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Written by Barb & Pete on Oct. 24, 2015

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Val!! We hope you have a wonderful day and year! You're an incredible cousin -- our family is so much richer because you're a part of it and so giving of your time and efforts! Are you doing anything special to celebrate?

I was in Fargo last weekend with the Norwegians. Had a good event - saw many people that were on the tour to Norway with us. Also took in Bonanzaville. Now we have Pete's cousin Arne, from Germany with us. He wanted to see the Great Lakes, so we went up to Duluth for two days and had a great time on the North Shore. There's still some beautiful fall color around. We're off to Fort Snelling today and went to the History Museum yesterday (to see buffalo and a teepee) as well as Minnehaha Falls. Also plan to see the MegaMall and Bellechester, MN (where the Schmitt's came to from Germany before going to Harvey) and hopefully New Ulm tomorrow.

Hope everyone is doing great. Love to all!
Barb & Pete

Written by Bonnie F on Oct. 24, 2015

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Val on the 25th of October, hope you have a very good and fun birthday.We will be singing at church with our gospel group, SOLID OAK, that will get the day started. Know you have plans for brunch out at the new golf course in Minot and we hope to share supper and birthday cake later on. I have had a very busy week, working at VVM, two days, going with Curt to doctors on two days and getting ready for a style show we had at VVM. I was one of the models, the oldest one that's for sure. It was a lot of fun, the clothes were all very nice, a lady from Mt. filled a trailer full of stuff from her boutique and brought them and we could buy what we wore, also a 25% deduction because I modeled. There was a tea and after the style show, anyone
could shop. Got some boots, a denim jacket, scarf,blouse, pants. Nice to shop where you can try on and wear first.The proceeds from the show as far as admittance will go to VVM and be used for some new Christmas decor. It was fun.
Val came and brought some other friends, as usual she is my support system and I do appreciate it very much .Have a good rest of the weekend. Love, Bonnie F.

Written by Val on Oct. 17, 2015

Happy Anniversary to Barb & Pete today! Great to hear from Desi! Wow the Casper fire sounds bad, glad John's property was safe. We had a little fire here this past week, burned up Dad's baler & a small area of hayland. Could have been much worse! Sorry to hear that Chance & his girlfriend broke up, but sometimes it just does not work out. Hope you can find him a place of his own. Good news for Cindy & Ron that Ron's parents are moving to assisted living. You have been so good to help them stay in their home for so long. When you are there more than home it means it is getting to be too much. Glad Jenny is enjoying her new place. Erica was busy with projects this weekend at her house. She was sending pictures too! Told her I need help at my house! Today is the Lutefisk dinner at our church. I won't be eating there. Mom has to sit with the bake sale & bazaar items from noon to 6:00 pm. I may give her a break. Kevin's siblings are all coming today to clean out the rest of the items in his dad's house. Really not much left, but a few treasures to split up. The house is sold & we should be closing in a couple weeks at most. It is a beautiful fall day here so I think I will volunteer to do some cleaning up outside! Love to all!

Written by Cindy on Oct. 16, 2015

Wow, lots of posts since I last posted! Love to see what you are all doing during this beautiful fall time of year, hate the thought of winter but love this fall weather.
I am helping with the fall craft/garage sale at the church this weekend-always more fun when I'm not in charge of anything but just helping(the summer sale is my "baby") We always have so much to sell at these sales, we don't have a huge congregation anymore but they sure get rid of a lot of "treasures" We usually make around $2000. and always many projects that need cash. We always have lots of Christmas décor at the fall sale and I must admit it would be easy to buy a ton of "new" pretties for my house but have in recent years been trying to downsize myself. Do you all still decorate big time? Desiree does the whole "house beautiful" decorating and I love, love going to her place at Christmas-its FABULOUS! I even downsized my tree last year to a smaller(but still lovely)tree, but don't put out as many of the other stuff anymore. Maybe now that Jenny has her own place she will take more of the decorations, but of course she has her "kitties" and they're worse than kids as far as getting into things. LOL
I hate that I've missed birthday wishes to all of you October Birthday Babes-my bad, Happy birthday Lindsay, Carl, Debbie, Bonnie, and Marley. I did try to call Aunt Bonnie on her birthday but sounds like she had big plans for the day and evening-hope you got my singing wish:)
Don't know if I've told you that we have been shopping around for an assisted living arrangement for my in-laws, and happily we finally decided on a place that while expensive will allow them to have the help that they need. Jack is going to have surgery on his shoulder(a REVERSE rotator cuff) the doctor has said while his range of motion will be more limited, he should have little to no pain in that shoulder-I sure hope it works because he is miserable at present. Of course this is very upsetting and confusing for Marj so hope after a few days she'll adjust. Ron and I are excited for them, and will help decrease our commitments to them and make it more enjoyable when we visit; as of now we spend more time at their house than at our own.
Need to get to Casper before the snow flies, I hate to drive up there when the weather starts getting cold as you never know when snow flakes start up there. I'm kind of a chicken driving anymore, my little car doesn't like it either.
Jenny is getting settled in to her new home, she texts pictures and gives us regular updates on what she's doing there. She reports the kitties are adjusting well and she is obviously loving being a homeowner. Greg is busy as usual with his job, I think he likes it that way, and of course with it being fall it's also BRONCO time! My guys sure love their sports-ha.
Good to see all the posts. Love to you all!

