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Written by Cindy on Aug. 6, 2015

Well here I am again, wishing belated wishes to Uncle Bob and Aunt Ardella on your 58th wedding anniversary! Sorry I'm so late!
Things here have been hectic---as per usual! Jenny has put a bid in on a beautiful, 2 bedroom, 2bathroom second level condo and after some back and forth they accepted the offer, now the hard work starts-all the paperwork and difficulty understanding it all, many long calls a day-yikes! its been a long time since we were involved in all this stuff(lots with the HOA that we don't know) In the end she will close on Sept. 3rd but has to pay rent at her current place until the end of Sept. so hopefully it won't be a mad rush to get her moved in/out. Will keep you informed as we know things.
Then of course there are my inlaws-another long and involved scenario. Trying to get something arranged for help at home so when I'm not available they have help, but very expensive and hard to make decisions.
Ron and I are taking a few days around Labor Day weekend to get away-we will be staying in Vegas close to the Red Rock canyon- usually stay on the strip or downtown so will be a change. looking forward to see different parts of this big city. We will be going downtown one night for sure as Ron looks forward to seeing Blue Oyster Cult and Kansas on the downtown mall(the good old 70's music) Hopefully we can see Erica while there but know she's busy with lots of things so won't feel bad if it doesn't happen.
Glad to hear you all are having a great time in ND visiting and having a wonderful time together. Wish I was there! Miss you all so much.
Hope you all are still considering a trip to South Dakota in March for my Mom's 80th birthday celebration. Good time to talk about it while you're all together-hint, hint.
Going to Casper this weekend to see the gang up there- a special birthday for my sweet, Talon! Also, John will be "pulling" with the very cool "Parts"(the name of his truck, cause its made of "parts" from lots of his various projects) Wish you could all be part of our "cheering" team!

Written by Robert and Ardella on Aug. 4, 2015

Dear all, Thanks so much for all the good wishes on our 58th wedding anniversary.It has been fun to have Sue here for a couple of weeks. She is always busy helping out where ever and whatever. Again thanks to all for remembering us old timers. Ardella and Robert

Written by Sue on Aug. 4, 2015

Happy 58th Anniversary to my wonderful Dad and Mom! Hope you have many more anniversaries!

Having a great time visiting here. Had my first try at making klub yesterday. Dad said it was fine, but having never had it in my life, I don't have anything to measure it against! Fried the leftovers for breakfast this morning. I heard Aunt Bonnie makes it, so I will need to consult with her.

Had a great time today and declared it "Tractor Tuesday". Went up north and got to drive five different tractors around the property. Was my first time driving the Rumely. Quite a big beast, but isn't going to break any speed records! Told my dad he needs to declare every Tuesday and Thursday "Tractor Days" and drive around and enjoy the fruits of his labor.

Written by Barb & Pete on Aug. 3, 2015

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY DAD & MOM! 58 years -- very inspiring!! You guys were truly made for each other and are an example of a great marriage! Glad that Sue is there to celebrate with you.

All is well here -- we're just bumming around and trying to enjoy the best days of summer. Any report on the condo hunting for Jen? Kudos that Greg got an Apple watch -- we're still in the dark ages and don't even have a smart phone yet. We can text but it's painful, and I still only put the cell phone on to call out. Hope everyone is doing great! Love, Barb & Pete

Written by Val & Kevin on Aug. 3, 2015

HAPPY 58TH ANNIVERSARY to Robert & Ardella! Thinking of you today & wishing you a great day! So nice that Sue is here to help you celebrate! We look forward to seeing you on Friday for a picnic at the Bergen Church!

Written by Sue on Jul. 30, 2015

Having a great time at Mom and Dad's. Was fun to see Bonnie, Val and Kevin last night. Looking forward to seeing Curt, Shelley, Debbie and Nick later next week.

Had quite a windstorm here the other night. Was almost hurricane force winds in places. Lots of damage in Minot and other places, especially to the trees. It took Mom and I an entire morning to pick up branch debris in the yard.

Beautiful weather and lots of fun to be here for a couple weeks! Hope everyone is having a great summer.

Written by Val on Jul. 29, 2015

Thanks for sharing your photos Barb! They are awesome & I agree with Cindy, it's great we can "feel" like we are there through photos! Cindy - enjoyed your post! Sounds like the train ride was lovely! Good luck with helping Jenny find a condo. Everything is so expensive!

Working to get ready for Shelley, Deb & Nick's visits. Kevin's uncle passed away (his dad's brother) so we will have a busy weekend with the funeral on Saturday & then heading to Harvey for the memorial golf tournament for my nephew which is the same day. Life is so darn crazy!

Looking forward to seeing Sue tonight as Kevin, I and hopefully mom will join them for supper tonight!

Back to work I must go!

