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Written by Barb & Pete on Jul. 21, 2015

Happy Birthday John! Hope you had a grand day and have a fantastic year. You're still young -- still 6 years until the first colonoscopy. What projects do you have cooking in your garage? Any truck pulls? By the way, Dad got 1st in his class of the tractor pull at the Lansford Threshing Show (he was the only one -- but I'm sure would have won it if there had been more). Love, Barb & Pete

Written by Cindy on Jul. 21, 2015

Oops my sweet sis gave me the heads up that I had inadvertently forgotten to wish my little brother a Happy Birthday when I was doing all of my wishes-crap! I'm getting as old and forgetful as well... I don't know who or what. Yikes! I did texted him and got my card off to him but just forgot here on the web site. Sorry, John- HAPPY BIRTHDAY late.
I am having my repeat (5 yrs ago) colonoscopy and an EGD on Thursday, I know it has to be done but don't relish the prep tomorrow and the fat girl in me says no-no to the clear liquid diet all day tomorrow and until Thursday after the procedures. Bummer!

Written by Val on Jul. 20, 2015

Happy Birthday to John today! Such a young one! Hope you are having a great day! Many thanks for the birthday wishes for Kevin. Our day was extremely busy! Working & celebrating! So excited to hear that we are going to plan to get together to celebrate Aunt Audrey's 80th birthday!!! Perhaps we need another "theme" party?

Written by Desiree on Jul. 19, 2015

Happy 44th Birthday to my little bro today! I found this pic of mom and John by our peach tree when we lived in Greeley.

Written by Pete & Barb on Jul. 19, 2015

Ditto on the HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Kevin!! You are the best cousin (in law technically) ever!! Wish we were there to celebrate with you like last year when we had supper and birthday cake in the backyard after a rousing afternoon of tractor driving. (did you ever get rid of your bruise from the lurch from the Mpls Moline?). We're sure you don't look at day older since last year.

Love to all! Barb & Pete

Written by Bonnie F. on Jul. 19, 2015

Hi all and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our great son-in-law, Kevin, 58 years young today. I know you are having a pretty busy day, with painting, mowing, going out for supper with your aunt Lucille who has the same birthday as you and then this evening we intend to come up for cake and presents! I have been very busy today., Sunday the day of rest--no church for me today, spent the morning in my garden trying to repair some of the hail damage, then made zucchini casserole, zucchini bread and lunch , then canned 7 quarts of peach sauce- got so hot I had to take a shower in the middle of the afternoon. Hope grandson Nick will like the zucchini bread when he comes, it was one of his favorites.
Also HAPPY BIRTHDAY ,JOHN tomorrow. Hope you have a great day-according to my Helstedt calendar you are now 44. Just a kid. I am remembering last year when you all came to visit during the ND state fair, we had such fun! Please come again- no fair for me this year.
Read Cindy's post, I also had mentioned going to the Black Hills to your Mom quite a while ago, she seemed interested. I think it would be a great time. We could gamble, sightsee, wine tasting, relaxing, I am hoping it comes about. We could drive from ND, weather pending. Keep it in mind all you HHF'ers. LOve, Bonnie

Written by CindyYour name on Jul. 18, 2015

Hi everyone, Another exciting Saturday night in the Thompson household, we are currently watching Bret Favre get inducted into the Packers Hall of Fame-my husband sure knows what a girl likes-lol! This is "history" according to Ron and really is intent on watching every minute(you know those special shows when you can only take a bathroom break during a commercial-ha my "Packer fan") Greg was going to get tickets when the Packers play in Denver this year but the tickets sold out in minutes and he couldn't get through on the internet(he was suppose to be working) He is hoping one of the bosses at his work will give him their tickets(season ticket holders) Jenny and I are not interested in going along(even if we could get tickets)
I was in Casper visiting my Mom last weekend, actually stayed 5 days and we had such a good time. Nothing real exciting just eating out, errands, a few odd jobs around the house but really enjoyable. I miss her and wish she was closer, I'd love it if she would move to Greeley but she says she plans to stay put in her "little house" I did talk with her about her 80th bday in March and the discussion about having a "girls family get together", I wasn't sure she would agree but she is all for it. Soooo....the plan is to meet up in Deadwood, SD around her birthday which is March 19th(a Saturday I think)we could stay at a place in Deadwood and travel around the area as we liked. I will be doing some checking into places to stay. We of course, would drive(Jill, Des, me, Mom, and hopefully, Candy)I know that is a questionable time of the year to travel to SD but hopefully that allows her sister, Bonnie(and we hope Ardella) to spend this momentous occasion with her, she would love to see all or any of you. I will let you know more details as I work things out. It could be a wonderful time and I hope you will each consider this!
I am behind in wishing all the belated bday wishes to my sister Desiree(52) and to Val and Kevin"s anniversary. Happy 58th birthday to Kevin tomorrow, happy birthday to my beautiful daughter Jenny(32) next weekend. Hopefully I haven't forgotten anyone(I'm not as good as Val with all the special occasion wishes and cards-maybe if you come in March we'll have another big bday party for everyone)
I love the sound of the B&B that Val and Kevin stayed at in MN-wow, never seem to go to interesting places like that.
Continue to have a wonderful summer.
Hugs and Kissses:)

