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Written by Bonnie F. on Apr. 6, 2015

HAPPY 30th BIRTHDAY, ERICA, Hope you are having a grand day! We will try to call when Grandpa gets in. Don,t remember too much about your "birthday" except that Mom had a rough time and we were all happy when you came out! I can't believe that it is 30 years ago, WOW time has flown by.

We had a nice Easter, we went to sunrise service at VVM , no sun ever came out but it was still nice. Robert and Ardella and Kevin joined us for ham dinner, and we had a fun time visiting and reminiscing.
You guys in Mexico continue to enjoy warmth and sun. We are expecting snow and blowing snow for the next few days!
Love, Bonnie F.

Written by Sue on Apr. 5, 2015

Happy Easter everyone! Hope this makes it on Easter. Don't know when the time changes on this website. Kathleen and I had a nice day together. Steven didn't come home. Two days of driving for two days of being here just was too much when he was here a couple weeks ago. I'm going to Lubbock at the end of the month for three days for his college ring ceremony so will see him then. Glad people gathered together in Mexico, North Dakota, Texas, Wyoming, Colorado, Minnesota, and Iowa. We sure cover the continent pretty good!
Love, Sue

Written by Bonnie F. on Apr. 2, 2015

Hi all and a special greeting to all who are traveling to Mexico for the big birthday bash! Sending a package and gift with Val,
she is going to Bismarck tonight to be on board for early departure tomorrow a.m.
Hope everyone's flights are on time and smooth riding to the warmer climate.

Loved the photos of Texas trip, Barb, and also the drink photo, makes me think I need something like that here in good old unpredictable ND. I am hosting Robert, Ardella and Kevin for Easter dinner, hope it turns out okay. My cooking has gotten a little unpredictable.

Last night I worked a shift at VVM to help out a lady who had family things going. Boy I am pretty well exhausted today, but still enjoy being there. I think I am going to continue my p/t at home, as I just need to strengthen my floppy arms. Curt is now taking p/t in town from the same thereapist, to see if it will help his back.
Hired man is on an Easter drunk, so just the basics are getting done, but it is so nice not to see him standing around while Curt does all the work.
Really wishing all of the travelers and especially granddaughter Erica, the BIRTHDAY GIRL, a wonderful trip. BE SAFE AND HAVE FUN! Love, Bonnie F.

Written by Barb on Apr. 2, 2015

Hola from Minnesota! Wishing the Cabos crew a FANTASTIC trip! Soak up some sun for those of us back home! Hope you'll remember us with a commemorative Happy Hour every day for the cousins!

Thursday it got up to 82, with wind gusts up to 50 mph - blow me away! Yesterday was 62 and today maybe will hit 40. And Monday there's talk of snow again! Aack! Spring is a rollercoaster this year!

Love to all!, Barb

Written by Cindy on Apr. 2, 2015

Hi everyone-Just want to wish everyone a happy Easter, and to the Feist girls celebrating with Erica for her 30th-HAVE A GREAT TIME! We are getting a snow storm today so the idea of a beach with a fruity drink sounds fabulous! Got a card sent off to the bday girl(30 is a real big deal) hope she gets it before you all leave.
Barb and Pete loved all the news from TX and the pictures, I have to agree with Val that you all are so photogenic. I have never been to Texas but hope to get there one day, I've heard the river walk is real nice.
How is the other ND clan? Bonnie and Curt? Ardella and Robert? Hope all is well with all of you.
I worked 4 days this week, haven't done that in a while so was glad when they cancelled me for Friday(of course, I still have to go to the inlaws to do Marge's shower but at least I don't have to work all day on top of it) Unfortunately, the gal we used to use to help out has not been available and now she's moving to Denver so guess I'm it-for now at least:)
Did take the time to re-do my downstairs bathroom with new towels, rugs, etc-always so nice to do those little things.
Have fun in Mexico and be careful of the water(the drinkable kind) and also too much tequila-LOL.

Written by Val on Mar. 28, 2015

Was great to see your post Barb and the pictures were awesome. You are all so photogenic & never take a bad picture! Sue's home looks very lovely! I loved your comment about the Alamo being smaller than you thought! I too remember thinking exactly the same thing! I really liked San Antonio and the Riverwalk is so neat! Great that you go to meet Steven and Kathleen's "significant others"! Thanks for sharing so we can all stay updated! Hope you got the taxes done!

