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Written by Val on Feb. 16, 2016

Happy belated 30th anniversary to Desi & Dave! Hope you celebrated together by doing something special! I too remember mom, Erica and I coming for the wedding. Erica was so small & was her first plane ride!

Hope everyone had a nice Valentines Day! Kevin & I took a couple road trips over the weekend. We went to Devils Lake to Spirit Lake Casino & attended the Williams & Ree show, a comedy duo of an Indian & a white guy. They are funny & of course cracked lots of jokes about the political scene. We gambled till about 12:30 a.m.! Late night! The next day was drove to Rolette ND to visit some friends. Then on Sunday we were in Bismarck as Kevin had to pick up a boat for his employer that had been at a sport show down there. We had a nice Valentines lunch at an Irish Pub and then visited some of our nieces and their kids. Was a nice day, but long.

Love to all!

Written by Bonnie F. on Feb. 15, 2016

Happy Belated 30th anniversary to Dave and Desi! Hope you had a special day yesterday. Seems like only yesterday that Val and I and Erica flew to Denver and then were bussed up to Greeley where we met up with Carl who came from Albuquerque, we were so well treated by the airlines, with special bussing to and fro.
Remember a great time at a beautiful wedding !
Letting everyone know that Curt has had to pospone his back surgery. His pneumonia is not completely cleared up, plus he has asthma issues that he has to treat further. I think it is a good decision, even though we had finally gotten everything sort of lined up as far as cow care, chores, etc. Maybe we will be able to do it later on when he is feeling more up to par.
Lucky Barb and Pete, missing all the cold and nasty weather. Shelley to enjoy Mexico soon, at least I think so. Everyone keep well, Love, Bonnie F.

Written by Val on Feb. 15, 2016

Have a great vacation Barb & Pete! Sounds like you needed to escape the cold Minnesota winter! Enjoy!

Written by Pete and Barbara. on Feb. 14, 2016

Hola from Puerto vallarta. Happy Valentine's day hovers! We are having a blast. Great weather, which was quite a change from mn, and the frozen cargo door on our plane. Reportedly no whales due to warmer water temps. Hope everyone is getting healthier. Love to all. Adios for now.

Written by Val on Feb. 9, 2016

Hello All! Robert, Ardella and I attended the funeral service for Arlaine Durbin yesterday. It was nice to gather with the Haga/Helstedt relatives and celebrate her life. She was such a sweet and kind soul. The pastor gave a very nice message. She will be buried at the Bergen Cemetery in the spring.

Update on mom and dad. Mom is feeling better but trying to take it easy, rest and get better. Dad went to the doctor yesterday and he has pneumonia. He did get medication and we are hoping he gets over this so he can still go ahead with his surgery on Feb. 23rd.

Safe travels to Cindy & Audrey as they head back to Casper! Hope you all celebrated the Broncos victory!

Written by Cindy on Feb. 8, 2016

Woo hoo-Denver Broncos Super Bowl Champions! The whole state of Colorado is celebrating wildly, offered to take Mom and Jill to the big parade and rally in Denver tomorrow(Tuesday) but they decided they'd rather watch it on TV-lol! Things are coming together in this area of the world, as you all have heard things are looking positive for Jill(hopefully no chemo, which is something she really dreaded) won't know exactly what the plan will be but think radiation will start towards the end of February and last for several weeks. Mom is wanting to get home so probably will take her home Thurs or Fri of this week(the weather forecast is favorable) hoping Desiree will drive along with me as it tends to be a long drive alone, especially in the winter months. Chance will be off so hoping he can take care of his Dad for a day or two.
Hope to see our sweet 17 year old since we didn't get to spend her birthday with her-did send our gifts with John when he brought Mom down and of course texted but not as much fun as being there.
Hope Bonnie and Curt are feeling better-hate being sick with the "crud".
Sorry about Beau; Sue, Kathleen, and Stephen I'm sure it is hard but it was fast and hopefully your beloved pet didn't have to suffer too much!
Our prayers will be with Curt as he faces his back surgery-this year just isn't starting out very well for all of us HHFers.
Love to all.

Written by Val on Feb. 7, 2016

Happy 17th birthday to Miss London! Hope you had a great day. If you are a Bronco's fan, it was an amazing day!!!! So happy they won the Super Bowl! I had a nice visit with Jill on the phone Saturday morning. Wonderful news that the lymph nodes are clean! She sounded good & is glad to have surgery behind her. Hope her follow up treatment goes well. We are praying for you!

Bonnie & Curt are both fighting some crud- congestion, chills, aches. No fun!

Arline Durbin's funeral will be on Tuesday of this coming week in Minot.

Congrats again all you Broncos fans!!!!

Written by Desiree on Feb. 6, 2016

Happy 17th Birthday to my beautiful niece Miss London. I hope that you have fantastic day gorgeous!

We received positive news on Friday from the doc regarding Jill. The lymph nodes that he removed were clear so hopefully that means that she won't have to have any chemo treatments but will know more after her doc visit on Wednesday - keep your fingers crossed.

What's going on with Curt's back? I guess I didn't know that he was having back issues but it doesn't come as a big surprise with how hard that man has worked. We will certainly keep him in our prayers when he goes in for surgery on the 23rd.

