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Written by Cindy on Jun. 6, 2015

Hi all, Decided to catch up on the news, to put your worries to rest we are all ok here in Colorado and Wyoming, the weather is definitely wild but hasn't affected any of us. The many dollars we spent last fall to have our drainage problems fixed seems to have taken care of flooding that we've experienced in the past I guess Desiree and Dave out ran a bad hail storm and a tornado coming home from their sand terminal, but ok. So tired of the rain every day-haven't planted anything yet since the weather never seems nice enough, lots of people putting their flowers out but having to cover them so I don't see the point.
On a happier note, I am again sleeping in my own bed but spending the days and evenings with the inlaws, Jack is doing much better, has his cast on now but has been told not to do much with that arm so still needs a lot of help and truthfully I think he likes me cooking and shopping(I did tell him I don't like housekeeping at home so he got a gal to do most of the cleaning at his place-dusting, toilets, etc, I still am doing some of the household duties but just helps to have someone do some of the stuff I don't want to ha! This coming week I will be very busy at the church as I am in charge of the garage sale there. The same gal who is doing housekeeping for the inlaws is a caregiver as well so she will help out with showers and such this week. We have a deficit in the budget this year at the church so the proceeds of the sale will go to the general fund as well as to a family in the church who has had some health issues this year(so of course money problems too) Thank goodness our health is good thus far this year.
Love to you all. Think sunshine!

Written by Bonnie F. on Jun. 5, 2015

Hi everyone What is going on in Colorado and Wyoming? Are the news reports right?
Hail loaded on a payloader and tornadoes and flooding. Sure hope no one in the HHF's group has been affected. Must be bad, we are expecting heavy rain tonight and tomorrow, boy I hope they are wrong.Curt is frantically trying to get some corn seeded and my garden hasn't recovered from the last heavy rain. Is it the work of the devil or what? Also the shooting going on near LOveland. Hope someone will let us all know that things are okay. Love, Bonnie F.

Written by Bonnie F. on May. 28, 2015

I sure have been wondering about Sue and the Texas flooding, so was so happy to read that she is safe and dry? anyway. Water can be so destructive, take it from a seasoned flood fighter. Also hope it soon stops raining in Colorado, we have had beautiful weather, I have my whole garden planted, now they are forecasting frost for tomorrow night OUCH! I refuse to cover stuff again, weather give us a break. Max still hanging on, but having a tough time breathing and has no appetite. I let him loose out side his kennel, and wouldn't you know he started down the driveway with a look of " I am going tto town" He doesn't want to give up.
Helping out at VVM for a few days, so that is keeping me busy. Glad to read some new news. Keep it up, Love, Bonnie F.

Written by Val on May. 27, 2015

Kudos to you & your crew on the ceiling fan installation victory! Good grief the rain just does not want to stop there. My heart aches for those that are losing everything inthe flooding. So sad. Hope you continue to stay high and dry!

Written by Sue on May. 27, 2015

I know I just wrote yesterday but heard an astounding number today and just had to share it and a big victory!
They are saying on the news today that yesterday our county had 168 billion gallons of water dumped on it in 12 hours! Wow! It rained hard again today but by 4:00 the sun was out and it was extremely warm and steamy. More rain in the forecast through the first part of June and we have reached beyond the saturation point already. Crazy weather.
My victory is that I ordered two ceiling fans to put in my spare bedrooms. They arrived today and in about 2 hours, Steven, Kathleen and myself had figured out how to take down the light fixtures in the two bedrooms and replace them with ceiling fans with lights on them! No electrocution involved! The second one definitely went faster than the first one! As my sister, Barb, would say, "Victory!"

Written by Sue on May. 26, 2015

Thanks to Val for her text today. It's been quite the rainy month. Sounds like what Desi is facing, too. We had over 9 inches of rain about a week and a half ago, too! Some of my students have had flooded homes or apartments and I know quite a few people whose cars were flooded just because they were parked on the street and the water rose that high! Unfortunately with this rain storm last night it affected a huge part of the Houston area. Sounds like there has been several deaths and a lot of damage. All three of us made it to work okay today. Kathleen and I each had to deviate from our normal routes and both Steven and Kathleen said they did not have a lot of people make it in to their work today.
Wanted to put a clear stain on my cedar fence this weekend. Started Saturday morning but read that it shouldn't get wet for 24 hours. I realized I should give it up and do it later, but not sure when that will be. There is rain in the forecast it looks like forever!
Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers. We appreciate it. Glad to hear North Dakota had beautiful weather last weekend!
Love, Sue

Written by Val on May. 25, 2015

I too have been watching the news about the flooding in Texas and concerned about Sue & her family. I texted her about 1:00 p.m. today (Tuesday) & she said it had been quite a weekend there. They had 9.4 inches of rain where she is but no flooding problems, just very high bayous. There were no tornadoes on her side of town. Kathleen had not been able to get to work because of flooded roads. The Metro system was also shut down. Sounds like a mess, but glad Sue has not had any flooding problems.

Us northern North Dakotans enjoyed an absolutely beautiful Memorial Day weekend! Weather was perfect! Mom & I wore ourselves out going to the greenhouses yesterday, but came home with a car full of flowers. Now to get them planted!

Written by Val on May. 21, 2015

Wishing everyone a great Memorial Day weekend! I wish I could say I was doing something really fun & exciting, but I'm not. I'm jealous of those that get to go on a trip or spend the weekend on a lake. We will be working, working, working. Heading to Bergen tonight to mow at the church & visit the cemetary. We will be working at Kevin's dad's house again this weekend, sorting and getting ready for the citywide rummage sale in Velva on June 6th. I am trying to get rid of some stuff too, so need to sort and mark at my house. Was hoping to buy some flowers and get some plants going, but not sure if that will happen. Mom's washing machine quit so she is buying my father-in-laws machine so need to get that installed too. Never a dull moment!

