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Written by Cindy on Jul. 27, 2022
Hi just thought I'd add a note since not much action on the site lately.
Been really hot here in Colorado still but last night around 8 pm got notifications on our phones that a severe thunderstorm was coming through that could have 3" hail-Yikes! Ron and I ran around getting things in (his car since it was out) my flower baskets, patio furniture, etc. Then watched out the window-luckily no damage or hail here but guess other parts of town had some. Looks like today will be a nice cool day with light showers on and off, a welcome change to be sure. unfortunately, the rest of the week will be in the 90's again-do love summer but this has really been a LONG hot spell. Hope all of your places have been a little more pleasant.
Getting ready to be at the church all of next week preparing for the annual churchwide garage sale-so much work! But proceeds always go for a good cause. I wish I had the ambition to go through some things that need to be purged from my house but...
Hope you're all having a great summer- we are all anxiously awaiting the arrival of Willow (Chance and Chelsea's new addition) we will keep you informed!
Love you all!

Written by Bonnie Feist on Jul. 27, 2022
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY to Jenny Thompson.Hope your day was special. Sorry to be late, time seems to be slipping by

Written by Val on Jul. 19, 2022
Happy Birthday today to John Hultman! Hope you enjoy your day! Thanks to all for the birthday wishes for Kevin! He had a great day! We met a couple of his sisters at the nursing home in Velva & surprised Kevin's Aunt Lucille with a little birthday party - she shares the same BD with him. Then we met all of Kevin's siblings, mom and dad and few nieces and nephews at the golf course in town & celebrated his birthday & all his siblings BD's for a collective 386 years! We don't get together that much anymore, so it was fun!

Written by Barb & Pete on Jul. 19, 2022
Happy Birthday Kevin!! We wish you the most wonderful, fantastic birthday and
year! You are incredible and such a blessing to our family! You are always such fun and such a good sport! Have to post a pic from the Lake Pepin Adventure as it was 10 years ago when we celebrated your birthday there. Fondly remembering what we still consider the ultimate birthday gift for the guy who has everything -- the battery operated grilling fork, perfect for keeping marshmallows from burning! The s'mores were perfect! Have a wonderful day and super year!! You are the best! Barb & Pete

Written by Shelley on Jul. 18, 2022


Written by BonnieF on Jul. 18, 2022
Hi all HHFers! I have not been on the family wedsite for some time. With Curt sickly over most of June and the hot weather, and of course, my dealing with "pop-ups" my visits have not been good I wasnt to wiish our wondeful Kevin a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY TODAY. We will celebrate this evening with his family at the Vela Golf Course. Also Happy Birthday tomorrow to John A Hultman, Have a great day! Hi to all Bonnie F

Written by Cindy on Jul. 18, 2022
Happy 65th Birthday to the wonderful Kevin! How does it feel to be Medicare age-😳 yikes I’m right behind you lol. Hope you aren’t “working” today and are able to spend time doing something fun(maybe hanging out with little Walter- know you enjoy him)
We’re spending most of our time indoors in the A/C. It’s been very hot and dry- hopefully in the 90’s today and not 100+. Are you all getting any rain in ND?
Hope your day is great!😘

Written by Desiree on Jul. 17, 2022
Me and my love!

Written by Desiree on Jul. 17, 2022

Written by Desiree on Jul. 17, 2022
My beautiful grandchildren!

Written by Desiree on Jul. 17, 2022
My girls - all 3 of them lol!

Written by Desiree on Jul. 17, 2022
Hello Family! I hope everyone is doing great. I was so jealous that Cindy got to come up and see everyone. I know she had a wonderful time. Dave and I are anxiously awaiting the arrival of little Willow Lynn Conner. August 8th is her scheduled C-section if she doesn't come earlier. We're all very happy to have her share this day with Faron. I spent my bday at the doc's office...bummer. Unfortunately a 30Lb box of frozen hot dog buns fell on my head at work so I've been struggling with a concussion and neck injury. Yuck, yuck and yuck. It's 104 today so I am happy to stay in the air conditioning. Hope Uncle Curt is feeling better but not doing too much. Ya right!

Written by Val on Jul. 15, 2022
Many thanks Barb for the anniversary wishes and for the "blast from the past" photo! That is a good one! We enjoyed our anniversary day by taking a road trip to Medora. We went to the musical and spent some time driving through the south unit of the Theodore Roosevelt National Park. It was very hot and humid in Medora so the animals were not very active. Saw a few Bison, 3 wild horses and some prairie dogs. Was nice to get away! Thanks for thinking of us!

Written by Barb & Pete on Jul. 14, 2022
Happy Anniversary Kevin & Val!! Congrats on 43 years together!! You guys are totally amazing!! We hope you are doing something fun to celebrate -- a trip or a nice meal out. Enjoy! I know I speak for everyone when I say we all love you so much!
Pic is a blast from the past in April 1982 when you went to Jill's wedding. Think Fern took the pic. Kevin, you are the ultimate driver - no distance issues for you -- onward ho!

Written by Val on Jul. 9, 2022
What amazing stories about Uncle Bob’s tractors! So happy they found good homes & are being enjoyed by their new owners!!!
