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Written by Desiree on Jun. 18, 2016

Happy Father's Day to all of the fantastic HHF dads! I hope that everyone is able to spend some quality time with their dads and enjoy the day.

Dave, Chance, John and Talon were at a truck pull in Sterling, Colorado yesterday. The girls didn't go - way too hot and a very long day. My guys left at noon and didn't make it home until almost 2AM! John got 4th place so he did alright. Chance continues to have problems with his truck that they are trying to iron out. John says that it takes a few pulls to get everything "tuned in."

It's incredibly HOT here today - may even hit 100! I don't think my AC has shut off all day. Definitely a good day just to stay in and watch some movies.

I plan on making steak kabobs and crab legs for Father's Day dinner (Dave's favorite) and then we'll watch Game of Thrones.

Loved Barb and Pete's pictures from their trip and also sending positive thoughts and prayers to Uncle Bob so he starts feeling better. Belated Birthday Wishes to Olga too - 40 you're just a kid ;-).

Love to all - keep posting.

Written by Val on Jun. 18, 2016

Happy Father's Day to all the HHF fathers! Hope you all enjoy your day! Kevin & I hope to share a steak at noon with dad. Mom is cooking (thanks mom)! I made a sour cream lemon pie for dessert, hoping it is good. Made Kevin a pan of his favorite dessert (cherry delight) for his Father's Day gift! Was in Minot this afternoon & stopped to see Uncle Robert. He is feeling tough & has been fighting some respiratory crud for about 6 weeks. He has been to the doctor & had some tests done, but now his doctor is on vacation & won't be back for another week or more. Hopefully he can get an appointment to see someone before then. Please send positive healing thoughts & prayers!

Written by Val on Jun. 16, 2016

Happy 40th birthday to my sister-in-law Olga! Was great to Facetime with you last night and so good to see you are looking well at 40!! Hope you get to go out and enjoy a special birthday meal with Carl and your mom this weekend. Wishing you many more wonderful birthdays!

Written by Bonnie Fe. on Jun. 15, 2016

HAPPY BIRTHDAY today to my one and only daughte4r-in-law,Olga, on her special birthday #40!! You are a very special lady and we love you. We hope you have a great day and do something special to celebrate. Hope my package has arrived and that there is something in there that you will like. Best Wishes, Bonnie and Curt, too. (your in-laws!!)

Written by Cindy on Jun. 14, 2016

Hi just a quick note to say that I so enjoyed the pictures from Barb and Pete's wonderful adventure to Texas and New Mexico, has me intrigued to see some of these sites! My two beautiful red headed cousins(and of course the good looking baldish guy with you) look spectacular. Already got a thank you from Steven for the small gift we sent-boy, that guy was taught the basic graces well by his mother-mucho impressive. I'm sure he will find a wonderful job when he's ready!
Much Love to everyone!

Written by Barb & Pete on Jun. 13, 2016

Bet you thought we had been abducted by aliens in Roswell! No, we came home alive and all the more intrigued about the controversy if it really was a UFO or a weather balloon that crashed, and were the bodies/aliens actually aliens or what? Inquiring minds want to know!

Is great to see the pics Des, and the posts Cindy and Val. I vote for Chance's pickup to be named "The White Tornado." Or as we learned in Lubbock, when there's an incredible dust storm -- "The White Haboob." Catchy huh? Happy Belated B-day to Candy -- hope you're still rocking the yoga pants (they are still all the rage here in Mpls).

We had a fantastic time in Lubbock and New Mexico. Roswell was a hoot - even had alien faces on their street lights. They're milking the UFO thing like crazy. And Carlsbad Caverns exceeded my expectations -- it was phenomenal. Think I took over 100 photos in the cave -- the different formations were amazing. We also really enjoyed hiking in the Palo Duro Canyon which is just south of Amarillo. I loved seeing the "desert" and it's unique flora -- so different from Minnesota.

We were so proud watching Steven graduate from Texas Tech. He and Kathleen are such great "kids" (they're not kids anymore) -- we are so fortunate to have such a fine niece and nephew and we always have such a great time when we're together! By the way, I posted lots of photos at the bottom of the menu tree - "Texas/NMex May 2016."

Hope everyone is healthy and well and enjoying summer!
Love, Barb (Pete too)

