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Written by Barb on Nov. 27, 2022
Happy Belated 40th Anniversary Deb & Lindsay! I fondly remember the epic "Garage Party" when the fishnet dance was invented! Fun times!
Sue and I had lunch with Val & Kevin today - so enjoyed visiting with them. We are working on lots of "estate" stuff and making good progress.
Really enjoyed spending Thanksgiving with Val, Kevin and Curt & Bonnie. Primo meal by chef Val! Everything was delicious and moist (no dry turkey here)! A highlight was "Christmas Charades" with a competitive "Couch Team" against the "Chair Team". Was such fun, I have no idea who "won" - we were all winners for playing together. Still fondly remembering Bonnie trying to do a charade of "The Virgin Mary" last year. LOL!
Sue heads back Weds afternoon. Pete and I plan to drive back Thurs before the weather gets too cold. Love to all!

Written by Val & Kevin on Nov. 26, 2022
Happy 40th Anniversary today (November 27th) to Deb and Lindsay! Congratulations on this milestone anniversary! Hoping you will take a trip to some tropical destination to celebrate! Congratulations!

Written by Cindy on Nov. 17, 2022
My heart is heavy when I think again of a loss of one of our family members- I know Aunt Ardella is in a much better place than we can even imagine and she’s with all of the people she loves! It’s just always hard to say goodbye for now- we WILL all be together again someday, that is the promise we know is true❤️ For Barb, Sue, Pete, and the “kids” I’m so sorry for your loss, we want you to know how much you’re loved and thought about especially in these days❤️
Many thoughts, prayers, and love from all of us here😘

Written by Kevin and Val on Nov. 16, 2022
Our hearts are sad with the news of Aunt Ardella's passing. She was such a kind, loving and patient person who was part of SO many wonderful memories throughout the years. She was a fabulous hostess & wonderful cook! She was a great pie maker! She became the family expert on lutefisk after Grandma Lue passed and she taught mom and I how to make lefse! She and Robert shared so many holidays with us and we will miss that so much. We love you Aunt Ardella & know that now you are at peace & reunited with Uncle Robert, your parents and all those loved ones that have gone before you. Thanks for being such a loving aunt.

Written by Barb on Nov. 16, 2022
Weds - 11/16 - Mom passed away peacefully today at about 1:30 pm. They called me at 1:00 and said her oxygen was low and her heart was beating rapidly, so suggested I come. I put on long underwear, ran out the door, drove and double masked and hand sanitized and I missed her last breath by 30 seconds. The head nurse and 2 of her favorite aides were with her. so she wasn't alone. She is now free, whole, and reunited with Dad!
The funeral is planned for Tuesday at 2:30 pm at Christ Lutheran Church. I requested they stream it. Visitation will be Monday (time to be determined). I am meeting with the Thomas Funeral Home tomorrow morning at 9:30 and should have more info after that.
I have been going through old pictures which has been a wonderful experience with incredible, fantastic memories. Mom was the best Mom anyone could ever have and we were so lucky to have her all these years. I only hope I can be half as patient, loving and kind as she was to everyone.

Written by Val & Kevin on Nov. 12, 2022
Prayers for you Barb and for your mom! Hope you are feeling better and give yourself time to rest. It is cold here... but the sun is shining today! Not much new at the Heisler household - trying to do some orders on the computer today and some other "bookwork"! Take care everyone!

Written by Barb on Nov. 11, 2022
So Mom and I have COVID - discovered it Thursday morning. Mom fortunately is showing no symptoms and was happy and smiley this morning per the memory care nurse. Mom did not want to eat or drink today so they put a few drops of water in the side of her mouth so she's not so dry. (she had been drinking some Gatorade the last 3 or 4 days - started right after our Zoom call).

