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Written by Cindy on Apr. 5, 2016

Special Birthday wishes to Erica today! Happy 31st! Hope you have something special planned, whatever you do, have fun!

Written by Cindy on Apr. 3, 2016

Hello to everyone,
I am now home in Greeley since Friday-woo hoo! I miss my old roommate but needed to get home to "Ronnie"- I think he was getting to the point that he thought I'd never come home.
I promised my mom that I would post a note thanking everyone for all of the gifts and birthday wishes that were sent to her on her 80th! We all enjoyed watching her delight in all the cards and gifts-she kept them all until the day of her bday(took quite sometime to get through them all) She felt like she would never get all the thank yous written so asked me to send the "mass" note to all of you. Hopefully I can remember everything. Ardella & Robert she loved the slippers-perfect fit, Sue she is enjoying the beautiful "wrap" the colors are beautiful-gray & maroon- she says "perfect" for an old woman because shes always "cold". Shelley both casrds you sent were great and the cocktail cash would have been great but I think she used it on coffee-lol(good thought anyway-lol) Bonnie and Curt she loved the gorgeous necklace and we were all in awe that you dared send the fragile "80" goblet-it arrived in great shape! Val and Kevin what a BIG box of fun- the watch was beeuteeful(I thought of swiping it-ha), the calendar was a huge hit-we all enjoyed all the pictures-Mom loved it! The bubbles were very cool-the kids and I were having a blast trying to blow them. Barb and Pete she loved the movies(I've seen the Martian and really liked it a lot)also I think you sent the word puzzle books-great for keeping the mind sharp. Lets see, there were also the Jordan almonds-Yum, I know I'm forgetting things but I promise you she enjoyed it all!!!!! A HUGE thank you to everyone. It was a wonderful day and she kept saying that she was so happy to have "made it" to 80! Quite a milestone!
This is getting too long so until next time...

Written by Val on Apr. 3, 2016

Hello HHFs! I just updated the family website for the month of April! Just trying to finish up a few things on my weekend "to do" list before we head to the farm to see Deb. She was to arrive about 4:30 p.m. today & mom went to the airport to pick her up! She will be here this week to try and rein dad in! Tomorrow mom, dad and Deb will be heading to Bismarck for doctor appointments. Dad will get his staples out, mom will have a bone scan and will see her rheumatologist. Big day! Dad's incision is healing quite nicely. He is however not taking it easy like he should and has been "up to shenanigans" when mom has left him alone for short periods of time. He has overdone it and then hurts the next day. Deb will be busy, keeping him out of trouble! Kevin is taking a nap at the moment. He is tired after a weekend of fixing pens. He and another guy have been feeding the cows every morning. Dad has been driving through is herd, looking for new babies or cows about to deliver new babies. Thank goodness the weather has been extremely nice! Hope you all have a great week!

Written by Gestapo Bonnie on Mar. 29, 2016

Hi all HHF,ers, Great seeing some of you on Easter Sunday via Facetime! We had a very nice Easter. Val and I sang with our gospel group , we sang some beautiful Easter melodies, that we don't often get to sing. Church was packed, Shelley was impressed and wanted to see the chapel and some other parts of the old church. We had dyed and decorated Easter eggs the night before with a pirate theme. Since Curt can't work outside, he joined in the fun. Had turkey dinner with Robert and Ardella, and just took it easy. The four of us, Curt, Bonnie, Robert, Ardella enjoyed the somewhat warm sun and small breezes, while some cow chasing was done by the young uns. Easter Monday Curt finally got to see his cow herd, we drove him out and we also went to the North pasture, and had a nice lunch at the Velva Golf Course.

Shelley left today, I took her to Minot and got to see the beautiful new airport. It is really nice, and a welcome addition to the city. Kevin and Bob Hazel are still being good helpers , they come at 7 a.m., have the feeding done by 9 a.m. so they can go to their other work. WE appreciate them so much. I came home to find out Curt had driven his old pickup down to the field to check the cows, but he said he was very careful, there was noone here to stop him HA! I think he is doing better everyday, but he must be very careful. The staples will come out on Monday, April 3. Deb will be here then to help and keep him behaving. Hope everone had a great weekend. What,s this about snow in Casper And Colorado? Really hope it stays away from here, we need good dry weather for awhile. Love, Bonnie F.

