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Written by Bonnie on Oct. 9, 2015

Happy Birthday on October 10 to Deb[Debra} (Debbie) from Mom, hope you do something special on your special day. We will be calling, not sure just when, but hope to talk to you, haven't really heard from you since your big trip to Florida. I have a goal for tomorrow, finish the staining of the new deck. I stained the cracks in the floor 1/2 way today, so hope to finish the job and the floor tomorrow. Weather sounds good for the next few days. Hello to all , hope all is well. Love,

Written by Val on Oct. 3, 2015

Happy Birthday today (Oct 4th) to my brother Carl! Hope you have a wonderful day!

Well Hostfest is history. I was up there 3 times & along with the other things that come along, I feel like I have not been home for a long time! Mom & I enjoyed Martina McBride. Wow does she have a voice! Great seats & concert! The list of food items I enjoyed there was Augustana's famous rice pudding, Finnish stew, bread pudding, cookies at the booth I worked at & mini donuts😄😄. A highlight at the booth yesterday was a visit with my 6th grade teacher Mr. Rid, who is married to Oscar Haga's daughter Judy.

Today is laundry, cleaning & catch up day! Better get busy!

Written by Val on Oct. 3, 2015

Happy Birthday today (Oct 4th) to my brother Carl! Hope you have a wonderful day!

Well Hostfest is history. I was up there 3 times & along with the other things that come along, I feel like I have not been home for a long time! Mom & I enjoyed Martina McBride. Wow does she have a voice! Great seats & concert! The list of food items I enjoyed there was Augustana's famous rice pudding, Finnish stew, bread pudding, cookies at the booth I worked at & mini donuts😄😄. A highlight at the booth yesterday was a visit with my 6th grade teacher Mr. Rid, who is married to Oscar Haga's daughter Judy.

Today is laundry, cleaning & catch up day! Better get busy!

Written by Shelley on Oct. 2, 2015

At Cindy's urging I will send a "hello" and report that Deb and me had a lovely time at Disney World between Sept. 23-26. Unfortunately massive line waits kept us from experiencing the Peter Pan ride (arrrgh) and the scary roller coaster which a grown man told me was lame but sounded about right for me. We did Splash Mountain and I think I lost 5 years off of my life!

Written by Cindy on Oct. 2, 2015

This thing is a day behind, its Saaturday here! But I'll take the opportunity to cheat and say Happy Birthday to Lindsay(I'm not late-LOL)

Written by Cindy on Oct. 2, 2015

Up early today, going to the church this am to make lunch for a group building at the Habitat for Humanity house(I used to help with the building but have now been relegated to the kitchen-ha)
Love the new web page, spooky blinking pumpkins-oooowoooo! Val, you are so good with the computer wish you were closer to help your poor, old cousin-you would for sure have to be more patient than my boys ever are with me-lol!
Sounds like Erica is having a fun time in wine country, I think it would be fun even though I don.t like wine-gives me a terrible headache.
Hope you get Kevin's Dads house sold with ease, sounds like a lot of work. Hope we don't have to deal with that too soon, but with Rons folks who knows.
Enjoy all the "news" PLEASE some of you who we don't hear from very often, do some posting, we miss and love you and want to know whats going on in your lives!! It can't take that long, even if its just to say you're too busy! lol!

Written by Val & Kevin on Oct. 1, 2015

Giving a Happy Birthday shout out to Lindsay in Iowa today! Hope you have a nice day!

Written by Val on Oct. 1, 2015

Greetings everyone! Nice to hear from Cindy! We always like to read news from other HHFs! We sure would love to hear from others! Hint, hint! It is a wet and windy day here in ND. We have had beautiful weather, but looks like the weekend may be wet. I am leaving work today by 3:00 p.m. and picking mom up and we are going to venture to the Hostfest to take in some entertainment and indulge in some Hostfest food before we settle in to our seats for the Martina McBride concert. We are in row 9 on the chairs in the front, so should have excellent seats! Then, back to the Hostfest I go tomorrow to work from 12 - 6 p.m. to "pay" for my the tickets! Wish I could skip that part! Will be a long day. I got free tickets from my boss for the opening concert at Hostfest so was up there Tuesday evening too. The group was an ABBA tribute group & very good. Went with a couple gals I work with. Had "Dancing Queen" in my head the next day!

Bummer about Jenny's job. Sure hope she can stay with Whole Foods, but am sure she is not too thrilled with going back to being a cashier and taking a pay cut. Hope she's getting settled in her new condo. It is fun for us mom's to help decorate and do projects.

Erica is in California wine country with a high school friend of hers. They got a little to zealous about wine tasting their first day and went to 6 tasting rooms. They were not feeling so great the next morning. Yesterday they went to 3 wineries, today they are traveling up the coast to Chandelier Park and then tomorrow it's paddle boarding and a Harvest festival in Healdsburg.

We are in the process of selling Kevin's dad's house. We were getting ready to advertise it and a couple that had inquired about it came to look and wanted to buy so we are working with them. Had the appraiser there this week and found a couple more things we have to fix. We still have some things left in the house to clean out, so hoping to get that done in the next few weeks. Will be hard to say "goodbye" to the house Kevin's parents lived in for over 50 years.

Can't believe it's already October! Lots of birthdays in the HFF group this month, including MANY in my family!

Happy Fall everyone!