I am tired and it feels like I have a mild cold (I had the new Omicron booster & I took a shot of Oil of Oregano, which I think helped). I am allowed to see Mom if I "gear up" with mask and disinfectant and remain in her room, but I haven't felt up to it as we had a big snowfall yesterday and today the snow removal company came late in the day, so just couldn't tackle shoveling to get out of the backdoor. I want to get better and have this be brief, and not set myself back.
Wednesday the pastor came to visit Mom and she received communion (blessed Gatorade, and I touched the wafer to my lips and told her I would eat for both of us). Then I started singing "Jesus Loves Me" and Mom joined in, word for word.
The hospice nurse came Thursday and said she doesn't think Mom will pass in the next couple of days, more likely in a week or two, although it could be longer. Your prayers for her comfort and peace are appreciated!

Written by Cindy on Nov. 2, 2022
Wow- first time my post has worked in months-God must know how important it was for me to be able to send it😘

Written by Cindy on Nov. 2, 2022
Just got a note from Val with your note attached Barb- I’m so sorry 😢. Will keep your mom and all of you in my heart and prayers, this brings back lots of emotions for me and wish I could say or do something to ease the pain but unfortunately I feel as helpless as you must feel right now. Know we love you all!

Written by Val & Kevin on Nov. 2, 2022
Many prayers for Aunt Ardella and for you Barb as you sit by her side. Cherish the moments you have with her while she is alert and able to enjoy your stories and memories. Am sure it is very difficult for you. You are in our thoughts and prayers. We love you!

Written by Barb on Nov. 1, 2022
Barb here with news about Mom and a request for prayers for her. I drove to Minot on Saturday to check on her and help feed her as the memory care people said her health was declining and she needed help eating. She was good Saturday night when I arrived and we even facetimed with Sue and sang songs together and I thought maybe it was a false alarm. But Sunday I saw the problem - she is having trouble swallowing - and for people with dementia, that's usually a sign they are starting the dying process. Mom sleeps most of the day and at each meal has been eating less and less. Tonight she declined anything - no jello or ice cream e.g. and she took one tiny sip of Gatorade. She is "bed bound" (meaning they don't get her up). She has a very comfortable hospital bed and she says she is not in pain. The hospice nurse evaluated her Monday and said she has declined a lot. The objective now is to keep her as comfortable as possible and to help her pass as easily as possible -- but who knows how long that will be, or if she rallies and suddenly does eat or drink more. Per the hospice books, what often happens is the person gets dehydrated and calcium builds up in the body and you pass peacefully in your sleep. That would be a blessing. We have had some great talks the last two days after her meals when she is awake, as I remind her what an incredible Mom she has been and we have looked at photo albums and pictures, reliving memories of wonderful times. I will try to keep you updated. Thanks so much for your prayers at this hard time.

Written by Barb & Pete (and Dala the Swedish horse) on Oct. 25, 2022
Happy Birthday to our fabulous cousin Val!! We wish you a wonderful day and year. So glad to hear you are celebrating with college friends and going on a tour of Duluth. Enjoy it - you so deserve a fun outing and every good thing that comes your way!
You are the incredible rock of our family -- you are so kind, loving & ready to have fun - and always so willing to help, keep in touch, be there when times are tough, plan outings/special events, and so great to remember everyone's special days (just to name a few things we love about you). You are incredible and we love you so much!

Written by Bonnie F on Oct. 24, 2022
HAPPY BIRTHDAY today to our oldest Val Heisler who turned the young age of 63 today!

We had an early supper and cake for the four of ous last night, slightly delayed by COW HUNGER1 Seems they never are happy~ Today Val is driving to Grand Forks with a couple of friends and they wll be taking a bus tour to Duluth, MN. Have a great time and enjoy yourtrip. Love to you from MOM and DAD and also from Shadow, the dog!!

Written by Val & Kevin on Oct. 17, 2022
Sending our love and best wishes to Barb & Pete as they celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary today (October 18)! Wishing you many MORE years together! We love you both and wish you all the best on this milestone!

Written by Val & Kevin on Oct. 13, 2022
Happy Birthday to my mom today! We had a great time celebrating with mom’s first cousins Sharon, Punky, Donna, Gordon & mom’s good friend Clara Hauck. Had lunch at the golf course & then coffee & fresh apple cake at my house! Mom was very excited about getting a new faucet! Happy Birthday mom - so happy you had a great day!
