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Written by Barb & Pete on Nov. 21, 2015

Happy Birthday Cindy!!
Was so enamored with reading all the new postings, I forgot to post my own yesterday (which is why I logged on). Hope you had a terrific day and keep celebrating the terrific YOU that you are!! Olive Garden sounds delightful and wish I was there to celebrate too! Photo is from May 1959 -- you're looking adorable Cindy -- and still looking great today!

Howled about the Ski-Doo/house problem with Jill. I don't remember the event so am guessing I wasn't around. Hope to hear more details! So sorry to hear Audrey is having problems with swallowing and choking, and I had no idea that John and Desi had this too. Yikes! How is Jen doing in the new condo? All is well here. We had our first dusting of snow last night, which is already gone, and our first hard freeze the day before. So no complaints about our November weather. Am excited to have a short work week this week. No big plans for Thanksgiving and definitely do NOT plan to go shopping on Black Friday - will stay home and list all I'm grateful for instead!
Love to all! Barb & Pete

Written by Desiree on Nov. 21, 2015

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE BEST BIG SIS EVER! Jill and I plan to take the birthday girl out to lunch tomorrow. I think Cindy wants to go to the Olive Garden which will be a treat for me because Dave & Chance don't like it so I never get to go.

It's so good to read the posts from everyone. I had to laugh at Bonnie's comment about Jill driving the ski-doo into the house. Surprisingly her driving skills aren't any better today lol!

We don't have any big plans for Thanksgiving. I'm hoping to be able to make a turkey but we have been working very strange hours (mostly nights) for a company called Schlumberger. They are doing a lot of fracking in the Cheyenne area and have been keeping us busy. They've told us that they are going to frack through this month and then take December off so we're keeping our fingers crossed. Dave literally hasn't had a day (and night) off since June. BTW is Kathleen still dating the guy that worked for Schlumberger (I just remembered that)? So glad to read that both Steven & Kathleen will be able to spend some time with Sue during the long Thanksgiving weekend and that Kevin & Val will be visiting Olga & Carl. Hopefully, Bonnie will be able to go see the Elvis impersonator too!

Cindy spent last week with mom up in Casper as she's been having some issues with choking and not being able to swallow her food. Both John and I have had this and it requires an esophageal dilation which they do as an endoscopic procedure. She's scheduled to have it done on December 11th so hopefully Cindy and I will be able to go up (Jill too if she can) provided the weather cooperates. December and Wyoming don't mix well for road travel.

We did get Chance moved out of his apartment on Halloween and he is back home with Dave and I. He is planning to move in with a buddy the end of December but I do have to admit that it's been really nice having him around again.

I better get going - I hope that everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving and eats way too much ;-)

Love to All

Written by Bonnie F on Nov. 20, 2015

Happy Birthday, Cindy
Hope my card has arrived, and hope you have a great birthday. Wish I could be there to celebrate with you! Hope you don't have too much snow, we have none so far but I am sure there will be some soon.
Staying at the farm for Thanksgiving, hopefully Curt will take me somewhere for turkey, there is no place in Velva, but plenty of places in Minot, I could start my Christmas shopping early--no way for that.
May go to Garrison the day after
Thanksgiving to see an Elvia impersonater as part of the Dickens festival which they have there every year. My friend Pat says she wants to go, we have tickets, but she is great to change her mind so I guess we will see. HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL! LOve, Bonnie F.

Written by Sue on Nov. 20, 2015

Happy Birthday Cindy! I hope you have a wonderful day and get to celebrate in a big way. Do you have any big plans?
I am thrilled to have next week off work. Steven is heading home from Tech after his last class on Tuesday and will get home sometime during the wee hours of Wed. morning. It'll be so nice to have him home for a few days. It's always great that he is home around his birthday so we can celebrate that, too.
Kathleen has to work on Thanksgiving day so we will celebrate on Friday. Steve and I will spend the day with friends
on Thanksgiving day.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving wherever and however you spend it.

Written by Love Jill on Nov. 19, 2015

Hi to Bonnie. Of course I don't remember running into the house HAHA! I remember darn Clyde putting us into the wire fence too! Dang pony!! Will be off next week and planning on watching Marley. Thanksgiving will be pretty quiet. Lefse!!! Yum!! Everyone have a blessed safe thanksgiving.

Written by Val on Nov. 15, 2015

Hello from North Dakota where it was a very balmy day! Sounds like more seasonable weather is arriving later this week. Sure has been wonderful to have an extended fall! Mom & I made lefse today, about 45 rounds. Yum! We had to eat a few fresh pieces during the afternoon. Kevin & I will have a busy week getting ready to go to North Carolina for Thanksgiving! Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!

Written by Bonnie F on Nov. 10, 2015

Hi All, JUst read the remarks from Jill.
Good to hear from you, now I just have to tease you about running into the house with the famous Ski-doo! Do you remember that, a classic, like so many fun things we did on the farm. Another dreary day here, but no snow so far. Forecast is for 40-60 mile winds tomorrow and possible snow. Sounds like a blizzard in the works. I know the Colorado area had snow, as did Wyoming. Hope everyone is cozy and warm and safe, also Deb and LIndsay in Iowa where tornadoes are forecasted, hope that is wrong. Served my circle group breakfast pizza and fruit this morning at VVM. A small turnout, but I thought it was pretty good.
Hope all is well with everyone, keep posting, how about the John H's- would love to hear from you. Bonnie F.