Written by Cindy on Jul. 26, 2015

Just had to come back and say I LOVED the Norway slide show, it looks like a beautiful place and its so special that we get to enjoy the splendor in some little way. I'm so happy Barb and Pete that you have gone there and represented the HHF clan as most of us will never have the chance to visit this beautiful place ya sure!
thanks for being so gracious to share this beautiful place through pictures:):):)

Written by Cindy on Jul. 26, 2015

Hi everyone, Had a wonderful day with Jenny and Greg yesterday in Georgetown riding the steam engine train, was an absolutely gorgeous day. We were in the "parlor car" where we received free drinks(non-alcoholic) and snacks on the hour train ride, we did elect to have mimosas on our ride as well since it was my girls "special day", the lady in charge of our car had everyone sing for her so was very cool. We sure were glad to have a roof over our heads since it was sunny and very warm. Many came to c
the car trying to buy a drink but that wasn't allowed, so as we lived "high on the hog" others were baking in the heat...la dee dah! ha! We then went back to Denver and looked at a couple of condos(really more like apartments) Jenny is hoping to buy a place when her lease expires in September but she is waiting to see shat she can qualify for-very expensive to buy in Denver right now is definitely a "sellers market" but we are hopeful that things will work out since its very pricey to rent there too. We then went to dinner at one of her favorite Mexican restaurants-yummy food and margaritas.
Very hot here again today, Ron was having issues with his lawnmower but has it working for now at least(thought he was going to buy a new one but he read up on the internet and decided tor try to fix it himself, he's not exactly "Mr. Fixit" but I give him credit for trying-lol)
Just talked with Greg and he had been out and bought an Apple watch, sent me a picture, looks pretty cool, he likes all the new, fancy gadgets and fortunately makes enough cash that he can buy them. I wouldn't mind having one if I could figure out how to work it-as you know I'm a bit "challenged" Guess a few people he works with have the watch and so of course he thought he should too.
Talked with my Mom and she says its hot in Casper too, she's having problems with the automatic sprinkler system they put in last year but John is helping with it so hope her lawn doesn't dry up. We(Jill, Des, and I) are planning to go up the weekend of August 7-9 for the truck pull John is going to be in up there and it will be good as that would have been Faron's 60th bday and also we will celebrate Talon's bday(13) as well so will be nice that we are there and all together.
Thanks for all the nice wishes for Jen, not sure that she's on the website often but think she reads things occasionally and will appreciate the thoughts.
Sounds like the Feist family will all be coming home during the month of August so have fun and enjoy your time together!
Love, love, love you all!

Written by Barb on Jul. 25, 2015

Happy Birthday Jenny!! You're such a special person - you deserve a very special day!
FYI, I posted some Norway photos (of the
couple thousand I took). Went to a free Joe Diffie outdoor concert last night. Was a gorgeous night and fun time. Not much else for excitement. Great to see everyone's posts & hope everyone is doing great.
Love, Barb

Written by Val on Jul. 25, 2015

Happy Birthday Jenny! Loved the photo your mom posted on Facebook of you & your family. I love your new hair color! Hope you had a great time in Georgetown, CO. We were there many years ago & rode the train too! I remember seeing mountain goats there too.

I took my 10 year old niece Haley to Bismarck for our annual aunt-niece school shopping trip. We stayed in a hotel Friday night & had 9 cousins come & swim at the hotel with us. Today was shopping! It is always educational to spend time with a 10 year old!

Looks like we are going to have a warm week ahead!

Written by Desiree on Jul. 25, 2015

Happy Birthday to our beautiful Jennifer today. I hope that you have a wonderful day up in the mountains. Love you much!

Written by Bonnie F. on Jul. 24, 2015

Hi all, Many HAPPY BIRTHDAY WISHES to Jenny, whose birthday is today, July 25,hope you have a fabulous day! Won't ask your age, but I know you are just a "spring chicken" as Grandma Lue always said. It is going to be hot and muggy here today, The last day of the ND State Fair, I haven't made it. For all you rock n roll fans, AEROSMITH is on for tonight, should be a big crowd, and lots of noisy music. Must go pull some weeds before it gets too hot. Have fun Jenny, Love, Bonnie F.

Written by Bonnie F. on Jul. 24, 2015

Hi all, Many HAPPY BIRTHDAY WISHES to Jenny, whose birthday is today, July 25,hope you have a fabulous day! Won't ask your age, but I know you are just a "spring chicken" as Grandma Lue always said. It is going to be hot and muggy here today, The last day of the ND State Fair, I haven't made it. For all you rock n roll fans, AEROSMITH is on for tonight, should be a big crowd, and lots of noisy music. Must go pull some weeds before it gets too hot. Have fun Jenny, Love, Bonnie F.

Written by Bonnie F. on Jul. 24, 2015

Hi all, Many HAPPY BIRTHDAY WISHES to Jenny, whose birthday is today, July 25,hope you have a fabulous day! Won't ask your age, but I know you are just a "spring chicken" as Grandma Lue always said. It is going to be hot and muggy here today, The last day of the ND State Fair, I haven't made it. For all you rock n roll fans, AEROSMITH is on for tonight, should be a big crowd, and lots of noisy music. Must go pull some weeds before it gets too hot. Have fun Jenny, Love, Bonnie F.