Written by Cindy on Sep. 29, 2015

Martina Mcbride, Wow I even know who she is and love her music! Sounds like such a good time! Val is such a good daughter to take her Mom on this outing, don't party to hardy Aunt Bonnie! lol!
Jenny has been working hard getting things in order at her new place, got called in to work at Whole Foods for a "mandatory" meeting yesterday, found out that her job as a "trainer" has been eliminated-luckily, they will let her go back to a cashier job but it may be a cut in pay of $1/hr.(at least she thinks so, as of yesterday) Scary! I hope it all works out, guess she will still be able to make her payments but this just shows how quickly things can change. But the good thing is that if she had stayed at the old place the rent would have gone up to $1000/month and her payment will be less than $900/month.
Things are busy again with the inlaws, my father inlaw is having terrible pain in his shoulder, trying to get relief with injections but after 2 has not gotten none. Will get a xray guided injection on Thursday and if that doesn't help may have to have surgery-Lord help me!
Hope you all keep posting, you're my lifeline to sanity! ha!
Love you all!

Written by Bonnie feist on Sep. 27, 2015

So happy to find a message from Cindy this a.m. Congratulations to Jenny on her new home. Sounds wonderful and will be so much fun to have your own place. I am busy trying to stain the new deck Kevin built for us last summer. It is quite a big project for me, but I really hope to get it all done before the cold weather hits. Beautiful here in ND so many colors in the trees. Yesterday , Val and I met cousins Sharon Fisher and "Punky Burckhard for brunch at the golf course, saw lots of photos of Sharon's grandsons wedding, did a lot of visiting and ended up in Bergen at the church for more visiting and phntos, took photos of us all in front of Grandma Haga's house(you may remember from your latest visit here) WE tried to watch the blood moon, saw the eclipse and went to bed, this morning early the moon was spectacular, very large and white. Guess I am going to Martina McBride concert with Val on Friday, (at the Hostfest). I won't be going until the afternoon as I play out pretty fast, then Val has to worik on Sat. to pay for the "free" tickets VEC got for her.
Have a good week, everybody. Love, Bonnie

Written by Cindy on Sep. 27, 2015

Hi everyone, Just an update, Jenny is now in her new home, the address is 8225 Fairmount Drive 5-203, Denver, CO 80247.
Ron and I were with her Friday and Saturday along with Greg, we helped her get a few things in but she had some friends who did most of the heavy lifting(don't want Ron to re-injure his back) She still has to "clean" the old place and lots to decide in her new place, has many ideas and projects she wants to do before putting things away permanently, wish I was closer so I could help, she works so much and has very limited time for these projects. She is very excited to have her own place and will be wonderful for her. Not sure how long the kitties will take to get used to the new place but hopefully won't take too long. Got her internet and TV hooked up today after Greg tried to help last night but found the internet company had to get involved too. That's why I hate trying to do anything technical. ha!
How's everyone doing? I have started my new "fun" job of giving flu shots this fall, unfortunately had some trouble getting things set up with the staffing company I work for so didn't get to sign up for too many clinics before most were already taken by other nurses. My first one was last week in Denver, had to leave Greeley at 5am to be there by 6:30am so was a very busy day for a gal who's not used to getting up that early(at least not ready to go anywhere looking presentable-lol) I hope everyone will get there flu shot as getting the flu can be very hard on a person.
Happy Fall! ps hope you all get to view the "Blood Moon" tonight, I'm certainly hoping to get a glimpse of it!

Written by Cindy on Sep. 14, 2015

Happy Birthday Shelley, Probably out on the East Coast dancing the night away, as it is 9:30pm here, I, of course, would be in bed by this time, birthday or no birthday! Ha!
The pirate themed party on the Potomac looks like it was fun-why should we as adults not get to have FUN birthdays like the kids?! You go girl!
Hope the colonoscopy went well Aunt Bonnie, I'm sure it was fine. Best rest I've ever had with the good drugs on board. The prep isn't fun but on the other hand I did lose 5 lbs.(for a day anyway lol) How's Curt doing? You all are so busy all the time. You folks in No Dak just can't sit still-lol, maybe because winter will be here before we know it and then its too cold to go out;)
All the "old" pics you gals post are so fun to see, I'm lucky I can get the posting done let alone pictures.

Written by Barb & Pete on Sep. 14, 2015

Happy Birthday Shelley!! We wish you a grand day and wonderful birthday month! Celebrate what a fun, creative person you are! Loved the pic of the Pirate Party. Immediately noticed your "footwear" and it reminded me of Christmas 1976 -- see attached. You've always had such a great sense of fashion!

Happy Anniversary Cindy and Ron! Most inspiring to see you enjoying the years together! How was Las Vegas? Are you in seclusion because you were big winners? Am sure you had a great time!

All is well here. Has been busy. We had a little 3 day trip at a little town south of here a couple of weeks ago. Did some biking and golfing. Was just nice to get away. I'm getting ready to head to Minot on Sat. for a week, so am looking forward to that. Pete is stuck at work with one co-worker ready to go on maternity leave any day, and another with medical problems so they're short staffed.

Bonnie, good luck on the colonoscopy - never any fun. I framed my letter from the dr. saying I had "good prep." Ha!

Love to all!, Barb & Pete

Written by Desiree on Sep. 13, 2015

Happy Birthday Shelley! I can't believe that it's already been 2 years since our big hippie birthday bash; great memories. I hope that you have a fantastic day and indulge yourself. Love the pic of the pirate ship excursion - any cute pirates wanting to take you hostage - arrr! Love to all

Written by bonnie f on Sep. 13, 2015

Happy Birthday, Shelley, Guess you celebrated yeserday, but we are thinking of you and hoping for a nice day today.
JUst 2 years ago since the fun and exciting
Colorado adventure. You always seem to find some way to have a great birthday.
Calling soon, as I have to get ready for my trip to clinic for my COLONOSCOPY, Talk about fun, right. Love you, Mom