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Written by Cindy on Jan. 25, 2016

Hi everyone, Loved hearing from Shelley and the cute "selfie" with the snow all around-all I can say is better you than us-ha! (you're a ND girl so you can handle this:) It sounds like it was epic in nature!
Went to the nuero dr. with Marge yesterday, its such an ordeal to go on these outings, he says she has to have the brace until the end of March(boo hiss-this thing is my nemesis) We will be consulting with another dr to see if she might benefit for a procedure where they inject a "cement" into the compressed disc to stabilize it-not sure what I think of that but its an option on the table.
I must say that the Broncos win last Sunday has bolstered our resolve that things are "turning around" in Colorado, I was at Jill's and it made her very happy-she needs all the positives she can get. Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers, she has really enjoyed the calls and texts from Aunt Bonnie and Val. We are so fortunate in this family to have such overwhelming support from each other, there are so many families that don't get along(how can they be like that??!!)
Love to you all-you people on the east coast-stay warm and be careful if you have to shovel(have heard of all the heart attacks by people out shoveling-yikes!)

Written by Val on Jan. 24, 2016

Way to go BRONCOS! What a great game & you are going to the SUPERBOWL! AWESOME! Yippee to our Colorado family!

Written by Shelley on Jan. 22, 2016

Wow okay it really has snowed all day again today. I would guess we are at 20 inches now.. pic is of my filled-in garden. It is coming down harder now that it has all day.

Written by Shelley on Jan. 21, 2016

Greetings. Love to everyone who is challenged with zingers being thrown at them. Our little storm here is not as important... but I know everyone will be interested. I will provide a few updates as things accumulated. Overnight supposed to be most intense. Snow started 1:30. Had a nice walk with a friend between 3:30-5. Here's a pic. The most interesting thing was NO salad or lettuce products of any kind at the grocery store at 3 p.m.. People are planning to eat healthy?

Written by Bonnie F. on Jan. 20, 2016

Hi everyone, thanks Desi for the post letting us know what is going on. So glad Jill's cancer is Stage 1, and it sounds like you have a good doctor and surgeon located. That is so important to be able to put your trust in the medical people you deal with. Will be praying for good procedures and for Jill to recover fast.
So sorry about Dave, hope he can get his rotator cuff fixed, my surgery for that was a breeze, but the recovery and the intense physical therapy was really demanding. I still do some of my exercises for my arm every other day, hope to keep it in A-1 condition by doing this. Hope my east coast kids don't have too much winter this weekend, we are expecting it to be quite mild here in ND
Keep posting, Love, Bonnie F.

Written by Val on Jan. 20, 2016

Thank you so much Desi for your post. I have been thinking about Jill the past couple days & wondering how her appointments went. Glad to hear it's Stage 1 and that a plan of attack has been made. Will be keeping her & all of you in my prayers. Sincerely appreciate the updates.

Poor Dave! Sounds like he has alot to deal with! Who's running the business? Hopefully things are slow right now. I recall how painful mom's torn rotator cuff was so can only imagine how terrible it is having that and the leg to deal with.

I will be rooting for the Broncos! Mom is still trying to "recover" from the Vikings loss. That was a bad one!

Take care & we appreciate the updates.


Written by Desiree on Jan. 20, 2016

Belated birthday wishes to Uncle Robert, Aunt Ardella, beautiful Kathleen and belated anniversary wishes to Bonnie and Curt. It seems like just yesterday when I was writing the poem for your 50th wedding anniversary.

Cindy and I went with Jill to meet with the oncologist yesterday and the surgeon today. Her surgery is scheduled on February 2nd @ 6:30am. She has Stage I breast cancer and the docs are recommending a lumpectomy and removal of the lymph node closest to the tumor because the tumor itself is an invasive grade 2 which has the capability of spreading. Following the surgery she will need daily radiation treatments for 3 to 4 weeks and could potentially need chemo but they won't know until the tumor is removed and final pathology testing done. We like the oncologist and surgeon and feel that they have offered a good plan of attack. Jill is doing pretty, as well as can be expected. It's just been such a shock. Fortunately, she's got a great circle of family and friends for support.

Cindy is still taking care of Marge and is hopeful that next week's doc visit will provide some answers.

Dave is doing better. He's still in the full leg brace but has been able to move around with the help of his crutches or cane. He gets frustrated with not being able to do much but it is what it is. The pain in his shoulder is now really starting to bother him from the torn rotator cuff so we'll be heading to the doc for that issue next - ugh!

Our weather has been very snowy and cold too; definitely not as cold as ND and MN but still cold. I'm already tired of it and we've still got our snowiest months ahead - yikes.

By the way what happened to the Vikings and Packers? We were cheering for both. I felt so bad for the Vikings kicker, poor guy. Green Bay at least made the game exciting. Now we're just hoping that the Broncos can pull it together and win. They sure haven't been very consistent and Lord only knows how Peyton will do. Go Broncos!

