot!

Many thanks to Barb for posting the WONDERFUL old pictures! If you have not had a chance to look at them, click on the Old Pics album. Brings back lots of memories!

BIG ANNOUNCEMENT! MARK YOUR CALENDARS! There is going to be a reunion of the descendants of Carl & Amanda Haga this summer on Saturday, August 5th at the church in Bergen! Punky & I are getting together this week to get the "SAVE the DATE" mailing on its way & start making plans! She is SO excited & Sharon & her family are making plans to come from Billings & we are hoping many more will make plans to come! This will be the children & grandchildren of Inez, Grandma Lue, Art, Esther, Edna and Oscar. I have no idea when the last Haga reunion took place, but it is definitely long overdue! Hope you will all consider coming!

Written by Cindy on Jan. 22, 2017

Well here I am again with belated birthday wishes for Uncle Bob, hope you had an enjoyable day!
Sounds like a lot of the family is having tooth issues, Barb, Jill, and now Jenny too. She called today and said the side of her mouth with a root canal and crown is giving her fits, taking Tylenol and ibuprofen without relief so I told her to call the dentist but has not called her back as of yet. Why give an emergency phone number if you're not going to answer? Sheesh! All I can say is its a heck of a way to help stimulate the economy-lol.
Jen and Matt are going to Los Angeles to visit Matt's brother and sister inlaw on Friday for a long weekend so hope she gets things taken care of with her tooth. Seems like things always come up when you're going on vacation.
I've been working a few days here and there again but still can say sitting at home is much preferred. But for the sake of my shopping obsession it does help me feel like I deserve to SPEND MONEY!
Wondering if Shelley did the Women's Million March in DC the day after the installation of Trump? Wow, glad that protest was peaceful. I know Trump was not everyones choice but I think we need to give him a chance and also what good does it do to tear things up. I just can't understand all the destruction when people protest! Guess I'm alover not a fighter-ha!ha!
Love to you all.

Written by Barb & Pete on Jan. 19, 2017

Happy Birthday to the most wonderful Dad ever! We love you very much and wish you a fantastic day and a happy, healthy year! Sounds like brownies and ice cream are coming your way - yum, yum. Wish we were there to celebrate with you. In lieu of, Pete is eating Crockpot #6 of Swedish Rice Pudding. He claims it's the best ever and thinks it would pass your high standards Dad (if it had a little more sugar).

We're been stimulating the economy with a new crown on my tooth, new tires on my car, and a new washing machine. Our old faithful model from 1986 bit the dust. They don't make them like that anymore.

Pete was given an award for 35 years of service at work today. Pretty incredible! Most people don't stay that long at one job anymore either.

Glad you're having good weather in ND. Can't believe 58 in Loveland -- we are jealous! We've been in the high 30's/low 40's the last couple of days and they say it should continue a few more. We're thrilled and basking in the warmth.

Love to all!, Barb & Pete

Written by Desiree on Jan. 18, 2017

Happy belated Birthday to Uncle Robert. I hope you had a special day - sounds like the weather even cooperated for you! Your other sister also wanted me to wish you a happy birthday too since she doesn't get on the family website.

We're having a beautiful day - 58 degrees outside so I'm doing everything I can to be outside and enjoy it!

Chance and I went to Denver yesterday to check out the Star Wars exhibit at the Arts Museum displaying all of the props and costumes. Initially, I wasn't too thrilled about going (I'm not a huge Star Wars fan) but I was pleasantly surprised. Unbelievable the amount of time and energy that goes into that movie stuff - pretty cool indeed.

Hope everyone is doing well - keep posting.

Written by Bonnie F on Jan. 18, 2017

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, brother ROBERT! What a beautiful winter day, we needed a break from the cold and snow. Hope to celebrate a little with you this evening.
Hoping to find some maple nut ice cream to bring. I made some homemade brownies with thick chocolate frosting. Hope you are in the mood for it. Love, Sister Bonnie

Written by Val on Jan. 18, 2017

Happy Birthday Uncle Robert!! Wishing you all the best on your special day! It is going to be a beautiful day in North Dakota, which is a gift in itself! Spend the day doing what you love!

Written by Sue on Jan. 18, 2017

Happy Birthday to my wonderful Dad! I hope you have a wonderful day today. Troll those tractor websites! Read a good book! Eat something you love! Hope you don't have to deal with any snowfall! Love you and wish I could be there to celebrate with you.

Written by Uncle Pete & Aunt Barb on Jan. 12, 2017

Happy Birthday to our incredible niece Kathleen! We wish you a wonderful day and year! Know you're enjoying your new job -- have a blast celebrating!

Congrats to Curt & Bonnie on your anniversary -- 58 years is very inspiring. I'd love to know why you decided to get married in January? Thanks for the recipes Bonnie - think I can actually "cook" these jello salads. I do believe you are the Queen of Jello as your salads are always are excellent!