Written by Cindy on Jun. 9, 2016

Hi everyone, I'm back from Denver, went on Monday evening to Greg's new place and took along my trusty cot(used it back when I stayed with the in-laws after one of the many surgeries my father in law is always having) Greg had more deliveries so I was the "adult" at his place when they came to do the drop off as he is working and not taking time off until the actual move date, the truck is rented and we will be there to help-the weekend of the 25th of this month. The only thing he will be moving is his 2 big TV's and his king size bed. The rest is going to be new so lots of deliveries, kind of fun but I'm sure glad its not me moving all of this up the stairs-his new home is 3 different levels with the bedrooms and laundry on the third floor. I stayed and cleaned everything while waiting on the deliveries, have told everyone he needs a ""woman" to move in and do the housework(3 bathrooms!) yuck and yikes! About killed me, ha! Really was clean but he wanted everything cleaned before he moves in, so wiped everything down and that was plenty. He's a very neat and tidy person, if it was anyone else I'd figure it would get "trashed" pretty quickly! He decided he needed yet another TV which was delivered late yesterday evening- a 65" curved TV- I never realized how wonderful the picture was on these type of TV's. I started watching the movie "Vacation", either I was tired or I found it very hilarious.
Had to come back last night because had to take the inlaws to the doctor early this morning and then pick up things they needed from the store. Did get time to have my "toes" polished-oh, its the little things that keep me going!
Jill, Ron, and I are going "up the hill"(that's what we call going to gamble at Blackhawk)- Jill and I each got two free nights too stay and after our last time when she was still doing radiation and was not yet ready to have a good time, well, we just needed to get out of town for a few days-and as much time as I've been in Denver thought it would be fun for Ron to come along too.
Very hot here the last few days-in the 90's, have a few more flowers to plant so maybe tomorrow morning I'll get them in. Next week I'll start getting things ready for the annual church garage sale- already TONS of stuff to get out on tables, price, etc. People just leave it in the basement of the church and its amazing that year after year there is SO much stuff(some of it is so crumby looking, I can't believe they would leave some of it:() Oh well, always an entire week of lots of work. Its like everything else in our church, once you are in charge of something you never get rid of it until you leave the church or die-ha!
Hope everyone is doing well. Heard Uncle Bob is fighting a cough/cold, hope you are feeling better. Curt and Bonnie, hope you are not over doing it! Take care of yourselves! Much love!

Written by Val on Jun. 7, 2016

Great to see some posts! I was beginning to wonder if anyone was out there! I hear you on the new computer issues - I still have not taken time to get acquainted with mine. Just do what I have to. Glad to hear the good updates on Dave and Jill. Goodness, it must have been cold at the truck pull! Good luck to the guys and their trucks! It is warm here today and set to be very hot (90s) and humid here the next couple days. We have our annual meeting tomorrow at Verendrye. Thank goodness it will be indoors with AC. This will be my 32nd annual meeting - I am getting less enthused each year! Kevin is very busy at his job - tis the season for campers & boats, and everyone wants theirs NOW! Erica continues her job search. We talk often as I know she gets lonesome & with no job to go to everyday she needs to visit. She does have an interview coming up on Monday. We will see! She will be home June 23rd for our nieces wedding so we will see her then. Love to all! Happy belated birthday wishes to Candy!

Written by Desiree on Jun. 6, 2016

Chance's truck (we're trying to come up with a cleaver name) also roaring down the track!

Written by Desiree on Jun. 6, 2016

John's truck PARTS roaring down the track!

Written by Desiree on Jun. 6, 2016

At least Jill and I were smiling

Written by Desiree on Jun. 6, 2016

At least Jill and I were smiling

Written by Desiree on Jun. 6, 2016

Happy Birthday today to Candy! We hope that you have a great day and do something special.

I haven't been on the website for a while as my old trusty computer died. The Geek Squad was hopeful that they could fix it but I ended up having to buy a new one so I'm trying to get everything switched over - ugh!

We've been good. Dave is recovering well from his shoulder surgery and the knee is almost completely healed. Oil field work in Colorado continues to be slow but this has given him the time needed to heal properly.

Jill is back to work full time and Cindy is busy taking care of EVERYONE! Chance and John are involved in the truck pulling world so we've already been to a couple of events already. The first pull was in Greeley and mom came down for that one. It was horribly cold so thought I'd share some pics.

So sorry to hear about the "new barn" burning down - dang that's not good! Was it caused by lightening? It's supposed to be very stormy this afternoon with potential for large hail. Hopefully it misses us.

Love to all and keep posting!

Written by Val on May. 30, 2016

Hello everyone! Hope you had a nice Memorial Day weekend! We stayed close to home & did yard work, planted flowers, visited the cemeteries, went to several graduation open houses, attended the 60th anniversary open house for Donna & Merle Holte & I tried to get motivated to do some work around the house. The weather was nice on Saturday & Sunday & today it started raining in the late afternoon & is still raining, but we need it so won't complain.

Written by Bonnie F on May. 27, 2016

Hi all HHF'S Hope everyone has a nice Memorial Day weekend. I am going to Bergen after lunch to put up my garden flag and flowers for Mom and Dad and Curt's family. There is a threat of rain all weekend, but guess I will go anyway, as so far we haven't received much, only .15 inches where Bergen supposedly got 1 and 1/2 inches. We will take any we can get.
Didn't post about our latest experience, we lost our only barn , the "new barn" to a fire last Friday afternoon. Not sure what caused the fire, it was very windy and very dry. The whole thing went in less than a 1/2 hour. It wasn't a "new barn" really, it was built when the kids were small, but we always called it the "new barn", where are you going? was followed by to the "new barn". Anyway, on the brighter side Greg Haga came the next day with his 16 row corn planter, so the corn is in, Love to hear from anyone what's new in your life. Bonnie F.