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Written by Desiree on Jan. 20, 2022

Grandson Jett

Written by Desiree on Jan. 20, 2022

Chance and Charlee

Written by Desiree on Jan. 20, 2022

Jett and Charlee

Written by Desiree on Jan. 20, 2022

Hi Fam it's me Desi! Sorry haven't been very good about keeping up on the website. Love and miss you all. We buried mom yesterday and had a lovely little graveside service. Very simple but so nice and we were all happy to finally give her the last thing she wanted which was to be with Art. The weather cooperated too!

I've been working a lot as so many people are out sick. One gets better and another goes down...its just crazy! Dave has been feeling pretty good for the most part so glad for that.

Jett had his 8th birthday party and thought I'd share some pics. It was at an ice skating rink and of course my bakery made the Yoda cake.

Also we're going to be grandparents AGAIN! Chelsea and Chance shared the news on New Year's Eve! We're so excited and thrilled can't even believe how blessed we are. August 14th is the due date and the names they like (so far anyway, changes weekly) are Oliver and Swayzee.

Written by Barb & Pete on Jan. 20, 2022

What an emotional day today -- SO happy for Val having her last day of work! We are so excited for you! You have given your all over the years -- from baking/handing out cookies at the Hostfest to dealing with the board, we know you've been an incredible employee!
So SAD for our WY/CO cousins today as you buried your Mom's remains. It is so hard to do that and so final - our hearts grieve for you. I've been praying you remember all the love over the years and focus on the good times.
Yesterday was a tough day too since it was Dad's birthday and I miss him so much - sure appreciate your thoughts and prayers.
Love to all and stay warm!

Written by Bonnie Feist on Jan. 18, 2022

Thinking today of brother Robertwhose birthday we always tried to celebrate even tho the January weather wasn,t always the best. Glad we did this many good emories and we do miss him a lot. Me especially as he was always checking up on us. Also thinking of Audrey's family ass they are try to have a service and burial in Casper. Hopeyourr weather and roads cooperate. WishI I could be there.

Written by Bonnie Feist on Jan. 18, 2022

Thinking today of brother Robertwhose birthday we always tried to celebrate even tho the January weather wasn,t always the best. Glad we did this many good emories and we do miss him a lot. Me especially as he was always checking up on us. Also thinking of Audrey's family ass they are try to have a service and burial in Casper. Hopeyourr weather and roads cooperate. WishI I could be there.

Written by Val on Jan. 18, 2022

Greetings to all from WINDY North Dakota! The winds were 35-40 mph with gusts near 50 mph today. Travel conditions were very poor as the visibility was terrible & the roads had snow drifts. We have had SO much wind this winter! Thinking of Cindy, Jill, Desi & John as you gather on Thursday to lay your mom's remains to rest and reunite her with Art. You will be in our thoughts and prayers. Also thinking of Barb and Sue as Uncle Robert's birthday is tomorrow. Happy heavenly birthday to him! Sure will miss sharing birthday cake with him. I promise I will post some photos and give a full report on my retirement party! It was great! My last day at work is Thursday!

Written by Cindy on Jan. 16, 2022

Hi all, was hoping to see a note talking about Vals retirement party. Hope it was fun! We are all excited and happy for you.
We are planning on traveling to Casper on Thursday(Jill, Desiree, and I) the weather is supposed to be nice so hope that holds up. Will be taking Moms urn to be buried with Art in the afternoon- will be an intimate ceremony with us girls, John and his family. Have had a hard time getting hospice to help with finding a pastor who could say a short blessing so will try to call some Lutheran churches in Casper tomorrow to see if someone would be willing to come to the cemetery. If all else fails will have a little something prepared to say. I sure am glad the pastor(interim) from my church in Greeley came over the day of her passing and did a small service at her bedside.
Thinking of you all. Love you.

Written by Barb & Pete on Jan. 11, 2022

Hi All!,
Happy 63rd Anniversary to Curt & Bonnie! What a great milestone. Hope you were able to celebrate!
Thanks for all the wishes for Mom for her 86th birthday! Sounds like she had a great day with birthday cake, cards, presents, phone calls and a visit from her brother Arno.
Happy Birthday tomorrow to our beautiful niece Kathleen!! We love you tons!

Written by Cindy on Jan. 11, 2022

Happy Birthday, Aunt Ardella- wish we could all be there to help you celebrate your special day! Love you lots!šŸ„°šŸ„°

Written by Cindy on Jan. 11, 2022

Happy Birthday, Aunt Ardella- wish we could all be there to help you celebrate your special day! Love you lots!šŸ„°šŸ„°

Written by Cindy on Jan. 11, 2022

Happy Anniversary Uncle Curt and Aunt Bonnie- 63 years- AMAZING!!! Hope you were out earlier for a nice dinneršŸ˜˜

Written by Val & Kevin on Jan. 10, 2022

Happy Birthday today to dear sweet Aunt Ardella! Hope she has a good day and that she will be pampered by the help at Edgewood Memory Care.

Written by Val and Kevin on Jan. 10, 2022

Happy 63rd Anniversary to my parents! Seems hard to believe we celebrated your 60th anniversary three years ago already! At least today the temperature is above zero and in fact quite a bit above zero! Hope you get to go out for supper tonight and give mom a break from cooking! Congratulations!