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Written by Jill on May. 6, 2015

Great photos of your trip to Baja, Mexico. Looks like a wonderful place to visit. Been raining here for a few days now. Reminds me of the last trip to Colorado you all made. Yikes!! I love the green grass, but do not want flooding again this year. Thanks to Barb for the heads up on the carpet piece! Kevin and Val I hope your trip to Nebraska goes well. The weather man is talking nasty weather in that area this weekend. Of course you seem to travel by tornados too, as I recall. Everyone have a wonderful weekend. For all the mom's HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!!!

Written by Barb and Pete on Apr. 30, 2015

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the most incredible sister ever! We hope you have a wonderful day!! Celebrate lots! (photo is from 1960 -- a mere 55 years ago capturing the fact that we always have fun together)!

Loved the photos from Mexico -- thanks so much for posting Val! What a fabulous house! Looks like you all had a wonderful time.

Belated thanks for all the great birthday wishes, cards, etc. We're doing great, keeping busy. ND fair-goers last summer -- do you remember the special rug that was supposed to catch all wet tracks before you stepped on your floor? They're now selling them at Bed Bath and Beyond -- $19.99 I think -- use your 20% coupon. Otherwise, I'm looking forward to flying to Minot next weekend for Mother's Day. Am jealous of Ron & Cindy's Arizona adventure - have always wanted to check out Sedona (and anywhere else there).

Hope everyone is doing great!
Love, Barb & Pete

Written by Val on Apr. 30, 2015

Happy Birthday today to cousin Sue! Hope it is a great day for you and you get to celebrate with family & friends! Happy May Dayto all! It is a beautiful spring day here in North Dakota! As I pulled out of my driveway this morning I was marveling at how green the grass is and how early spring has arrived here! Wonderful!

I posted some photos from our trip to Mexico last night. You will find them in the folder labeled Baja Mexico photos. I do not have any of our paddleboarding adventure yet as Erica's friend Becky took those with her water proof camera and she has not shared them yet. Enjoy the photos that I posted.

Glad it's Friday! Planning to take mom to the Granville Junkaholics sale tomorrow, have a bridal shower for a good friend of Erica's and Sunday hope to take mom out for breakfast after church. We will be gone to Nebraska over Mother's Day weekend for our grand niece's graduation, so won't be here for Mother's Day.

Love to all! Hope you have a great weekend!

Written by Val on Apr. 26, 2015

Happy belated 25th birthday to Greg! Sorry this is late! Hope you had an awesome day with your family at the baseball game! Cindy texted me a photo of the Thompson family at the game so have attached it. Good looking bunch! Hope you all enjoyed your time together!

Happy vacation to Ron & Cindy! Enjoy Arizona! MIght be pretty warm there now.

I apologize that there have been no Mexico vacation photos posted. I will try & get that done this week!

Had a short & busy weekend! Spent a chunk of Saturday & most of the day yesterday preparing/working on a benefit fundraiser for the family of a co-worker. Her husband & his brother are having a live donor liver transplant surgery on Wednesday. Her husband has a rare liver disorder & his health & quality of life have been declining quite rapidly so his brother was tested & is a match & will be donating 60% of his liver. The liver regenerates, so the donor brother's body will be working hard to replace what was taken. The receipient brother should feel wonderful almost immediately. Very complicated surgery, so will be a long day for them. We raised about $25,000 yesterday between a free will meal & a silent auction.

Our brother-in-law (Kevin's sister Kathy's husband) had an ATV accident Friday night & is in ICU at Trinity. He is pretty busted up, but his vitals are stable. He has 7 broken ribs, broken collarbone, small hole in one lung, etc... so we spent time at the hospital last night. He is on a ventilator, but hoping to wean him off that soon.

Seems like it's always something! Life make me tired!

Love to all

Written by Desiree on Apr. 24, 2015

Happy 25h Birthday to my terrific nephew Greg today. I hope that you enjoy your seats behind home plate at the Colorado Rockies baseball game with your mom, dad and sister Jen. Love you!

