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Written by Sue on Apr. 18, 2016

Hi everybody! Definitely praying for all of you guys out there that need healing and/or some stress relief.

We got Colorado's snow storm in the form of lots of rain today. Parts of Houston had 17+ inches of rain. I had over 5 inches. My area didn't have flooding except in the streets, parking lots, etc. unfortunately thousands are flooded in other parts of town. I guess they did over 1300 high water rescues of people. Very bad. I guess there are a few deaths of people who drove their cars into high water.
Kathleen didn't go in to work. There wasn't a route she could take that wasn't flooded somewhere. She's not sure if they will make her take the day as a vacation day or excuse it. My school district closed at 12:30 because we weren't supposed to get the major amount of rain until in the afternoon.
The national news were not shown tonight. They kept the local stations doing news all day so not sure what you all heard so thought I'd put an update on the site. Love to all.

Written by Val on Apr. 15, 2016

OH MY! I think there is a "spell cast" on the Colorado folks! Feel terrible for Jill! I will have to give her a call. Good grief! Maybe we need to send her and Curt on a spa vacation to heal up! It is raining here, a nice gentle rain which we need. Sure hope the snow storm stays away from ND! But.. you Colorado folks have had enough! Take good care all!`

Written by Desiree on Apr. 15, 2016

Oh My Goodness! My thoughts and prayers are certainly with Bonnie & Curt and Val and Kevin too during this stressful time. There's always so much craziness happening at the farm. It's too bad that Bonnie can't just take Curt away from it all so he can heal properly.

Prayers also need to be given to Jill. She slipped and fell in her bathroom and broke a couple of ribs in numerous places! The doc told her that her bones are brittle from the radiation and she really did a number on herself. Needless to say, she is very bummed having just finished with the cancer treatments and now this. Ugh enough already!

In addition, Colorado is bracing for a major winter storm this weekend - we're supposed to get up to 2 feet of snow.

Thinking and praying for us all.

Written by Val on Apr. 14, 2016

Happy Friday everyone! Wishing you all a relaxing weekend. I am posting to ask for prayers for both my mom and dad. It's been a stressful week with lots of "cattle related events" at the farm that have meant dad is out doing things he should not be doing and thus causing stress for mom and others. We are concerned that he is not going to heal properly and we don't want the surgery to all be in vain. It is calving season and things happen, but there are people willing to help if he will call. Last night a cow they had looked for all day was found by the neighbor and his son who were out turkey hunting. She was calving and had gotten herself in a low spot and was laying there bloating with the calves legs coming out. She was MEAN and nearly took after dad, the neighbor and his son. At nearly dark our nephew Nathan got on the horse and tried to get her home. She tried to take the horse too, but they finally got her home and got the calf out. The calf did not live but saved the cow. Think Kevin got home about 11:00 p.m. which means dad was out all day and then out late too. This is how many days go, there is always something happening. Prayers for mom and dad's safety and health. And.. that dad would soon recognize that he needs to cut back & take care of his health, both things which would also help mom with her health issues and stress. Thanks - we need the power of prayer!

Written by Val on Apr. 12, 2016

Woot Woot! So happy for you Jill! So glad your radiation is done! Now you need to heal and get your strength back! So proud of you fight against cancer! Now need to prayer it NEVER, EVER tries to fight with you again! You are a rockstar!

Written by Desiree on Apr. 12, 2016

My beautiful sister at her LAST radiation appointment woohoo! I surprised her with flowers and balloons.

Written by Cindy on Apr. 10, 2016

Happy, happy birthday to Barb and Pete, know you two always have a good time, hope there were some special plans that took place this weekend!
Yes, Jill and I went up gambling, she should have stayed home because she was having a lot of discomfort as these past few radiation "boosts" have been tough, none of it has been easy on her but this last week they are doing more intensified treatments and they are causing some blistering and burning, they gave her some lidocaine to try to ease the pain but she is refusing to take oral pain meds(thinks she can tough it out). The staff can't believe she is trying to work during this time! Only two more treatments, she is so ready to be done!
I'm working tomorrow and then the rest of the week will be spent trying to get caught up on some of the appts I've been putting off doing(mammo, dentist, in-law appts, dog appts, and the list continues-LOL) The crew down here is ready for some good things to start happening in all our lives. Will be going to Denver on Friday to help Greg look at some potential homes, guess there isn't that much available in the area that he wants to be in and super expensive but he's determined to find something.
Glad to hear Deb was able to help her dad with the farm, and thank goodness for Kevin and Val and all they do! Aunt Bonnie remember that you shouldn't over do now that you have to resume the role of gestapo! Hope Curt continues to feel better every day.
Take care everyone.

