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Written by Barb & Pete on Jan. 11, 2016

HAPPY 80th BIRTHDAY to the BEST Mom & Mother-in-law EVER!! You're terrific and we love you so very much! We wish you a wonderful day and year! Sounds like you're having a busy day (still opening presents at 4:30 pm) with a lovely supper out tonight with Kevin & Val & Curt & Bonnie - fun, fun! Keep celebrating! Have a piece of cake for us.

CONGRATS CURT & BONNIE on 57 years! Most inspiring! Love the pic that Val posted. Realized I don't have any photos of your wedding & I'd love to see more. Such a great looking couple!

We're in the midst of cooler temps -- was -7 this a.m. Saturday night was our first below 0 temp of the season so can't complain -- of course the big Vikings game was the next day -- welcome to Minnesota and our outdoor Gopher's stadium. New stadium is supposed to be finished this fall.

Desi (& Dave), Cindy & Jill -- chin up! Yikes, what a bad streak. Just think, the year can only get better from here.

Photo is Mom (almost 4) and her brother Arno. Pete & I love this pic -- love the turkey in the background. Our love to all!,
Barb & Pete

Written by Shelley on Jan. 10, 2016

Big Day in the Family! I am sending electronic greetings having been too disorganized to get off the cards.
Happy Birthday Aunt Ardella!
Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!

With love Shelley

Written by Val on Jan. 10, 2016

Happy 80th birthday to a sweet aunt who is loved so much! Wishing you many more wonderful birthdays Ardella! Looking forward to having dinner out with you & Robert & mom & dad tonight!

Val & Kevin

Written by Sue on Jan. 10, 2016

Happy 80th Birthday to my very special mom! I hope your day and year are the best! Happy Anniversary to Curt and Bonnie! Hope you celebrate big!
Belated Christmas, new year wishes and birthday wishes to everyone! I can't believe I'm so behind and haven't looked at the website in ages. Threw a birthday party for Kathleen yesterday when some of her friends were available. First time Steven has still been home from college to celebrate with her. I'll have to write more later about our Christmas cruise, I need to get ready for work.

Written by Val on Jan. 10, 2016

I want to wish my parents a Happy 57th Wedding Anniversary tomorrow on January 11th! I found some photos I had saved from the scrapbook made for your 50th wedding anniversary and though I'd post this one in honor of your special day! Looking forward to celebrating with you tomorrow evening! It will be cold, much as it was on your wedding day! Sending "warm wishes" for many more anniversaries to celebrate!

Val & Kevin

Written by Bonnie F. on Jan. 8, 2016

Hi, It is Saturday morning and I am thinking of you both, Cindy and Desi, hope things are going good, or at least as good as you hope to have them go. Sure it is a real challenge, both to keep Marge comfy, and also to keep Dave comfortable. Wish there was something I could do to help out. Sent a card to Dave, with the mail service up here in the North who knows when you might get it! Cold today so I am staying in and keeping the wood burner going full blast. Big football game for all ND,s today NDSU going for its 5th national title . Is on ESPN 2 if you are interested. Also tomorrow the Vikes are playing, sure hope they can beat those nasty Seattle Seahawks. Chin up and keep going you girls, Love, Bonnie F.

Written by Cindy on Jan. 5, 2016

Hi everyone, I got my computer here at the inlaws so I can have access to the outside world. I'm "living" here with them again, sleeping on my cot in the living room so I'm available 24/7(per dr. order) I can call for help from the staff here as well and do call when putting Marge to bed or getting her out of bed due to the cumbersome brace that is required when she moves. This is not optimal but the other option was to put her in the nursing home but someone still would have had to be with her because she wouldn't know where she was or why, she can't remember to press a call bell so know the care would have been questionable at best. I don't know what else I can do and Ron is frustrated but for now its the way it has to be. Be thankful for your health!
The whole deal with Dave is so awful but Desi reports in when she can and it sounds like he's doing better than I would have guessed, the worst will be when he gets frustrated when he wants to get back to "normal" and still has a lot of rehab to do.
I am taking a few hours off tomorrow and Friday as I had prior commitments that I couldn't get out of. Taking Jill for an appointment that she needed a driver for and on Friday I'm assisting with a funeral lunch at the church(most times I could have gotten out of this but I'm the secondary person in charge of funeral lunches and the other girl will be in FL on vacation)I think we've got things pretty well covered for the few hours I'll be gone, at least I hope so.
I sure hope this isn't what the whole year will bring.
Please keep posting, you know I don't do facebook so this is my lifeline! Wue, want to hear about the cruise over Christmas. As a sidenote, I may do Christmas all year, who knows when I will have time to take down the decorations lol!
Love to you all and HAPPY 2016:)

Written by Val on Jan. 5, 2016

Oh my goodness! Sounds like the Colorado HHF's need LOTS of positive vibes! So sorry to hear about Dave's fall, what a bummer! Knee and shoulder injuries at the same time. Sounds like it will be a long recovery. Falls are bad at any age, but as we age, the consequences are always harder to bear. We are thinking of you Dave and you too Desi as you will have to be the "nurse" extraordinaire!

Cindy definitely has earned her angel wings and a bright & glowing halo for helping Marge & Jack. Another bummer and lots of healing time ahead.