Written by Val on Jul. 16, 2015

Thanks for the anniversary wishes! We very much enjoyed getting away for a few days. Enjoyed our time with good friends in Bemidji. Went to the headwaters of the Mississippi & took a pontoon ride to visit Paul Bunyun & Babe! Spent lots of time visiting & eating delicious food prepared by our hosts! We left Bemidji Sunday at noon & made our way to New York Mills, MN to the Whistle Stop B&B. We were in awe when we stepped into the "Palace Car"! Just beautiful! There was relaxing music playing, chocolate covered strawberries on the table & a special note on the bed telling us about the train car. Very special place! A hot, delicious breakfast was delivered to our door in the morning! Sunday evening there was a tornado passing by the town of New York Mills & the sirens were sounded for about 20 minutes, but we just stayed in our cozy train car. We were back on the road Monday morning & stopped in Fargo for some shopping & to visit Kevin's godfather.

We had a nasty storm come through last night. Dropped hail that was larger than quarter size. It was also very jagged so did lots of damage. Broke my gazing ball in the garden, sheared off leaves on the trees, flowers & veggies, but think they will rebound. Got a few dimples in our new siding, but hopefully the sun may help pop them out.

Hoping to have a productive weekend! LOTS on the to do list!

Written by Shelley on Jul. 14, 2015


We are all blessed by what the two of you bring to our family! Hope you find a wonderful way to celebrate.

Written by Barb & Pete on Jul. 14, 2015

Happy Anniversary Kevin & Val!! Hope you have a special day. Sounds like you already celebrated with your big weekend in Bemidji - trust you had a grand time. You guys are an incredible couple and totally inspiring! You're both always so good to help others - you guys are the best!

All is well here. Has been hot and humid and we are so grateful for our A/C. Just had Happy Hour with my "Dot's Pretzels" (made in Velva) - most inspiring with a margarita. Hope everyone is doing great!
Love, Barb & Pete

Written by Sue on Jul. 10, 2015

Hey everybody! Hope you all had a great 4th. Kathleen threw a party for some friends and I helped her. She made baby back ribs, burgers and sausage, plus everything else. It was her first major party, making all the food, etc. since she graduated. Quite different from those college parties. She was exhausted when everyone went home! Enjoyed the fireworks in a local park.
Spent the week cleaning, organizing, scheduling every yearly appointment from doctors to lawyer! It is amazing how many things you need to keep up with. I also finished playing Tom Sawyer. I stained my cedar fence so I wouldn't have to look at it in gray as it fades. Had to do two coats and do it around all the rain but got it done on Monday.
Had some friends over for dinner last night. Heading to see Tom's folks for a few days. Coming to ND on the 25th through the 8th to see my folks and anyone else who is around. The kids can't get away from work so they'll water the plants, watch Beau and have the house to themselves! Love to all.

Written by Val on Jul. 9, 2015

Hello everyone! Hope everyone had a great July 4th holiday?! We had a great day, seemed it just went by very fast. The parade was excellent this year, had a nice picnic lunch with Robert & Ardella in a shady spot in the Velva Park, the annual cake walk was well attended & the fireworks was great too!

Sunday Kevin & I finally went to the church in Bergen & repaired the ceiling tiles that has crashed during the winter. Made quite a mess so spent some time cleaning. Need to mop the floor & we are ready for guests. I have one group I need to schedule for a social there & then have to decide if we are going to do a special event when Shelley is home in August. Definitely won't be as large as last year.

Kevin & I are going on a road trip this weekend to see friends in Bemidji, MN. There will be 2 other couples meeting us there. Also planning one night at a B & B in New York Mills, MN called the Whistle Stop. We will be staying in a train car!

Erica is on a journey to Glacier National Park with some friends she works with. They plan to do lots of hiking. I have never been to Glacier but want to go sometime!

Summer is going way too fast. The ND State Fair is the next big event! Don't care if I go or not. Kevin will be busy getting campers ready to show.

Enjoy the weekend whatever you may be doing!!!

Written by Barb & Pete on Jul. 5, 2015

Happy Birthday Des!! Hope you have a terrific day and do something special to celebrate.

We're back from Norway and we had a fantastic trip! Our relatives were such wonderful people - we so enjoyed our time with them. We loved our tour group and saw so many incredible things. The scenery is beyond beautiful -- pictures don't capture it all. The photo attached is on one of the fjords.

Back to reality at work tomorrow (after 3 whole weeks off, not sure I'll remember my password). Love to all, Barb & Pete

Written by Val on Jul. 3, 2015

Happy 4th of July everyone! Wishing you all a fun & safe celebration! Happy Birthday to Desi tomorrow too! Going to be a hot day here in ND! We have been dealing with haze & smoke from Canadian wildfires! Welcome home to Barb & Pete!

Written by Bonnie F. on Jul. 2, 2015

Happy Independence Day to ALL. Hope whatever you do is fun and safe. We will be at home here in Velva for the annual celebration. Have to bake a cake for the cakewalk and hope to picnic in the park with Robert and Ardella. Curt is spending the fourth with his favorite veternarian, implanting embryos in some donor cows. Really don't know why it has to be on that day, but guess we will celebrate without him. Hope you have a wonderful birthday on the 5th Desiree, Sent a card, but I azm not sure if it will get there on time. Hope Barb and Pete are safely back from Norway, sure they have lots to tell and show. Hooray for the red, white and blue.Love, Bonnie F.