Written by Barb & Pete on Mar. 26, 2015

Pete and I so enjoyed our trip to Houston and San Antonio last week to see Sue, Kathleen & Steven! We always have a wonderful time when we're together!! Sue's new house is gorgeous and was great see her new place and neighborhood. We enjoyed meeting Steven's girlfriend Mary; and Kathleen's boyfriend Stephen. We went to San Antonio for the first time (everyone except Kathleen who had to work) and really enjoyed the trip together and seeing The Alamo, Riverwalk and Mexican Market. Also experienced "Buckee's" a super-sized gas station/rest stop -- they make them big there in Texas! And of course loved going to Galveston for a day. I personally loved biking along the sea wall (while ringing the bike bell). We had a blast! Oh and our lunch at Pappasito's was just as fabulous as two years ago -- the margarita was all I had remembered it to be -- best ever! (although I remember Shelley's personal squeezed lime margarita at Lake Pepin -- that was pretty divine, but this one was blended, so earned one more star). Photos are in an album at the bottom of the page "Texas - March 2015".

Hope everyone is doing great! Need to get our taxes done this weekend - can't wait - ha! Love, Barb & Pete

Written by Cindy on Mar. 22, 2015

Hi everyone, Enjoying beautiful weather here in CO, was out all afternoon yesterday trying to work on the yard a bit, was so nice to get out and do something but I'm sore today and sniffy(I guess allergies)
Nice to see that Barb and Pete got to spend some time with the Texans, someday would love to come that way too.
Ron and I are planning to go to Scottsdale at the end of April for a week, Ron is busy with all kinds of projects for work so can't be gone too long. Me, I'm just happy to get away anywhere LOL. Jill and I spent a couple of nights at Blackhawk(got two nights free) snowed the first night there but didn't last and the next two days were beautiful.
Spoke with my Mom on her bday and sounded like she was having a nice day. John, Candy and the kids came over in the evening with pizza, cake, drinks, etc so she was thrilled-says she'd rather stay home than to go out to a restaurant! Sounds like she got many bday wishes, thanks to everyone for thinking of her. I think shes doing pretty well for a woman of 79! Still pretty spry(hope I can say the same at that age-ha!)
Hope you all are able to enjoy the spring weather.

Written by Sue on Mar. 21, 2015

Happy Belated Birthday to Aunt Audrey and to Chance. I hope your days were as special as you are!

Things are quiet around here tonight after a fun week with Barb and Pete, Steven and girlfriend, Mary, and Kathleen and boyfriend, Stephen. Barb and Pete flew back to Minneapolis this afternoon and Steven and Mary are heading back to Lubbock tomorrow, but staying overnight at her parent's house on the other side of town to get a little head start on their trip back to school. Kathleen and Stephen are out and about so it is Beau and I holding down the fort. We've had over two inches of rain today, but I did my good owner thing and walked him tonight in the rain.

It was so wonderful to see Barb and Pete. We always have such a good time together. Had a fun time on Galveston Island, making our presence known as we rode a six person tandem bike thing on the Seawall. We spent a couple days exploring San Antonio together. We were on the Riverwalk on St. Patrick's Day but they didn't dye it green!

The week went by really fast. Pete and Barb helped me with a few things around my house. Sure appreciated that. I think they were pretty happy with the temps. No freezing weather or long underwear!

I will substitute in the church nursery tomorrow morning and then work on my income taxes in the afternoon. I helped both the kids do theirs but need to finish my own.

Spring Break week has whizzed by as it always does! Hope everyone is doing great.

Written by VAl on Mar. 19, 2015

Happy 21st Birthday Chance! Wow - hard to believe you can be this old! I can't even remember what "21" was like! Enjoy your day and celebrate safe!

Written by Shelley on Mar. 18, 2015

Happy Birthday Aunt Audrey!

Greetings to all - and thanks to cousins who made contributions toward keeping our website going! Desi, Deb and Barb, thank you!

Written by Val on Mar. 18, 2015

Happy Birthday wishes to Aunt Audrey today, as well as Dave! Hope you both enjoy your special day & take time to do something special to celebrate! Thinking of both of you!

Written by Cindy on Mar. 17, 2015

Hi all, Happy St Patty's Day! Spent the day at the in-laws(of course) had to do their shopping at Sam's and Target. Put a corned beef, cabbage, carrots, and baby taters in the crockpot at their house early in the day so enjoyed a wonderful meal when Ron got off and joined us there. I don't cook much anymore so tasted yummy.
Enjoyed the photos of Erica's new home, wow looks so nice. Good for her, I'm sure she is enjoying decorating and having a place of her own. Bet Mom and Dad have been a big help and that you're so proud of how well she is doing.
Glad to see a note from Barb and that it sounds like you are thawing out after a long winter. Are you and Pete planning a trip to Texas to see Sue in the near future or is she coming to visit you?
Bonnie, hope your doctor visit went well??! How's Curt doing?
Good to see all the posts, as you can see by Desiree's post we girls got together over the weekend to enjoy a bit of "Blarney on the Block" in downtown Greeley, there was a small parade and games, music, etc The cute hats were bought by Jill so we could all fit in with the crowd in green. Hope you all had some fun with this holiday as well. Love to you all!