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Written by val on May. 19, 2016
Thanks for posting Sue! Sounds like you are all having a great time exploring some new sights together! Will be thinking of you & especially Steven as he graduates from college tomorrow! Please pass on our congratulations! I sent a card but not sure if it would have arrived before you left!

Written by Sue on May. 18, 2016
Thanks to everyone for the wonderful birthday wishes and cards! They were so appreciated!
Barb, Pete, and I arrived in Lubbock on Tuesday evening from our respective cities. We saw Steven and his girlfriend, Mary, briefly and headed for bed. Had breakfast with Steven Wed. Morning before the three of us headed for Roswell, NM. After a nice lunch, we spent an interesting afternoon at the UFO museum. All we can say is that something happened! We will probably never know what the government covered up.
We stayed at a very nice bed and breakfast in Artesia, NM last night. After breakfast today we are heading for Carlsbad Cavern. Hiking will be the name of the game today down into the cave.
We head back to Lubbock later today, getting ready for Steven's graduation on Sat. It's online at the Texas Tech site if anyone wants to watch him go across the stage.
Love to all.

Written by Barb & Pete on May. 8, 2016
Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful HHFer Moms! Thanks for raising us to be the best people we can be backed by all your love and support throughout the years -- with a special shout out to my Mom who was always willing to help others be it as a Girl Scout leader or baking or letting us have friends over for a slumber party (and the list could go on and on). Hope you've all had a special day. Pic is Dad & Mom's 1st anniversary in 1958 -- proud parents with their baby Susie!

Attended a big Norwegian shindig yesterday here in the Cities. About 400 people were there and I helped with the Hadeland Lag's display. Enjoyed meeting new people and saw some people we toured with last summer. One of the vendors was a gal who has perfected a 1 hour lefse recipe (using 2 russet potatoes and frying on a hot fry pan). Of course it only makes 9 rounds, but love the concept of it not being a 2 day affair. Will have to try it out.

We had 90 degrees here on Friday but it was a dry heat so was fine. We had to turn our A/C on! We had hazy air from the Alberta fires yesterday as well as a forest fire up in Bemidji. Otherwise, all is well. Love to all!,

Written by Val on May. 6, 2016
Happy Mothers Day to all the HHF moms! Hope you all have a special day! It is supposed to be a nice day in North Dakota, so planning to go to church with mom and then maybe spend some time outdoors! Going to help mom get her potatoes planted this weekend too!

Happy Anniversary to Carl & Olga! Have a nice day doing whatever you do to celebrate!


Written by Bonnie F on May. 6, 2016
HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO ALL MOMS IN THE HHF's group. Hope you have a wonderful,peaceful,day! Also HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to Carl and Olga on Sunday, May 8th. Olga's Mom should be there by now, so it will be a special day--to spend with Mom Svetlana, and to celebrate your anniversary.

Had a great time with friends Pat and Clara and daughter Val at the Blackwood gospel quartet performance followed by Danny Elvis, an Elvis impersonator, He wasn't the best one I have seen, but he sang a lot of my favorite Elvis songs, and some gospel songs. There was some problem with the sound system which delayed the concert some, so we left before it was over. Pat needed to get back to VVM before it got too late. Thanks Val, for the Mom's night out concert. Still hearing the music, the Blackwood quartet was awesome. Go see them if you get a chance. Danny Elvis was pretty good, but not nearly as "dreamy" as the Elvis impersonator we saw at Garrison last November. Must go, my lawn is calling again. Love, Bonnie F.

Written by Bonnie F. on May. 1, 2016
Happy Birthday,Sue, hope you had a great birthday and that my card made it. Busy Sunday here at the ranch. Kevin got my riding mower all tuned up, so after church and lunch it was get up and go! Curt actually got a friend and his son to come and help him fence today--it was such a boost! Then Kevin came and did all my trimming and my yard looks like a million bucks! Happy Day oh and Vel helped me fill the holes in my front yard with dirt, can't get much better than that! Have a great week everybody and Happy Birthday again, Sue Love, Bonnie F

Written by Barb & Pete on May. 1, 2016
Happy Birthday to my incredible sister -- you are the best!! We're wishing you a wonderful day and year! Sounds like Cindy has nailed it on what to do for your birthday. Pic is a blast from the past (1966) -- and you still look beautiful 50 years later!

Desiree, thanks so much for posting the pic of London -- stunning! She looks like she's ready for the Hollywood red carpet! You go girl!

Was great to visit Dad & Mom last weekend & was a bonus to see Kevin & Val. They both are crazy busy, so was so glad to get to visit & catch up. Bonnie was working at the home and Curt was with the cows, so missed them this round.

Jill, you're still in our prayers and we sure hope you're healing and getting stronger every day. How's Dave doing?