Written by Desiree on Oct. 14, 2015

Hi everyone! Like Barb I haven't been very active on the website and apologize for missing the October birthdays. I hope that Lindsey, Carl, Bonnie and Marley had special days. My computer is acting up so hence the multiple postings.

The picture below was taken by London. Casper had a big fire last weekend. They were doing a prescribed burn at the landfill and the winds picked up and it got out of control. John's shop and all of the homes around the area were evacuated. The pic shows the burn line on the right and how close it came to London's VW, John's pulling truck "PARTS" and his shop in the back. Unbelievable how close it came (mere inches). His neighbor's place was burnt to the ground and the reports are that over 20 homes were destroyed and a lot of animals were lost. Fortunately no lives were lost. Needless to say, we are all very thankful that John's place was sparred. The shop also holds of the antique tractors that John and grandpa Art restored together so we really feel very blessed!

Dave and I have been busy loading sand. Chance will be moving back to Loveland the end of the month so I am trying to help him find an apartment or townhouse. He and his girlfriend of 4 years broke up over the summer so he's ready to move back up to be closer to family and friends. Also, his work now provides a shuttle service to various park-n-rides on the interstate so he no longer has to live close to the Denver yard. Big plus for him!

Gotta run - more sand to load. I really enjoy reading what everyone is doing so keep posting! Love to all.

Written by Desiree on Oct. 14, 2015

Burn pic

Written by Desiree on Oct. 14, 2015

Burn pic

Written by Love, Sue on Oct. 13, 2015

Happy Birthday Aunt Bonnie! Sounds like you have lots of plans to celebrate in a big way, as you should!

Written by Barb & Pete on Oct. 13, 2015

Happy Birthday to our fun aunt, Bonnie! You are the best and we hope you have a best ever day! Keep celebrating! Do tell us about the photo -- was it a 4H project?

Happy Belated Birthday Deb and Carl. And congrats on your new house Jenny!

All is well here. Am remiss to have not posted for so long. Had a great trip to Minot in Sept. visiting Dad & Mom. Got in on Gerry Larson's 80th party so got to see several relatives. Got in a Weber picnic & met new relatives. And Val & Kevin came up for a visit and we went down to see Bonnie & Curt, which was great. Loved seeing the new kittens at the farm -- they were a hoot, 5 of them playing with each other and having a great time in the fairy garden.

Am off to Fargo this weekend for a Norwegian Hadeland Lag Meeting. Hope to see lots of people that were on the tour with us. Then we're looking forward to having Pete's relative, Arne, visit from Germany next week. Think this is his first time in the U.S., so should be interesting.
Hope everyone is doing great! Love to all!
Barb & Pete

Written by JILL on Oct. 12, 2015


Written by Shelley on Oct. 12, 2015

Happy Birthday to the original BERGEN GIRL Bonnie Feist!

Hope you have a fantastic day. I will look forward to talking to you later!

Written by Val on Oct. 12, 2015

Happy Birthday today to my mom! It's a beautiful fall day, so hope you enjoy your trip to Minot and have a great day! I will be cooking birthday supper for mom tonight at my house. Because she eats alot of beef, the menu will NOT include beef! Also tried my hand at making a homemade white cake with raspberry filling so we will see how that turned out. The butter cream frosting should cover up the "bad spots". Love you mom! Enjoy your day!

Written by Bonnie F on Oct. 12, 2015

Hope you have a fun and great day. Wish I was your age tomorrow, oh, maybe not, I plan to spend part of the day in Minot, have two appts. and I am meeting my high school classmate, Mavis Larson for lunch.
we both have October birthdays and are the same age and were both in the class of 1957 at Bergen High. Have fun, Love, Bonnie F

Written by Sue on Oct. 9, 2015

Happy Birthday, Deb! Hope your day is great. Belated happy birthday to Lindsay and Carl! Hope you celebrated in a big way!

Life is pretty much about work. I bring home papers pretty much every night and weekend to grade, tests to write, administrative details to do. I definitely get a full 12 months or more of work into my 10 months! The kids are pretty good this year but don't like to turn in homework. I just don't remember that being an option when I went to school!

Had a few days in the 80's last week so was hoping fall might be here but it looks like it is back to the 90's again for awhile.

Bought two new shower heads with hoses so you could lift the shower head off and spray where you want to. Kathleen was the one who really wanted them to make washing Beau easier. Tried to install them myself but was kind of afraid to break something when the pipe coming out of the wall started moving. Thought I'd have to hire one of those house husbands or handyman to put them in for me. Was walking this morning with Beau and the plumber was working on the new construction house next door. I wandered in and asked him what the trick was. He said he would be glad to come and do them for me. I jumped at his offer. When I asked him how much I could pay him he said nothing, that it would take him about 20 seconds per shower. How wonderful! Probably took him about a minute each. So glad to have them installed.
Mowed my little yard this morning, cleaned house and now heading out to run errands. Hope everyone has a great weekend.

Written by Val on Oct. 9, 2015

Happy, Happy Birthday to my sister Deb! Surely hope you can enjoy your day & that you stay away from work! Do something you enjoy (not more exercise)! Will be trying to reach you sometime during the day! Weather is supposed to be nice so I will be helping mom with her deck & Kevin with some painting we were told we had to do at Art's house. Heading to Coleharbor in the afternoon for a 2 year old's BD party!