Written by Sue on Mar. 26, 2016

He is Risen! He is Risen indeed! Happy Easter everyone! Kathleen and I went to the 8:00 service this morning instead of the usual 11:00 service for us. Was really nice. 250 people instead of 1000. It's just Kathleen and I today and we decided to just cook some things we feel like cooking. She's roasting some gold beets right now and I'm making a favorite orange, almond salad. Who knows what else we will make?!
Hope you all have a wonderful day! Stay away from work temptation, Uncle Curt! Love to all!

Written by Val on Mar. 26, 2016

Happy Easter to all the HHFs! Hoping you all have a wonderful day! We will be celebrating with a turkey dinner at the farm. Robert & Ardella will be joining us. We dyed Easter eggs with Shelley, mom & dad today. Kevin, Shellley & I took a drive to Bergen today to check out the church & our new neighbors. Dad went out for a short walk tonight. He seems to be doing OK. He does not like to take pain meds but would help with his healing. We may try to get him out for a drive to see his cows tomorrow. Love to all!

Written by Desiree on Mar. 23, 2016

One more pic of the birthday girl

Written by Desiree on Mar. 23, 2016

Wow - so glad to hear that Uncle Curt's surgery went so well and that he's doing so good! Wonderful news for sure. It sounds like he had quite an appetite too so that's really a good sign.

We're good - digging our from our massive spring snow storm yesterday. We lost all power so it made for a long day. I worked on taxes until it was too dark and then gave up. We had 16 inches of wet, heavy snow - lots of trees were down and power lines too. Great moisture for our pasture!

Survived the birthday bashes last week and appreciate everyone's well wishes. I treated Dave and Chance to a movie at a new theatre that has reclining seats and serves cocktails. Was very expensive but definitely worth it. Also enjoyed a nice dinner at the Red Lobster.

Jill is doing really good with her radiation treatments. Friday will be 2 weeks and she'll have 2 more to go. So far she hasn't been experiencing any negative side effects so hopefully that will continue. We're so proud of how well she's been doing with all of this.

Here's a pic of the birthday girl. John (yes, you're reading this correctly) made the cake for mom! Buddy the Cake Boss better watch out cause it looks like we've got a cake baker in the family too! It sounds like she had a great day and they also went to a movie theatre with reclining seats up in Casper - great minds think alike - ha!

So glad that everyone is on the mend - love to all!

Written by Val on Mar. 22, 2016

Hello HHFs! Wanted to post an update on Dad's surgery. Yesterday was a long day, but everything went very well. Mom, Dad & I were at the clinic by 6:00 a.m. Tuesday morning. Dad was scheduled for surgery at 8:00 a.m. & it was about 8:15 a.m. when they came to get him. By about 9:45 the doctor talked to mom & I & reported that the surgery had gone perfect from beginning to end. Dad was in recovery and then taken to a regular hospital room where we saw him about an hour or so after the doctor spoke to us. He had a dry throat from the tube that was inserted for the anesthetic so he was happy to get jello, pudding, crackers and water. After that stayed with him fine he had scrambled eggs and a muffin! They got him up in a chair and made him take a walk in the afternoon. He had roast beef for supper (not as good as his own beef he said, but OK). Mom & I went out for some supper & when we got back to the hospital dad was still sitting in his chair from supper, he had another walk & got ready to get back in bed for the night. Mom stayed in Bismarck last night & I drove back to Velva. Drs and nurses said he was doing well. He was set to get discharged this morning & they should be home by mid-afternoon today. Talked to dad on the phone this morning & he seemed a big "discouraged" about his restrictions. Of course, he thought he'd be back at work this afternoon! The recovery is going to be his challenge! Good thing Shelley & Deb are both coming for visits for reinforcements. My hubby is doing the chores & trying to make sure the animals stay in the fences! Thanks to everyone for the prayers and well wishes. Hoping dad can behave now & heal! Hope everyone has a wonderful Easter!!!!