Way to go on planning a getaway Cindy & Ron. Admit I talked to Sue tonight (we're currently at 0.3 above zero, and going down) and almost cried -- 78 degrees above in Houston! Love to all! Barb & Pete

Written by Cindy on Jan. 12, 2017

Let me add my wishes for everyone, Happy Birthday to Ardella and Kathleen, which is the better age to be? There are certainly advantages to being older, but then again to be young and living the dream....oh well, hope you both had very special days!
Also, a very Happy 58 YEARS Anniversary to Curt and Bonnie- that too seems to get better/easier(marriage I mean)with the years, maybe its because you get used to the things that used to aggravate you or you don't care as much anymore lol! Or maybe you're just really that happy! In any event, I am proud to say you have made it 58 years-wow, quite impressive!
Ron and I are sick of the cold and decided to go away for a week in early February, going to Palm Springs, last time we were there it was a blazing 110 degrees in the middle of summer-what were we thinking:) Been checking in to things to do around there and have found there is a banana AND a date(the fruit)museums so looks like we're in for some exciting outings! Just want to go somewhere where I don't have to dress like an Eskimo to go out to get the paper. Ha!
Stay warm, love ya!

Written by Val on Jan. 11, 2017

Sending late evening wishes to my parents for a HAPPY 58th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY! I did visit them with greetings at noon - my gift for them was very exciting - his and hers matching flashlights with extra batteries - useful & a necessity! HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my lovely Aunt Ardella! Also HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Kathleen! Warm wishes to all of you in spite of the frigid cold weather! We are in for a nasty night tonight & tomorrow & then they are promising that things will get better!

Kevin & I enjoyed two days in Las Vegas, nice not to see snow & to be in warmer temps. Wish it could have been longer, but that is how it goes. We were supposed to be there 3 days, but a little snafu had us miss our plane the night we were supposed to leave, so left the next evening. We enjoyed visiting the Mob Museum, which I would highly recommend. Also rode on the High Roller, the large new ferris wheel - each pod hold 40 people, but we had our own pod, so we partied in our pod! Beautiful view of Las Vegas at night! We also visited Downtown Summerlin and got to visit the store that Erica works in and did some shopping. Ate at a neat restaurant there called Public School 702. All based on a school theme - happy hour was called "recess", menus looked like composition books, etc.. Fun. Erica had to work from 4:30 p.m. to about 10:30 p.m. the night before we left, so we visited my Aunt Ramona & her daughters Susan and Mary Beth & then finished out our night with some gambling at the Silverton Casino.

Hope everyone stays safe and warm in this cold weather! Love you all!

Written by Bonnie F on Jan. 11, 2017

HI ALL, Just returned from a evening dinner at the Pioneer Bar in observance of our 58th anniversary. It was really quite good, we each had 1 alcoholic drink, but they don't have dessert, I was hoping for pie. Decided not to go to Minot, as it is very cold and blowing already, and the forecast sounds awfu for tonight and tomorrow. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Ardella, and also to Kathleen tomorrow. Hope we all have a good year ahead. Love, Bonnie F.

Written by Barb & Pete on Jan. 11, 2017

Happy Birthday to the best Mom ever!! We love you dearly and wish you a fantastic day and year!!

Hope everyone in ND is staying warm -- sounds like it's going in the deep freeze again! It's blowing in Thursday night here and Fri am will be frigid -- but know it's worse in ND.

So interesting Des that you wrote Audrey was reminded of the winters in the 40's. Dad said the same thing last Sat -- so much snow and the wind constantly blowing. Have heard incredible stories of the winters of '48, '49 & '50. Dad said they couldn't get out of the farm from Jan until April when the Army came and plowed them out. Rudy ended up living in a couple rooms in the farm (everyone else was in town & Dad would ski out to help when he could) and was down to his last piece of wood - had gone thru 7 tons of coal - when the Army finally arrived. Mom remembered airlifts out of Minot to snowed in farmers & you made signs in the snow with ashes to say what you needed to the pilots who would drop the supplies. Fascinating history but hard times! Ouch!

All is well here. Great to see all the posts. Will try to get some more old pics on this weekend.
Love, Barb & Pete

Written by Desiree on Jan. 10, 2017

Happy 81st birthday to beautiful Aunt Ardella. I hope that you have a wonderful day and eat lots of cake. Congratulations to Uncle Curt and Aunt Bonnie on their 58th wedding anniversary! Wowsa that's truly an accomplishment and is an inspiration to all of us. Also, happy birthday to gorgeous Kathleen too. It sounds like she's super busy with her new job, lots of hours! I had to chuckle about Sue's post that the Houston people don't know how the houses stay warm. I hope you told them we burn lots of natural gas which is acquired by FRACKING! It's been so cold in Colorado too - terrible winds and snow (I'm already sick of winter and it's only January ugh). When I spoke to mom today she commented that this year's winter reminded her of the ND winters from the 40's - lots of snow and bitter cold. Stay warm everyone and keep posting :-)

Written by Sue on Jan. 10, 2017

Happy Birthday to the best Mom in the world! Have a wonderful day! Belated birthday wishes to Jill and Curt! Hope you had great birthdays. Happy Anniversary to Curt and Bonnie and wishes for many more happy years together!
Temps have been up and down a lot the last week or so. We actually had two nights of freezing weather. Now we are back in the 80's. People down here have no idea what it is like to live in the cold and snow. One of my assistant principals asked me last week how houses can stay warm!
Kathleen is enjoying her new job. She works from 12:30-9:30 pm so is quite different from working at the cancer hospital. The only time I'll be able to see her is on the weekends for the most part.
Loved the pictures, Barb and Pete. So nice of you to go through Dad and Mom's old slides, Fern's, too, if I remember right. We will all enjoy seeing them.
Happy Birthday to my dear Kathleen!