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Written by Bonnie F. on Dec. 23, 2015

Hi all HHF's--MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL! It will be a white christmas here in Velva, we have about 6 or more inches so it is fluffy white snowl Finished my working at VVM today, we had such a nice supper for residents and staff last night. Prime rib, real mashed potatoes, asstd. salad,asst. vegetables, juneberry pie, pecan pie, cheese cake, and all kinds of cookies, oh yes an non-alcoholic punch. Then there was a gift exchange where you could get a present when your number was called, then you could keep it or take away from a previous person who had a present you wanted. I thought the residents probably wouldn't like it, but they had such a good time, trading., etc.
Such a special group of people, I enjoy them so much.
Waiting this evening to hear if Erica has arrived, hopefully her plane has not been delayed like so many. My wish to all of you is that you have a beautiful Chistmas with family. We will miss all that are far away-Love to all from up in the Elvis room, where my Elvis Christmas tree is decorated and waiting for visitors. Love always. Bonnie F.

Written by Cindy on Dec. 22, 2015

Hi everyone, Are you going to have a "white" Christmas where you are? I think I remember that Sue and her kids are on a cruise-nice, and Barb and Pete should be in ND by now, how about Iowa and DC? We got snow last night and they are predicting possible snow on Christmas Day.
Greg is home so we are planning on going to see Star Wars this afternoon, both he and Jen have seen it already and report that its "awesome".
Tomorrow is Christmas Eve and also Ron's 60th birthday so wanted to plan something special but is always hard because of the date. We are going out for a nice dinner in Denver after Jenny gets off, so just the four of us and that is always fun!
Read Val's post, sounds like you'll all be together Christmas Day! Would be fun to be together, we will be there in spirit.
Have a very Merry Christmas, much love to all of you!

Written by Val on Dec. 21, 2015

Thanks so much for posting the photos Desi! Love seeing all of you! Sure wish we could be together for Christmas!

Written by Desiree on Dec. 21, 2015

Grandma, London & Talon

Written by Desiree on Dec. 21, 2015

Audrey and John

Written by Desiree on Dec. 21, 2015

Hultman's wish you Merry Christmas

Written by Desiree on Dec. 21, 2015

The girls

Written by Desiree on Dec. 21, 2015

Merry Christmas!

Written by Val on Dec. 20, 2015

Well here it is the week of Christmas! Seems like preparations have been even slower than ever for me this year. For some reason, my lower back decided to spasm so this past week has been a little rough. I was at the chiropractor 4 days last week & got a muscle relaxant from the clinic. I cannot sleep in a bed, have been sleeping in the recliner, which does not always mean I get much good sleep. Tomorrow morning I am having a massage to see if that can help get the kinks out. I am fine if I stand all the time. Just irritating more than anything.

I want to take time to wish you all a wonderful Christmas & New Years! We will be celebrating Christmas Eve at our house with Kevin's two brothers and their families and with mom and dad. Just have an appetizer potluck to keep it easy. Then Christmas Day we will have dinner at our house with Robert & Ardella, Bart & Pete, mom & dad and Erica. We will have lefse & plum pudding, but no fish! We will miss all of you!

Erica will only be home till Sunday evening, so we have lots to pack in to her time here. Hoping to meet up with some of her other Heisler cousins.

For now, I better get back to my work. Love to all!

Written by Cindy on Dec. 14, 2015

Hi everyone, Happy Christmas! We had a wonderful time in WY this past weekend with my Mom and John, Candy, London, and Talon. Had such fun! We were at Mom's house, kind of tight but she is more relaxed and comfortable in her own house. The kids are always such a joy, we feel so blessed to have them in our lives. Desiree has said she will post some pictures so hope she does that so you can share in our special moments. Wish you could have all been there too:)
Hope you are all enjoying the special days leading up to Christmas.

Written by Bonnie F. on Dec. 14, 2015

Hi everyone, So good to talk to the 3 girls and to sister Audrey on Saturday. Hope the weather held until everyone got home safely. I have been busy up at VVM, volunteering and working for pay to help fill in so others can shop and prepare some special events for the residents. Today we frosted sugar cookies that were made in the shape of sweaters and snowmen. Tomorrow is the"treat walk" sort of like the cake walk, only with bags of unknown treats whe you step on the number we call. Keeps me busy, but I enjoy it so much. I have to finalize a brief Christmas letter that you mayget. Since our farm life is pretty ho hum it won'tbe too interesting. Just a health note, Shelley has been diagnosed with Lyme disease, this is her second bout with this disease, lots of deer ticks in WVA.She is on medication and hopefully feeling better. Keep that Christmas news coming. Love, Bonnie F.

