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Written by Sue on Jan. 3, 2022

A belated happy birthday to a very special uncle. I’m glad to see you celebrated and had a good time and good eats! Much love to you!

Written by Barb & Pete on Jan. 3, 2022

Happy Birthday Uncle Curt! Sure hope you had a good day and the cows behaved so you could relax and enjoy your day. A dinner out sounds lovely - way to go Bonnie!
We made it back safely last night (Sunday)- good roads and pretty light traffic. Is good to be home. Enjoyed our time in ND except for the extreme cold part. I covet a full face mask if I had to do it again - forehead freeze (or brain freeze as Val calls it) is not fun. Love to all! Barb & Pete

Written by Val on Jan. 3, 2022

I must be tired. Forgot to attach the photo!

Written by Val on Jan. 3, 2022

Here is a photo of dad and his birthday cake, made by mom!

Written by Val on Jan. 3, 2022

Happy 83rd Birthday today to my dad! Mom took us out for supper at the Longhorn Steakhouse - excellent food! We made a short stop at the new Tractor Supply Store in Minot and then home for cake and presents! Dad is always pleased with simple, useful gifts so we gave him a batch of homemade cocoa mix, a pack of D batteries for flashlights & two bottles of Watkins Linament for his sore hip. Our weather is going to turn real cold again and tomorrow we have a winter storm advisory - more snow and wind. Stay warm everyone!

Written by Cindy on Jan. 2, 2022

Hoping for nice weather for Barb and Petes drive home tomorrow (Monday) also hope dear Uncle Curt has a special birthday. Bonnie says she hopes to go out for his bday dinner so hope that works out. Anyway Happy Birthday Curt!
We finally got snow and with it some very cold 🥶 weather- below zero!
Happy 2022 everyone!

Written by Barb & Pete on Jan. 1, 2022

Happy Birthday Jill! Hope you're having a terrific day and have a great year!
Happy New Year HHFers! Nice to turn over a new leaf!
Love to all!, Barb & Pete

Written by Sue on Jan. 1, 2022

Happy Birthday, Jill! Hope you have celebrated today!
Happy 2022 everyone! Hope it’s a great year!

Written by Val on Dec. 31, 2021

Happy Birthday to Jill and Happy New Year to all! Hope Jill has a great day and everyone has a great year ahead!

Written by Val on Dec. 31, 2021

Happy New Year to all! Sure hoping 2022 is a MUCH better year for all! Glad to see 2021 come to a close! Today was a VERY cold day in ND! I ventured to Minot this morning and did a few errands and then met Barb for lunch at the Bistro, a nice little restaurant at Edgewood Vista in the building where Robert lived. Was SO nice to just spend some time with Barb & enjoy visiting. After lunch we went to visit Ardella. She had been napping but we went to her room & had a nice visit. She played with her robotic kitty and we looked at a photo book Barb had made of old photos which was so nice! Left there about 5:00 p.m. & then a stop at Walmart! It was so cold today you got a brain freeze just walking outside! Tonight and tomorrow are going to be bitter cold. We are celebrating New Years Eve at home! Cindy - I sure hope you figure out what is going on - might be stress related. Love you all!

Written by Cindy on Dec. 29, 2021

Hello Family,
Enjoyed reading Barb's note, I was thinking of calling on Tuesday to make sure they got home ok but guess my question was answered by reading the website. Glad you're playing it safe and waiting to travel. CO is experiencing beautiful weather although tomorrow night we are scheduled to get some snow and cold! Finally! Should say the mountains are getting snow but has been nonexistent here on the plains. We need some moisture but sdon't look forward to the cold!
Have been feeling kind of rotten as far as my GI tract, nausea and diarrhea often as of late-am scheduled for an EGD and colonoscopy for Jan 5th- not looking forward to starting my New Year off that way but hope to get to the bottom of this.
Greg has been with us since before Christmas and just left a bit ago, had to go by work to sign some checks that need to go out before the end of the year.
No big New Years Eve plans, just plan to be home and stay warm.
Love to you all and if you do go out be careful!

Written by Barb on Dec. 29, 2021

P.S. Barb here again. Is Wednesday the 29th when I wrote the blurb below. Also should have said we were playing "Christmas Charades" when Bonnie was trying to act out "The Virgin Mary". (still makes me smile).
Is Weds at 9:45 pm and -16. Yeowser.
Minot got 11" of snow. Bismarck 12", Jamestown over 20" -- thus the highway problem. Stay warm & healthy everyone.

Written by Barb & Pete on Dec. 28, 2021

Belated Merry Christmas to all from COLD, snowy North Dakota! We are still in Minot. Had hoped to leave on Monday because of the extreme cold weather that was heading our way (and is here). But the freeway was closed between Bismarck & Fargo for two days. Now it's extremely cold so don't want to drive that far in such cold, so waiting for a warm up (probably Sunday).
Pete can work from the house. I am visiting Mom every day and she is doing well. We look at old pictures, pet her robotic cat and FaceTime with Sue now and then.
So enjoyed Christmas at Val & Kevin's. The food was fabulous. Still am laughing remembering Bonnie trying to act out "The Virgin Mary". Love to all, Barb & Pete

Written by Val on Dec. 25, 2021

Merry Christmas one and all from snowy North Dakota! We had a very nice Christmas Eve & Christmas Day. So happy to have Erica home with us. We attended the candlelight Christmas Eve service at church last night & mom prepared a nice ham dinner for us. Today we had Barth & Pete with us & enjoyed a nice afternoon & evening. The time always goes way too fast. We had some great holiday headgear & Santa brought us Minnesota Lottery Tickets! Pete was a lucky winner! Thinking of all of you & hoping you have some time to rest & relax over the weekend. Sounds like we are in for a winter storm. Snow & blowing snow. We are supposed to celebrate Christmas with Kevin’s family tomorrow, but we might be a small group. Love to all!

Written by Barb & Pete on Dec. 24, 2021

Merry Christmas Eve to all! Pete and I just visited Mom and she was doing well. She had a present from Lavonne (her caregiver when Mom was at the house), which was so nice. And Santa delivered a couple of bubble pop toys which made Mom laugh. We are looking forward to being at Val & Kevin's tomorrow (COVID testing beforehand to make sure we're clear). We are so thankful for our incredible family!! Enjoy your time with your family and friends! Fondly remembering many years of Christmas get-togethers! Merry Christmas!