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Written by Barb on Jul. 8, 2022
Have to share the latest on Dad's tractors. The Oliver 77 is presently in Makoti awaiting the 3 pm parade time today (Sat) at the Threshing Show. The young family that bought it is so excited to be there (twin 7 year olds and a 3 year old - all boys - think it might be Curt's vet that bought it). Dad's Oliver 60 was in the Glenburn All School Reunion parade last weekend. And the BR John Deere was in the Velva 4th of July parade, driven by Tim Krumwiede's grandson. Dad would be so thrilled his tractors are making the rounds and being shared and seen!
Hope you had a great birthday Des!! Hope everyone is doing well! Love, Barb

Written by Barb & Pete on Jul. 4, 2022
Happy 4th of July everyone!! Hoping you all had a "blast" of a day! Remembering such fun gatherings over the years -- with the parade in Velva, picnics in the park with foot races, bingo and the fish pond.
Posting a pic of the famous 2008 Cake Walk winnings! Love to all! Barb & Pete

Written by Cindy on Jul. 3, 2022
Happy 4th of July 💥 hope everyone has a fun and safe day!
We just plan to be home- Greg is here so enjoying his company.

Written by Val on Jun. 30, 2022
Happy July 4th weekend to everyone! I have updated the family website for July. Everyone must be really busy as there is very little posting going on. June was a busy month! Unfortunately my dad ended up in the hospital twice in the month of June as a result of pneumonia. We are really hoping he is on the path to recovery. On a happier note, we enjoyed visits in June with Barb & Sue and Cindy Thompson! So glad that we got to spend some time together. Barb & Sue had great success selling tractors during their two week stay & they sold 14 of 16! Way to go! Told Barb she has learned many skills on tractor sales & could make it a second career! Wishing you all a wonderful holiday weekend!

Written by Val on Jun. 9, 2022
Dad got out of the hospital yesterday afternoon (thursday). He was very ready to get out, but now that he is home, he is finding he can't do what he thought he would be able to. I told him the pneumonia is not gone yet! He needs to rest!! This could be a challenge!

Written by Val on Jun. 6, 2022
Hello everyone! Just wanted to give a quick update on dad. He seemed much more rested today and sat up for quite awhile (mom brought the Charolais Journal) so he had some good reading material. He ate really well and was out for a walk. His blood pressure seemed to be better today also. Now if they can just figure out why his white count levels are up even though he has been on numerous antibiotics. The infectious disease doctor is on the case & he is a good doctor, so hoping he can solve the puzzle. Thanks to all for your prayers!

Written by Sue on Jun. 3, 2022
Thanks for the birthday and retirement wishes! Quite a month! Working with kids all these years has been rewarding and exhausting. I do feel like I made a difference for many and know I tried my best for all of them. It hasn’t really hit me yet that I am done. School’s out forever! Just feels like my normal summer break. I imagine I will really feel it in August when I don’t have to go back. I actually didn’t wake up this morning until 6:30, so there might be hope for some days in my future that I might be able to sleep in a little! I’m looking forward to heading to Minot in less than two weeks. I’m hoping for cooler temps. Already in the mid to upper 90’s here and so very dry.

Written by Val & Kevin on May. 28, 2022
Congratulations Sue! Welcome to the retired life! You will love it! Especially being able to set your own schedule & my favorite thing of all SLEEPING IN! Congrats on all you accomplished during your years of teaching! You touched many young lives! Enjoy your new freedom & the next chapter of life!

Written by Shelley on May. 27, 2022

If you want any kind of hobby p/t work I can guarantee you low pay at Feist Strategy LLC!!

You have made a major impact in the lives of many kids -- hope you feel terrific about that! Congratulations - retirement well earned!

Written by Barb & Pete on May. 27, 2022
Huge congrats to our sister Sue on her last day of teaching — she is now retired! Woo hoo! We are so happy for you!,
On our way back to Mpls last week Monday we stopped at the cemetery to put flowers on Dad’s grave. We saw two pheasants by the road going in, then got to the gate where we surprised three deer. They bounded off and when we drove to the grave they had moved there and jumped away. Was so cool to see and it was so peaceful and nice there.
Finally got some warm weather here today. Got to wear shorts for the second time this spring and bought some new sandals yesterday on clearance — bring on the summer sunshine. Love to all, Barb & Pete

Written by Bonnie F on May. 19, 2022
Hi everyone, I have wanted to post on the family website, but I am being tortured by POPUPS!! Could one of you more skilled in computer jardon please give me some basic instructions to get rid of these things? I would so appreciate iit. We are having a cold, wet day today. Had a nwborn calf in the house overnight. He didn,t make a complete mess, but now is outside, shivering and shaking.Wish we h adanother place for him. Bonnie F

Written by Val on May. 5, 2022
What a fun photo of baby Lucas! Love it! Today was 75 degrees in Minot! Loving it! Mom & I surprised Goldie Braaten for her 76th birthday. Punky & a friend of Goldie’s also came. Punky ordered an ice cream cake which was yummy! After the BD party we stopped to see Aunt Ardella. She looked good. They were celebrating Cinco di Mayo! Wishing all the HHF moms a great Mother’s Day!

Written by Barb & Pete on Apr. 30, 2022
Happy Birthday to our incredible sister/in-law Sue!! We hope you have a fabulous day celebrating (know you are out to lunch with a friend) and we wish you a fabulous year!! Was going to post an old pic, but thought this newer one reflected a wonderful blessing that has come this past year - little Lucas!! We love you the most!
Barb & Pete

Written by Val on Apr. 30, 2022
Happy May Day birthday to cousin Sue!! Hope it is a great day for you! Maybe it will include some baby snuggles from Lucas!! Enjoy your day!!

Written by Val on Apr. 28, 2022
Hello all! The family website has been updated for May! Sure hope May brings better weather to ND. We are supposed to get rain this weekend - last spring/summer we could not get ANY moisture & now it won't stop! Prayers for sunshine & warmer temps in ND would be appreciated. Glad mom was able to escape the two storms we had. Thanks to Carl & Olga & Shelley for hosting her visits!