Written by Sue on Apr. 24, 2015

Happy Birthday, Greg! Hope it is a special day.
Very excited to be heading to Lubbock tomorrow to see Steven. His Ring Ceremony is on Tuesday evening. He is very excited to be getting his class ring. It will be great to see him and have a few days off work.
Just finished our state testing days. Always very stressful! I'd rather be taking the tests than monitoring. We can't do anything else during the five hour test window each day but watch our students and make sure there is not any cheating. We can't sit in a chair or at a desk, we can lean against one for short periods of time, but need to be constantly moving around the room.
It's raining again here this morning with thunderstorm warnings and watches all around the area. It's been really rainy and humid for a couple weeks. Had 3.6 inches in 30 minutes one day. When it pours here, it really pours!
Won a raffle at work yesterday. It was a beach bag with a couple beach towels, a beach blanket and five gift cards to different restaurants! Bought 20 tickets for $5 so definitely came out ahead. The PTA was raising funds for some projects.
Hope everyone is doing great!

Written by Bonnie F. on Apr. 21, 2015

Hi everyone, guess several have asked about my arm and how it is going? I feel I am doing very well, have one more Dr. appt. in May. I am doing my exercises at home and now have moved up to lifting 3 lb. weights, working outside some and trying not to overdue. I have to remember these arms are getting old, 75 to be exact, but hoping things go well for the rest of the spring and summer.

An early HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Greg T. , his 25th birthday on the 25th ! Know you are getting company and possible baseball game is in the works, should be fun, enjoy your special day, Greg! Love, Bonnie F.

Written by Val on Apr. 19, 2015

Greetings everyone. Wanted to pass on that Diane Braaten, daughter of Gordon & Phyllis Braaten, passed away on April 17th at the age of 60. Diane lived in various group homes throughout her life & had moved to the Benedictine Living Center in Garrison in February of 2015 due to health reasons. For those of you that remember Diane, she was always so kind & gentle & concerned about others. I was a friend & classmate to her sister Rhonda and remember how Diane loved to visit when I would go to their home. She wanted to be part of what we were doing. Funeral services will be held on Tuesday, April 21st at 11:00 a.m. at Oak Valley in Velva.

Written by Cindy on Apr. 17, 2015

awesome!!!!! wild video from Baja!

Written by Val on Apr. 16, 2015

Thanks for posting the Baja Dancin video! What fun we had!

Written by Cidny on Apr. 15, 2015

Hello to everyone, Have been watching the web site anxiously awaiting "news"/pics of the Mexico trip. I wasn't disappointed when I saw the post from Shelley-you gals look like poolside babes! Hoping the exclusion of the "birthday girl" was because she was out celebrating being 30! I can tell you this old, creaky 57 year old body would love to embrace 30 again. ha! Hope it was as wonderful as my imagination has made it.
Pete and Barb need to post to keep us up to date on what exciting thing they did to celebrate their bdays!? How are things in MN?
Also, haven't seen anything from Aunt Bonnie lately, we all have inquiring minds and want to know how the shoulder is.
Ron and I are getting anxious for our trip to AZ starting next weekend, will be in Denver a few days before hand to celebrate Gregs bday(so many bdays in this family)before we leave. Plan to go to a baseball game(Gregs choice, of course) on the 25th-Jen will be along as well so should be fun.
Snowing here today, sure tired of winter weather, luckily doesn't last too long when we get snow but still a pain.
Take care.

Written by Shelley on Apr. 13, 2015

Back safely from Mexico! I expect we will be posting more pictures soon -- and even though the pic here to the right doesn't show the Birthday Girl... it does captures the spirit. Poolside, etc. Stay tuned for more Baja visuals!

Written by Desiree on Apr. 10, 2015

Happy belated birthday wishes to Barb and Pete! I hope that you guys did something special.

It's a beautiful spring day here in Colorado so we've been busy outside doing yard work. Everything is blooming so Dave's allergies are on overdrive. Fortunately, I've never had that problem.

Not much new to report here. Chance and his friends celebrated "BIG TIME" for his 21st birthday last weekend when all of his friends met up here to party. Let's just say that I'm glad that they all survived and left my house!

Business has been slow and we're working to negotiate a better contract (which is difficult with the slow down in the oil & gas market) however our current contract is 5 years old so we figure it's due.

Bonnie how is your shoulder feeling? I'm anxious to hear about the Mexican vacation and see some pics. I better get back outside - love to all.

Written by Sue on Apr. 10, 2015

Belated Happy Birthday wishes to the best sister and brother-in-law a person could have! Hope the weekend is as beautiful as it is supposed to me!
Hope the Mexico vacationers have had a terrific week.

Written by Desiree on Apr. 6, 2015

Happy 30th Birthday Erica! I sent you a text message so hopefully you received it. I'm sure that you vacationers are enjoying the beautiful Mexican beaches and wonderful cocktails. Have a great day and also congrats on your beautiful new home!
Love to all, Desiree