Written by Jill on Nov. 9, 2015

I just want to agree with Val and Sue. We are so fortunate to have such great family!!! I know I don't write very often, but do get on and read. I was with friends last week-end out shopping and I told the stories of how we grew having a blast. I think we were together pretty much most of the time. One of the best was the ski doo and the car hood!!! Everyone have a great day!!!! Love to all!!!

Written by Sue on Nov. 7, 2015

Hey everybody! Don't have much for news but wanted to agree with what Val said on the main page this month. I feel my life is much richer and better because of the wonderful family that God has given me. I can't imagine not growing up surrounded by family and lots of first cousins. We all had so much fun together. I will forever remember how we would get together and prepare a "Christmas program" every year for the adults, ice skating at the Feist farm as well as riding on the old car hood. We always had such fun together and I think that is why we are still close to this day and try to get together!

Written by Cindy on Nov. 5, 2015

Hi all, Now that I have gotten the in-laws moved I will be getting ideas for my Mom's birthday celebration in Deadwood under way. Do keep March 19th weekend open if you plan to join us-hopefully the weather will cooperate so we can all enjoy a fun weekend! More details to come.

Written by Val on Oct. 29, 2015

Hello all! Thank you all so much for the birthday greetings! I had very nice day! It was great to be off work for my birthday. I sang with Solid Oak at the church service in the morning and then Kevin & I had a very nice brunch at the new Minot Country Club restaurant called Elevation. We spent some time in the afternoon going to open houses to get some ideas as to what the new trends are in kitchens, as we'd like to update a bit. The most inexpensive home we visited was only $430,000 & the most expensive was $750,000. It's crazy! In the evening we shared pizza with mom and dad and had birthday cake. I was remembered by my family, friends and co-workers with many nice cards and gifts. Thanks to all!

Today we are celebrating Halloween at work. Our theme for this year was "Movie Characters". I took an idea off Pinterist that I thought was pretty clever. Of course some of the "young" people here don't remember this movie, but I know all of you will! Hope everyone has a nice Halloween weekend! We are supposed to have nice weather this weekend, so need to be outside and get some things done!

Written by Sue on Oct. 25, 2015

Happy Birthday to Val! Hope you had a really nice day.

We had about 6 1/2 inches of rain and some wind gusts from the remnant of that big hurricane to just hit Mexico. We really needed the rain so I'm glad it rained really steady and not too fast so the ground could absorb most of it. Some bayous were full and went over, but didn't hear about any people getting water in their homes.

Came home from church, made a chicken chili and just stayed home. Was nice.

Glad to hear your in- laws will be settled in their new home soon, Cindy. So sorry to hear about Jenny's struggles with homeownership already. That is too bad. I sure hope she doesn't end up owing much. Seems weird it would be the a.c. Unit after a big rain. Have a good week everyone!

Written by Cindy on Oct. 25, 2015

Its evening here so hope this posts today, Happy Birthday, Val, what are you about 30! You do have more energy than anyone I know at your age, I poop out pretty easily anymore-ha! Ron and I were in the yard, lots of leaves and many more to fall yet, didn't come in until dark then couldn't wait to get into the shower, now doing laundry, gee whiz, you'd think I could get some of this done during the week- I don't work much and I still struggle to get it all done, don't know how you gals who work a full work week manage it all LOL.
Jack and Marge move to assisted living next week(actually on Nov. 2nd)so have busy trying to decide what they want to take, etc. Always something to do over there, looking forward to their move-hope they like it.
Greg called and won a raffle at work, the CEO of the company has 9 season tickets on the 50 yard line for the Broncos and gave away 2 tickets to the Denver-Green Bay game next Sunday night and my lucky son won them, so he and Ron will be going to the game(the face value of each ticket is $360-wow how the other half lives:) Ron and I plan to spend the night, so while they are at the game Jenny and I will get to hang out.
She works so much but was so pleased that she finally had got things in pretty good order. Then the rain came last week(lots of rain!)she has leaks in her living room, figured it was from the roof so called the HOA, the roofer came out and said that it was something with the air conditioning unit now the HOA says that they don't cover it so she's on her own, needless to say this is very distressing to all of us, still working on it and hope and believe this should be covered by the HOA so hopefully this will get resolved so she doesn't end up having to put out a lot of money.
Back to laundry- again Happy Birthday Cousin Val. Love you all!

Written by Desiree on Oct. 25, 2015

Happy Birthday Cousin Val!!! Love the pic that Shelley posted - good looking women in this family. It's Sunday night so don't know if my post will show the October 25th date but I really did remember it ;-) Dave and I are working tonight so gotta run. I hope that you had a fantastic day Val and treated yourself well because you deserve it!

Also, belated anniversary wishes to Pete and Barb. Congrats on 18 years!

Love to all

Written by Shelley on Oct. 24, 2015

Happy Birthday Sistah!
Looking forward to talking with you and hoping you have a FANTASTIC Day!

I so wish I were there to share in your special day.

ET Phone Home!

at our age we no longer have to explain why we post pics that are 5 yrs old!