Written by Val on Apr. 9, 2016

Happy Birthday to Barb & Pete! I am a day late on Barb's wishes but they are sincere just the same. I had a great weekend with some old college friends. We laughed till our bellies hurt! We went to a Christian retreat in Minot on Friday evening & Saturday morning & then after the retreat we had a nice lunch & went to a big craft fair at the fairgrounds. Had cocktail hour with Colorado Bulldogs & then supper at the Pioneer Bar in Velva. Had cherry pie & pajama time after we ate. Kevin & the husband of one of the gals joined us for supper. The three of us have said we are going to be the "Golden Girls" & live together when we get old. I will be Rose of course! Was good to have Deb, the Super Sister home! She is true farm girl at heart! Dad is improving everyday & just has to learn to rest his back more often. My husband is up early every morning to feed cattle before he goe to work. He is taking a nap this morning! He needs one! I am SO thankful for him & Bob Hazel who have been faithfully meeting every morning to feed cows! Hope Barb & Pete celebrated in a special way this weekend! Love to all!


Written by Sue on Apr. 9, 2016

Happy Birthday to the best sister and brother-in-law a person could have! I hope you have a wonderful weekend celebrating! Sorry you don't have beach temps. Love you both!

Written by Bonnie F. on Apr. 8, 2016

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Barb, today and Pete tomorrow! Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Saw Deb off this morning on the plane to Dubuque. Can't begin to relate how many things she helped her dad while here. She and Curt were up and at em at 6 a.m.every morning to check the cow herd for trouble and new calves. Had several water rescues, and Deb learned how to shimmy down trees.
among many other things she had to do, she kept a pretty tight rein on her Dad, he didn,t get away with much!Now it is up to me and I am sure I won't be doing either water rescues or tree shimmying.
Sorry that Dave had such damage in his rotator cuff. I was in an inhibitor for 6 weeks, there was nothing about a chair, but I had to do exercises 6 times a day, and keep my arm tied up the rest of the time. So glad that is behind me.
Anyway, hope the Schmitts weekend is great, and that we all heal up and feel better and that spring comes soon! Love to all, Bonnie F.

Written by Desiree on Apr. 7, 2016

Happy belated birthday Erica! We hope that you did something fun on your special day.

Dave had his shoulder surgery on Wednesday. Of course things were worse once they got in. He had a "huge" rotator cuff tear, his bicep needed repair and he had bone spurs removed from his collar bone. Things are never easy when it comes to Dave. However, the surgery went very good and he's on the road to recovery. He has to sit in the "torture" chair for 6 hours a day (not all in one setting thankfully). I'm sure Bonnie is familiar with the chair. You're strapped in and then it moves your arm/shoulder up and down and back and forth to get the blood flowing. UGH!

Chance was laid off from his oilfield job which is a big bummer but nothing is happening down here as far as fracking and drilling go. We're sure hoping it will pick back up. On the plus side he's been a big help with Dave!

I'm hanging in here - just trying to keep everyone going and positive. It gets tiring that for sure. The twisted sisters (Cindy and Jill) are going up to the mountain tonight to do a little gambling. Hopefully they have a good time and win some money. Jill needs to have a good time (Cindy too for everything that she does for everyone else).

How's Uncle Curt doing - is he behaving? Glad to hear from Sal and Sue too.

Love to All!

Written by Shelley on Apr. 7, 2016

Thanks to the HHFers who helped donate funds to cover this year's maintenance of the family website! Thank you very much.

Written by Bonnie F. on Apr. 5, 2016

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! ERICA, We hope you have a great birthday, we are so happy and proud to have such a beautiful and special granddaughter. Yes, we are. Hope the day is sunny and all your plans and wishes for the day come together! Love, Grandma Bonnie, Grandpa Curt

Written by Val on Apr. 5, 2016

Happy 31st Birthday today to Erica! We love you and hope you have a great day! Know that you will be enjoying a potluck at work and celebrating with other co-workers that have birthdays this week! We are very proud of you and the wonderful young lady you have become!

Mom & Dad

Written by Cindy on Apr. 5, 2016

Stupid thing, I'm up early on the 6th and thought I'd beat everyone wishing you a happy bday and the message shows the 5th,ugh!