Cindy and I will definitely try to keep everyone posted on what's happening as best we can. Your thoughts and prayers are certainly appreciated during this crazy time.

Love to all and keep posting!

Written by Sue on Jan. 19, 2016

Happy Birthday to the absolutely best Dad in the world! Love you! Glad I got to talk to you a little this afternoon, but can't seem to get through tonight with the constant busy signal. Glad so many are calling you on your special day. I hope this is a terrific year for you.

So sorry to hear about your breast cancer diagnosis, Jill. I know many who have beaten this and am praying you will, too! I am praying for clear direction for your doctors as they treat you. If you ever decide you want to go to MD Anderson for an opinion or treatment here in Houston, you have a place to stay with me.
Hang in there Cindy and Dave! What a bummer!

Thanks from Kathleen for the birthday wishes. Stay warm everyone!

Written by Barb & Pete on Jan. 18, 2016

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my INCREDIBLE Dad!! You are truly the best Dad and father-in-law ever!! We hope you have a wonderful day and year and many more! Celebrate all month! Picture is when you were 2 1/2 years old and must have been your first trike.

All is well here except for the bad news about Jill -- you're in our thoughts and prayers Jill! Stay strong! Hope Dave is continuing his recovery, as well as Marge. Is there a cloud over Colorado or what??

There was a COLD front over Minneapolis but today it's finally supposed to stay above zero. 10 above with no wind felt kind of balmy. Stay warm everyone. Our love to all!, Barb & Pete

Written by Val on Jan. 18, 2016

Happy Birthday today to Uncle Robert! Wishing you a fabulous day! Know that your sister was coming with coffee treats! Kevin & I send our wishes for a very happy birthday and MANY, MANY more!

Written by Ardella Helstedt on Jan. 14, 2016

A big thank you to all who remembered my 80th birthday. Special thanks to Val and Kevin, Bonnie and Curt who invited Robert and I along on their celebration that evening. Our thoughts and prayers are with Jill and Dave and their caregivers.

Written by Val on Jan. 13, 2016

Oh Cindy! I just read your post and feel just awful about Jill's cancer diagnosis. I will call her this weekend. I hope it's not an aggressive form and that they can come up with a plan ASAP. This is every woman's worst fear. She will need lots of support. Oh goodness.

Your plate is so full right now with taking care of your mother and father in law and Desi is busy with caring for Dave. Sure wish I was closer!

As for your mom's birthday and the March plans, we will work something out. I promised mom she'd be with her sister on her 80th birthday, so we will go to Casper or where ever as needed.

Keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers as you all deal with so much!

Love to all!


Written by Cindy on Jan. 12, 2016

Hi all, Reading all the texts and enjoying keeping up with what's happening in each of your lives, wish I could read the blog more often. Really hope we are able to see each other in March, things may be changing and never know what might happen...with that lead in I will give you the news from here.
Jill asked that I let you know(she doesn't have a reliable computer at home). She had her routine mammogram and they found an area of concern so then a ultrasound was done, again an area that they felt warranted a biopsy-we were sure it would come back negative(as there is no known family history)but the word came back that it is cancer :( Not sure what the treatment will be the appointments are being set up for her to see a surgeon who will let her know how aggressive they need to be, then an oncologist. There is more testing being done on the tissue and as of this morning no appts are yet scheduled. Jill had "a few tears"but now is ready to "deal" with it. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers, we will be with her every step of the way and will keep you all informed as we know more.
On a brighter note, Dave had his stiches/staples removed and is doing better-will be 4 weeks before he starts PT. My mother in-law is doing better, I'm still staying here, sleeping on a cot(I miss my bed and my husband) and the Christmas stuff is STILL up, oh well, that's the least of my concern now.
This year has not started out the best but ever the optimist I believe things can only get better from here.
Love you all!

Written by Uncle Pete and Aunt Barb on Jan. 12, 2016

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our INCREDIBLE niece KATHLEEN!! It's the big 2-5! Here you are 21 years ago -- showing a tremendous sense of fashion! We hope you have a fantastic day and year!! We love you tons! Can't wait to hear more about your Christmas cruise and your b-day party (sounded like a feast).

It still is cold here -- think it was about 5 above for a high and it's now below zero, but it's the wind chill that really bites. The serious cold weather gear is now out (and there's no fashion statement there -- no one cares anymore -- warmth trumps all). Suppose we got this from ND. Stay warm all! Love, Barb & Pete

Written by Val on Jan. 11, 2016

Happy Birthday today to Kathleen! Wishing you a delightful day! We had a very nice evening celebrating your Grandma Ardella's 80th birthday last night! It was a chilly night, but we stayed nice & warm at the Homesteaders Restaurant and at your grandma & grandpa's for cake. Hope we were not too noisy last night when you called your grandma! Have a wonderful day!