All is well here. Am doing lots of stuff for the Hadeland Lag lately and I've discovered the fountain of youth. 99% of the people in the Norwegian group are older than me, and they think I'm a young pup. Just join a group with older people, and voila, you're young again! Love to all!, Barb (and Pete)

Written by Cindy on May. 1, 2016
HAPPY BIRTHDAY COUSIN SUE- at least you're as old as me now, LOL! I hope its drying out in Houston, we are getting lots of moisture here the past few days, thank goodness there is no sticking snow but every once in a while it comes down but does melt! It will be nice and green once it warms up! Yea!
Hope you have had a nice day, I think Sunday is a great day for a birthday, after church you can have a leisurly meal and maybe a movie. Have fun whatever you do:)
Sad to hear about Erica losing her job, my biggest fear for both Jenny and Greg especially since they both have homes to pay for now. I'm sure with her wonderful education and pleasant personality she'll have no problem finding another position.
I was offered another position this past week but again said "I don't think so"-ha, have gotten too lazy to work more than a day or two a week.
I'm in charge or decorating for the Womens Banquet at the church this coming Saturday, also have to help with the food so won't be working any on Friday for sure. Its theme is vintage weddings, with lots of folks displaying their wedding gowns, some being modeled, cake toppers being used as table décor, etc. You all know how I love weddings so am really looking forward to the fun!
In case I don't get into the web site before Mothers Day, a special Happy Mothers Day to all the moms. I'd love to be in on the Elvis extravaganza-sounds like a great time! Make sure you wear your blue suede shoes!

Written by Val on May. 1, 2016
Happy May Day birthday to Sue! Hope it is a beautiful day in Texas! Awesome day here! Hope your birthday was special!

Written by Val on Apr. 28, 2016
London is very lovely! I have a hard time believing she is old enough to go to the prom OR like boys! A trip to Alaska sounds like a great opportunity! Kudos to her! Awesome news that Greg has found a home! Exciting times! Always great to see our young people realizing their dreams.

Yesterday I was in Bergen as they had the burial for Arlaine Durbin. Was a pretty decent day as family gathered at the Bergen Cemetery to lay her to rest. Janet had brought balloons so we released heart shaped balloons and the floated above the prairie to heaven! We gathered at the church in Bergen and had a really nice time visiting. Everyone loves Bergen!

As I was getting ready to leave, my phone rang and it was Erica. She lost her job yesterday. She knew the company is "going down the drain" so it was not a complete shock. Three people were let go yesterday, one the day before and there will be more. I told her it's OK, better things are ahead. She is hoping she can get unemployment for a short time while she finds another job.

The final event of yesterday was helping dad pull a dead calf out of a cow. It was gross. And the smell..... well we won't go there. With the help of a couple of my co-workers and my husband and mom, we got the job done! Hopefully the cow will survive.

Thinking of Jill and hoping she is starting to feel better. She has had a tough road! Has to get better!

Had a nice visit with Barb, Robert & Ardella last Sunday when Barb was home. They invited us for supper & was nice to visit & catch up!

Looks like a nice weekend coming up! I have lots to do as I am preparing for three events for my bosses retirement and a bridal shower for my niece all within a couple week period. Will be glad when all these events are done.

Love to all!


Written by Cindy on Apr. 27, 2016
Hello my wonderful family-Isn't London a beauty?! And heard she left today for Alaska for her school group that won for their scholastic ability and will be a global convention of students. Guess I really don't know exactly what it is, never was that smart, lol.
Saw all the birthday wishes for Greg, I spent the day with him on Monday and in the evening went to the Rockies game(was overcast and had a short rain delay) they did lose but he loves to watch his team so we did what he wanted to. Ron and I did go down on Saturday before as well and Jenny joined us for a late lunch with Greg after we spent some time looking at possible places for him to buy. He did put in an offer on a nice townhouse and found out that he got it on Sunday(this was the third place he made an offer on) He's real excited and happy that he got this one, I'm happy that he won't have all the headaches of a house(lawn work, shoveling, etc) this is so much more condusive to the type of lifestyle he is used to and happily it ticked off most of the boxes on his wish list.
Jill seems to be getting a little better each day, she and I had to go over to get some paperwork for FMLA as she is hoping to go back to work next Monday. She sure has had a tough time of it. She's so ready to feel better and move on with a somewhat "normal" life. She has appreciated all the calls, prayers. etc from all of you. She is very fortunate to have so many people who care about her!
How's everyone out there doing? Uncle Curt? My thoughts are always with each and everyone of you. XXOOX

Written by Desiree on Apr. 26, 2016
Beautiful London and her boyfriend, Riley, going to prom!

Written by Bonnie Feist on Apr. 24, 2016
Happy Birthday to Greg Thompson! Hope you have a great birthday! Are Mom and Dad coming down to help celebrate. I don't know for sure your exact age, but I know you are of the YOUNGER GENERATION! Have a good day! Love, the Feists, Bonnie and Curt

Written by Val on Apr. 24, 2016
Happy Birthday today to Greg! Hope you have a fantastic day! Any luck in your house hunting quest? Hope your job is going well! We'd love to see a post from you on the family website!

Val & Kevin

Written by Val on Apr. 18, 2016
Thanks for the update Sue. I was thinking of you and wondering if your area was flooded. Sounds terrible - like the 2011 flood here. Glad you and Kathleen and your house are safe. Best to stay put in those situations, never know what you might be driving into. We had a nice gentle spring rain here, which we needed badly. Sun is supposed to shine tomorrow. Take care and stay safe!