Today is the big Super Bowl and Colorado is crazy for our Broncos! I've got my old John Elway jersey on and Dave and I will be cheering on the team. Hopefully Peyton can go out with a huge win - GO BRONCOS!!!

Written by Val on Feb. 4, 2016

Hello all! I have updated the website for February so be sure & check out the front page for some "retro" photos sure to bring a smile to your face! Thinking about Jill & hope you are feeling better as each day passes! Glad you have a couple of nurses on duty at your house!

Wanted to pass on that Arlaine Durbin passed away on Wednesday at Trinity Hospital. Funeral arrangements are pending with Thomas Funeral Home in Minot. Arlaine was such a sweetheart & was so nice to be able to celebrate her 90th birthday with her. God bless her memory.

Hope your are all gearing up for the Superbowl! The Heisler household will be cheering for the Broncos!

Written by Desiree on Feb. 2, 2016

Hi everyone. Here's an update on Jill. She had her surgery early this morning and everything went well. The surgeon ended up taking 2 lymph nodes instead of one as previously thought. Cindy said that the doctor didn't indicate that taking 2 nodes was any big deal and he said that they looked good and were "soft." Cindy asked if that was a good sign and he said "maybe we'll just have to wait and see." Jill will go back to see the doc in a week and a half for a follow-up. They should have the results of the nodes within a week but will still have to wait on final pathology. Jill is sore, of course, but not in pain. She's just very glad to have the surgery over and to move on.

As Murphy's law would have it we had a massive snowstorm that hit yesterday and dumped feet of snow. So much snow that mom, Cindy and Jill got a hotel room in Fort Collins last night so they would be close to the surgery center. They were able to make it back to Jill's house this afternoon. Both mom and Cindy are staying with Jill while she recovers.

Dave is doing better, slow but sure. He will see his doc next week and hopefully start PT for his knee. Then we'll have to focus on the shoulder.

Curt is chasing cows with Bonnie's car? Wow, there's never a dull moment at the Feist Farm lol.

Stay warm everyone.

Written by Bonnie F on Feb. 1, 2016

Hi all, sending prayers and thoughts to Jill,guess the surgery was this a.m. Hope all is going well and we are all here to support you.
Just got home from Vegas last night. I had a great time, I think the younger ones thought I was slow getting around, but I made all areas, loved Erica's house, so nicely decorated and furnished. Enjoyed the outdoor events and the night at the strip, also got to meet Mr. Micheal, Erica's boyfriend, had a nice visit at a restaurant in one of the many shopping and eating areas in this city, which has grown so much from the last time I was there.
Sue, I was so sorry to hear about Beau, I am sure you are missing him, I still miss my Max, look out the window to his dog house and wish he was still here, but he had problems and his age was against him.
Back to reality at home, Curt is chasing the cows with my car, he can't make them move with his old pkup--there goes my horn I am almost sure of it. Bonnie D

Written by Desiree on Feb. 1, 2016

So sorry to hear about Beau Sue. I know how hard it is to have to make that decision when it's so sudden and unexpected. Please know that I'm thinking of you.

Also, as Barb posted please send your prayers to Jilll. I know that she's going to do great but it's still scary none the less. John brought mom down from Casper yesterday so we're glad that she's here to comfort and support Jill while she recovers. We will keep everyone posted.

Love to all!

Written by Barb on Feb. 1, 2016

Let's all rally with healing thoughts, prayers, good vibes -- whatever you've got -- for Jill's surgery tomorrow (Tuesday) 6:30 a.m. (Mountain time), 7:30 a.m. Central time! And we're praying for a speedy recovery!

Written by Val on Jan. 30, 2016

So sorry about Beau. Sounds like it was a sudden onset. It is never easy to lose a beloved pet. You definitely will miss him. Mom, Kevin & I are in Las Vegas. Mom likes to go "in the country" so we have ventured to Hoover Dam & Boulder City, today we drove to Red Rock Canyon. Had a nice visit with my cousin Susan & Aunt Ramona yesterday. This afternoon we are going down to he strip to look sround a bit. We will have dinner & then we have tickets to see Jersey Boys. Not a nice day here tho. It is windy & rainy. We go home tomorrow. Love to all!

Written by Sue on Jan. 29, 2016

Glad you were able to enjoy the snow, Shelley! Hope you can get Marge healthy soon, Cindy and Ron. Hang in there Jill!
Kathleen and I put our dog, Beau, to sleep about 3 am on Wednesday. He started acting strange sometime after midnight. I was awake with him. Kathleen woke up about 2 and googled his symptoms. Called the emergency animal clinic and they said come in as fast as you can. If you can believe it, they didn't even have us fill out all the forms. Said we had minutes to decide on surgery or putting him to sleep. The x-ray showed he had a twisted stomach. He was almost 12, a standard poodle, so we knew his years were limited. We decided not to put him through all of it. That decision is never easy to make. We really miss him. It's strange not to be greeted by his happy dance when I get home from work or needing to take him for a walk before work each morning or play at the park with him every night. I am thanking God for the gift he was to me. He's really been a comfort to me these last few years with all I've gone through.
We are enjoying temps in the upper 70's today and tomorrow. Took a walk today and appreciated the warmer temps. Put weed and feed fertilizer on my grass.
Love to all. Hope you have a nice weekend.