Hope Jill & Marley are over the flu. The flu is no fun, but at least it is a short lived affair and does not require months of recovery & therapy. Hope you two are feeling much better!

The weatherman says we are in for a cold snap this weekend with temps and wind chills well below zero. Will be a good weekend to put away some Christmas decorations & listen/watch two big football games. NDSU is playing for their 5th consecutive national championship in Frisco, TX and of course the Vikings are playing on Sunday! We will be cheering them on.

Planning to celebrate Aunt Ardella's 80th BD and mom and dad's 57th wedding anniversary on Monday. The forecast looks a bit warmer for Monday.

Love to all!

Val & Kevin

Written by Desiree on Jan. 4, 2016

Happy belated birthdays to my wonderful sister and awesome Uncle Curt!

So far 2016 has started out very badly for us Coloradoans. On New Year's Eve Dave slipped at work and ruptured the tendon in his left knee (his kneecap was up in his thigh - very gross) which required an ambulance ride to the hospital, surgery and a long, difficult recovery ahead. In addition to the knee injury he tore his rotator cuff which will also require some sort of surgery but the knee was the most urgent of the two injuries so that's our focus at this point in time.

Cindy's mother-in-law also fell and injured her back so Cindy is once again having to take care of Marge full-time and is basically living with them until she gets better. Marge injured her back in the fall and has a vertebrae compression fracture. From what I understand this isn't an injury that can be repaired with surgery but she does have a brace that she has to wear and poor Cindy is having to take care of everything as Jack is still recovering from his recent shoulder surgery and can't do much.

Lastly, both Jill and Marley are sick with flu and colds. Ugh - enough already! We're all hoping that Obamacare will take care of all of our medical bills - HA, HA, HA!

Anyway, I just wanted to give everyone a quick update on what's happening down here. Send some positive vibes down our way cause we sure need them.

By the way, I love the picture of our beautiful Aunt Ardella on the front page. What a pretty lady. Also, I wanted Robert and Ardella to know how much we liked their Christmas card this year. Dave was wondering if the HartParr tractor runs on steam? It definitely was our favorite card of the season :-)

Good luck with your house cleaning Val! You're an inspiration. Mine currently looks like a medical equipment store - ugh.

Love to all!

Written by Barb & Pete on Jan. 3, 2016

Happy Birthday Curt!! Wishing a wonderful uncle a wonderful day and year!! Hope the cows are restful and you get to eat those crab legs. Have a healthy year!
Happy Belated Birthday Jill!! You're getting closer to a well-deserved retirement. How was Christmas with Miss Marley?
We had a great Christmas in Minot and so enjoyed spending Christmas Day at the Heislers. The day always goes by so fast but we did pack in a lot of fun. Will try to post some photos later. The Santa gifts were outstanding as our pics will show.
We're both back in the swing at work -- is year end for me so will be busy until the middle of Feb -- but all is well. Our winter is still pretty balmy but they're warning of artic temps next week. Can't complain it's been pretty than normal.
Gotta run - have my own concoction of a new hot dish in the oven (I've become rather bold to "adapt" recipes for what I have on hand & add a couple of other things. The pizza place always is a backup in case of disaster). Happy New Year to all!! We love you and miss you!
Barb & Pete

Written by Shelley on Jan. 2, 2016

Happy Birthday Dad! I hope you get your crab legs today. Wish I was there to celebrate with you!!

Written by Val on Jan. 2, 2016

Happy 77th Birthday tomorrow (Sunday) to my dad! I know your tractor needs fixing, so my wish is that repairs can be made in a timely manner & you can get your feeding done so we can go to Minot & find all you can eat crab legs! The weatherman is giving you a wonderful birthday gift with the forecast calling for temps over 30 degrees! That is a great gift for your birthday! Hoping the year ahead is a great one! My number one wish is that you get your back fixed up so you can feel like a 50 year old again! Love you dad! Have a great day!

Written by Val on Dec. 31, 2015

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JILL! Hoping your day is special & 2016 is off to a great start! We celebrated New Years Eve with mom & dad. Went to the golf course for supper, followed by ice cream at the farm & home by 9:30 pm. I stayed up till the New Year (in fact past the new year)! Kevin was in bed early. I am making my new year's resolution to do some serious "cleaning out" in my house. In frustration when trying to find something in my silverware drawer, Kevin pulled everything out of it & I discovered I had about a dozen of those little paring knives! That is just an example of a much bigger problem. Have lots of stuff to do this weekend, first is putting away the dishes & stuff from Christmas. Wishing everyone a Happy & Healthy New Year!

Written by VAl on Dec. 27, 2015

Happy belated 60th birthday to Ron! I sent a card, but doubtful that you received it on time. It seems impossible that you can be 60! Hope your day was nice & that the year ahead as a 60 year old is AMAZING! Wishing you good health & much happiness!

Written by Bonnie F on Dec. 23, 2015

GEE WILLIKERS ! I forgot that I wanted to wish Ron T a HAPPY BIRTHDAY ,today, Christmas Eve . So sorry, must be the Christmas rush or else my brain is again fogged up. Have a great birthday Ron, and MERRY CHRISTMAS to all. Bonnie F.