Written by Barb & Pete on Mar. 19, 2016

HAPPY 80th AUDREY!! You're a wonderful aunt and we wish you a wonderful day and year -- and we'll order a healthy one too! Enjoy your big day and congrats on hitting 80! So enjoyed visiting with you yesterday.
Attended a Swedish meeting today which was interesting. Found the ship list for Anna (Nelson) Helstedt when she came from Malmöhus to New York in 1885. And today we woke up to snow. Had a little set back on the Spring thing. Oh well, know it's just around the corner.
Happy Birthday Dave -- and greetings tomorrow to Chance! Lots of cake to be eaten!
Love to all!, Barb & Pete

Written by Sue on Mar. 19, 2016

Happy 80th Birthday, Aunt Audrey! I'm sure you will have a wonderful time celebrating!
Happy Birthday to Dave and Chance, too!
Had a great time in ND this week. Couldn't believe I even encountered snow. They had to deice the plane before I left. I know it seems silly to everyone else, but I haven't been around it for about thirty years!
I picked up Steven at the cruise terminal this morning. They all had a great time. They said Honduras had the most beautiful beaches and also really enjoyed Cozumel. Belize was okay, but they didn't really see a lot there.
Working on my taxes right now. Helped Steven do his earlier. Happy Spring everyone!

Written by Val on Mar. 18, 2016

HAPPY 80TH BIRTHDAY TO AUNT AUDREY! We love you & are sending our wishes to you for a very special day! Looking forward to talking with you later. Glad that Cindy is there and that John & Candy, Talon & London will be celebrating with you too! Sure do wish we were all together to celebrate this milestone occasion, but we surely are thinking about you! Hope the birthday box arrived on time for your big day! CELEBRATE today and the entire year! Love you!

Happy Birthday to Dave today too! Wishing you a good day! Also wishing Chance a great birthday tomorrow! Lots to celebrate! Hope both of you enjoy some special celebrating!

Love to all! Val & Kevin

Written by Bonnie Feist on Mar. 18, 2016

HAPPY BIRTHDAY today to my favorite and only sister ,AUDREY, who makes it to 80 !!
Such a big birthday, wish I was there to eat white cake with white frosting and really celebrate!! Fill the 80 goblet with special drinks and eats and enjoy your day.We here in Velva, love you and are thinking of you on this special day!! Hope to facetime this afternoon with help from Val. Also HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Dave and tomorrow HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Chance. It's a birthday bonanza!!!! Hope the weather is warm, and everyone is feeling better and can enjoy this special day. Love, Bonnie and Curt ,too.

Written by Val on Mar. 15, 2016

Barb & Pete - LOVE the photos from your trip! Those of us that are not able to travel to such exotic paradises must do so through you two! Thanks for sharing! Thanks to Cindy for the update. Glad you were able to go back to Greeley for a few days & check on your hubby & to Denver to see your kids! Glad to hear that the "boys" have to figure out what to do with their parents' belongings. Can be alot to deal with, but you have lots to deal with too with your mom & helping out Jill. Safe travels as you head back to Casper to celebrate with your mom. It just doesn't seem right that we are not going to be together, but hopefully soon we can have a belated celebration! There should be some cards and packages coming to Casper for your mom. We definitely will plan to call! Sue, Robert & Ardella were at the farm on Sunday evening for a visit. Was nice to catch up on what's happening in Texas. Sue arrived in ND during our tropical weather - was near 70 on Monday here! Hard to believe. This evening I got out the binoculars and viewed a giant bald eagle nest my neighbor told me about that I can see out my window, but am not very observant. Saw the nest and a bald eagle a short distance away in a tree. Will have to keep an eye on the nest this spring. I am always in too big a hurry to enjoy seeing the things right in my own backyard! Better get to bed! Love to all!

Written by Shelley on Mar. 15, 2016

Hello HHFers. Thanks for all the news of late. I wanted to put out a last call for contributions to support the website. I received two... but unfortunately one was from VAL who already does so much to keep up the monthly new page for the website! If you will contribute 10 bucks I will send Val back her check! Your contribution is appreciated! It is $98 each year to maintain/subscribe. Thank you!

80 and Awesome!