Written by Val on Dec. 13, 2015

Hello everyone! Hope you all had a good weekend & are enjoying some special holiday events as you prepare for Christmas & New Years. Mom reported that she had spoken to Cindy, Desi & Jill who were in Casper this weekend to be with Audrey during her surgery to stretch her esophagus. Glad to hear it went well. They also planned to have an early Christmas celebration with Audrey & John's family while they were all there. Hope you all had a wonderful time together. Hoping someone with post a "report"!

I had some minor oral surgery on Friday to remove a traumatic fibroid on my left cheek. It went fine, so far I have not had much pain, some swelling, but the worst is the stitches in my mouth - feels like I have a reel of fishing line in there! I go back on Friday for a check to make sure it's healing up fine. I stayed pretty close to home this weekend, so finally got my decorating done & my Christmas cards ready to send. Have not done any baking, but don't plan to do too much. Took mom to the high school Christmas concert yesterday, which was very nice.

We had our first significant snowfall of the winter last week. It was 60 one day & snowing the next. Gotta love ND! Sounds like we could get some more snow this week. Today it is foggy & frosty & the trees are very pretty!

We are looking foward to having Erica home for a brief visit over Christmas. She won't arrive until Wednesday evening & then goes back on Sunday evening, but glad she is coming.

We will be spending Christmas Day at our house & look forward to having Robert & Ardella & Barb & Pete with us. The day always goes much too fast.

Miss you all! Hope to see some news here about what everyone else is doing to celebrate the holidays!



Written by Cindy on Dec. 1, 2015

Well, as usual I'm late in wishing Stephen a very happy birthday on the 30th! Hope you had a special day-are you still with your mom or are you back at school. Study hard but have fun.
Hope you all had wonderful Thanksgivings, we had a great time with Ron's brother's family, Greg was here so had a nice week.
Ron's dad came out of his surgery with no problem, doctor said was a lot more arthritis in his shoulder but he hasn't taken a pain pill since he came home, I have to take him for a recheck next Monday and then I'm sure they will start rehab, he is doing some exercises on his own but will be more intense once they start the rehab. Soooo great that they are in the assisted care, I still visit almost daily but now its mainly to visit. Great, great, great!
Keep in touch. Glad to hear Val and Kevin had a good time with Carl and Olga!

Written by Val on Nov. 30, 2015

Happy birthday today to Steven! Hope you have had a fantastic day!

Kevin & I had a very enjoyable trip to North Carolina to visit Carl & Olga & spend Thanksgiving with them. We went on a road trip & saw the Biltmore Estate & spent a day exploring beautiful waterfalls. Also enjoyed visiting Old Salem & the Sarah Duke Gardens. Hoping to post some photos. Our computer has been ready to pass on for a LONG time & finally bit the big one, so Kevin bought one tonite at Best Buy, so now need to figure it all out. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.

Written by Cindy on Nov. 22, 2015

Hi all, Sunday evening here after a nice day having lunch with my sisters and then some shopping at Kohl's, they bought lots but I just hung with them. ha, that doesn't happen often! Thanks to everyone for all the birthday wishes(and yes I did receive your card Aunt Bonnie, as well as one from Val, you people are always so good). I can't even get my wishes on the website on time-I guess I'll blame it on "old age" lol.
Ron and I went to Blackhawk overnight(the gambling town up in the mountains) had a nice time but didn't win any big money-not like we ever do! Was COLD up there with a little bit of snow but luckily didn't stay around, sounds like we are having worse weather than you are up north. Lucky you!
Greg will be coming to Greeley this week for a few days, we have a standing tradition of going to Ron's brother and sister-inlaws for Thanksgiving-always lots of food and then games after which Greg enjoys. Jenny is working again on the holiday, she always seems to get stuck with the holidays but at least she gets extra $ for doing it.
Jen is still negotiating with her HOA/property management to get them to cover the leak she had earlier this fall, very discouraging that this might be a problem that will take a while to get resolved. On the bright side she is loving having her own place and every time we visit she has done something new.
Had such a nice week with my Mom a couple of weeks ago, we just enjoyed each others company and also got to enjoy time with John, Candy, and the kids. Just wish Casper wasn't so far away or at least the weather wasn't so unpredictable the further north you go, I'm a chicken!
I have been working on the March trip to Deadwood, I did book 4 rooms as things were booking up fast(finally found out it was because that is St. Patty's weekend and apparently a big weekend for them) I booked at the Lodge at Deadwood-Val said they have stayed there and Jill and I have as well so was nice when we were there. Did talk with the sisters and they felt like they couldn't commit to as many nights as I had booked for so, we are looking at staying Fri and Sat nights and then leaving Sunday morning as they would need to be back to work on Monday. Let me know what you all think of that, I will start looking at activities we can do. Everyone cross your fingers for good weather.
Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving! Gobble, gobble(up that turkey)