Cindy, you are earned your angel wings and then some! Goodness! Jack & Marge are truly blessed to have you! Hope all goes well!

Love to all!

Written by Cindy on May. 20, 2015

Hi all, Just to let you know we too are having yucky weather in Colorado-all its done is rain, rain, rain-some flooding but not as bad as when all the gals were here for our "fun" time together but definitely soggy! On the bright side, everything is a beautiful shade of green!
I will be out of commission for awhile, will be "living" with the inlaws for a time again. Jack is finally going to have his wrist taken care of, he has been anticipating this for a couple months but the doctor rescheduled it because he thought it should be done at the hospital instead of the day surgery center in case there are any problems(oh yea, that instills a lot of confidence) any way they will need assistance for a while. Last Friday Marj fell in the early am getting up to go where we don't know, ended up cracking a couple of ribs so is having some pain, put on pain rx and now of course we are having bowel issues-is there anything that's easy with these two, LOL!
Hoping at some point to get to Casper to hang out with my Mom but probably not for a while. John is going to be in a truck pull in Greeley on the 30th so hope Mom will come along!
Enjoy so much reading all your posts. Don't have internet at the inlaws but can always catch up.
Have a great Memorial Day weekend, hope someone has decent weather for it!

Written by Bonnie Feist on May. 19, 2015

Hi everyone, I am sitting upstairs making
copies of 37 cow papers of cows which we sold last week. They are staying close to home as a fellow from Velva area bought them. He wants to become a "cowman", don't really know why?? Val already posted the ugly weather we had. A real wet and cold blizzard. Lost only one newborn calf who was gulped up by a bunch of wolves and coyotes. Max on the sick list again, a little better today, perhaps the weather was just too much. He is 70 years old in dog years, hope it warms up and he perks up. I got him the same time I got my new washing machine which has gone down for the last time. 10 years old, a Maytag, but a lemon from the start. I may have lined up a washer at Kevin's dad's place, but must make sure all relatives are allright with me buying it.
Will be filling in at VVM 2 days over Memorial Day, so a regular worker can have some well deserved time off. Oh, ye s and the potatoes Curt planted on April 14, now froze for the second time, they were up so nice, but look black as nite now. Hope everyone enjoys good weather over the holiday weekend. Love, Bonnie F

Written by Val on May. 17, 2015

Good morning from snowy, icy North Dakota! Yuk! This is the scene out our bedroom window when I woke up this morning. Makes a person want to stay in bed & pull the covers over your head! DId not need this! It is supposed to be in the 40-50's today/this week, so hopefully it disappears soon!

Hope everyone had a nice weekend. Spent Saturday at home, doing my household duties. Yesterday was a nasty day outside, cold, rainy & windy but we were inside at Kevin's dad's house, working on sorting & marking rummage for the citywide garage sale on June 6th. Lots of work. I was tired by days end. We ventured out in the snow & yuk up to the nursing home to see our niece and nephew play in their piano recital. Afterwards visited bit with Kevin's aunt that lives on the assisted living side.
Hope everyone has a good week! Will be another busy one! Can't believe Memorial Day weekend is this coming weekend, have not even thought about flowers for the cemetary.

Love to all!


Written by Sue on May. 9, 2015

Happy Mother's Day! I hope you all are treated in a special way! Thanks for all the birthday wishes. They were much appreciated. My kids gave me a total surprise of a present. They gave me a cruise to Cozumel over Christmas and they will of course come along, too! We leave on the 24th of December and get back on the 28th! I can't wait. Anyone else out there in the family want to spend Christmas in a different way? Just send me an email and I'll let you know the specifics. It leaves out of Galveston. We have had tons of rain, too. Just not the tornadoes, thankfully. I planted all my flowers over the last couple weeks, but the poor things have not had tons of sun. Oh well, I know it is coming along with the heat all too soon.
Enjoy your week everyone!

Written by Cindy on May. 7, 2015

Hello all, Have been back in rainy Colorado since late Sunday night, we came in to rain after having beautiful 90+ degree weather in AZ, was hot but very comfortable in the evening after the sun would set, also ok as long as you were in the pool, Ron did not come to the pool with me but I was there every day with all the beautiful people(I felt like a blimp next to them but didn't care-too hot to worry how I looked-ha!) Had a wonderful, relaxing week but as always goes way to fast.
Your pictures from Mexico are wonderful, was it hot there? You did mention that it was overcast part of the time but who cares, its vacation. How was the shopping there? Great bargains?
Back to working with the in-laws, I don't know how they ever survived without me LOL.
Keep posting, love all the interesting posts. Happy Mothers Day everyone!

Written by Val on May. 6, 2015

Wishing a Happy Mothers Day to all the moms. We are taking off for Nebraska today & Jill is right, we seem to "attract" water & wind! Hoping the area we are heading is not in the storm pattern.

It is chilly and windy here today, but we have gotten some much needed rain.

Love to all!

Written by Jill on May. 6, 2015

Great photos of your trip to Baja, Mexico. Looks like a wonderful place to visit. Been raining here for a few days now. Reminds me of the last trip to Colorado you all made. Yikes!! I love the green grass, but do not want flooding again this year. Thanks to Barb for the heads up on the carpet piece! Kevin and Val I hope your trip to Nebraska goes well. The weather man is talking nasty weather in that area this weekend. Of course you seem to travel by tornados too, as I recall. Everyone have a wonderful weekend. For all the mom's HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!!!

It is January or May?