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Written by Val on Jul. 20, 2016
Happy Birthday John! Hope you had a great day!

Written by LOVE JILL on Jul. 19, 2016

Written by Val on Jul. 18, 2016
Happy Birthday to my amazing husband today! Wish you could have the day off! But.. I did get up early (which is a big deal for me) & gave him his birthday card & presents before he left for work! Hoping to take him out for supper & bought an ice cream cake which will be great since it is going to be near 100 today!

Written by Bonnie feist on Jul. 18, 2016
Hi everyone ,haven't been on the website much,just too much "cow action " and other craziness going on. Anyway, must say a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our great son-in-law Kevin. Who is our constant source of support here at Feist Charolais.Hope your day and year go very well. Also early HAPPY BIRTHDAY to John A Hultman whose birthday is tomorrow. Have a great day , John. Must be short as we are waiting for company, Curt's brother and family are coming to see the pigs, yes we have them,too now, and the kittens all 9 of them. Love, Bonnie F

Written by Bonnie feist on Jul. 18, 2016
Hi everyone ,haven't been on the website much,just too much "cow action " and other craziness going on. Anyway, must say a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our great son-in-law Kevin. Who is our constant source of support here at Feist Charolais.Hope your day and year go very well. Also early HAPPY BIRTHDAY to John A Hultman whose birthday is tomorrow. Have a great day , John. Must be short as we are waiting for company, Curt's brother and family are coming to see the pigs, yes we have them,too now, and the kittens all 9 of them. Love, Bonnie F

Written by Cindy on Jul. 18, 2016
Whoops, thought this would show up on the 19th and I'd be ahead of the game-Happy Birthday tomorrow Kevin!

Written by Cindy & Ron on Jul. 18, 2016
Happy Birthday Kevin! hope you have a special day, you are such a great guy and know that we all appreciate all you do.

Written by Cindy on Jul. 14, 2016
Always a day late and a dollar short, Happy 37th Anniversary to Kevin and Val! What a wonderful thing in this day and age, marriage is hard and it takes a lot of work and commitment, Congratulations! Enjoyed talking with Val and Bonnie the other night, wish we were closer, I know I say that all the time but I really do mean it, you are all so important in my life. Lets hear from some of the rest of the HHFer's!

Written by Val on Jul. 14, 2016
Thanks for the anniversary wishes! We did go out for supper at 10 North Main, which is the restaurant that Josh Duhamel owns in Minot. Erica & her boyfriend had given us a gift certificate for this restaurant for Christmas. Great food! Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Written by Shelley on Jul. 13, 2016
A salute to Val and Kevin! Many many more happy years together! Maybe you should renew your vows in the Bergen Swedish Elim Lutheran Church -- or at dedication of the new outhouse? I love a party!

Written by Barb on Jul. 13, 2016
Happy 37th Anniversary Kevin & Val!! What a great milestone! You guys are such a wonderful couple and you both give so much to others! Congratulations!! Hope you celebrate and enjoy your day! So glad Erica was just there and sounds like you were more than busy.

Belated birthday to Desiree!! Hope you enjoyed your day and have a fantastic year! Way to go Jill on having a party to celebrate you're cancer free! Bummer about Carl and his health issues. Have heard kidney stones are extremely painful (like worse than having a baby) -- on top of other things, yeow. Glad to hear Greg found a great place and wonderful that Jen has a winner boyfriend.

Have been busy on all sorts of projects, my most inspiring was making 2 photo books of our trip to Norway last year. Am now off to a Norwegian conference today down in Austin, MN -- home of the new SPAM Museum. Pete and I are both doing great and enjoying summer. Hope everyone else is too!
Love to All!, Barb

Written by Val on Jul. 12, 2016
Hello everyone! Doesn't seem to be much activity on the website. Guess everyone is busy! Mom & I had a nice visit on the phone last night with Cindy Thompson. Was great to catch up with what is going on in Casper & Greeley. So hoping to get mom to Casper to see her sister soon! Sounds like Jill had a very nice party to help celebrate the completion of her cancer treatments and thank those who helped her along the way. We certainly all wish we could have celebrated with you! Take good care of yourself!

Also made a call to my brother Carl last night. He is dealing with a number of health issues including kidney & gall stones as well as several other issues. He has several doctor appointments coming up so hope he can get on the path to feeling better.

Erica returned to Las Vegas on Monday evening. We really enjoyed her visit & miss her already! We were very busy during her stay & the time went fast.

Would love to hear from others about what is happening in your summer!

Written by Val on Jul. 4, 2016
Happy Birthday today to Desi! Hope you have been celebrating all weekend! Have a great day! We had a very nice, very busy 4th of July! Started the day participating in the Velva parade. Goldie Braaten has a red 1957 Chevy car that she brought down for the parade. Goldie shares a love for Elvis Presley with my mom, so Goldie, my mom & Goldie's friend Jan rode in the 1957 Chevy wearing matching pink Elvis shirts that Goldie had made. In addition, Goldie also has a golf cart that looks like a 1957 Chevy & Erica & I got to drive it through the parade! Goldie won first place with her car in the "vehicle" division! After the parade we spent the afternoon in the Velva Park having a picnic. My dad's sister Ramona & her daughter Mary Beth have been in ND visiting for the past couple weeks & they came for the parade & picnic. Also had Robert & Ardella, Goldie & friend Jan, Don & Margie Feist, Kevin, I I Erica & a number of other Feist relatives stopped by. Mom, Erica & I helped with the annual Woman's Club cake walk. We had front row seats from our picnic spot of the turtle races too! We had a nice day & ended it with watching the fireworks display in the Velva Park, which was very nice.

Erica is home until July 11th & we have been enjoying her visit. We have been very busy! She & Kevin got one of our summer projects completed on Sunday when they got the cedar fence in front of our house stained.

Sounds like Greg has a nice place & hope we can see it someday!

Wish we could be at Jill's celebration party this weekend! So happy she is going to celebrate with family & friends!

Travis Tritt, country singer, will be performing in Velva this weekend, so we plan to attend the concert. Hoping it's a nice summer evening.

Hope Desi, Jill & Cindy have safe travels to Casper & that the doctor has some good news with regards to Aunt Audrey's memory issues - perhaps there is a medication that can help keep things "at bay".

Miss you all!

Written by Cindy on Jun. 28, 2016
Hi everyone, Sounds like another busy time at the Heisler home, how fun, a big wedding celebration! I'd love to be there for the cake-best part of the wedding for us old gals-ha! I hope the weather was good, lots of weird weather everywhere it seems.
We spent Thurs.-Monday helping Greg get moved in and settled into his new townhome. What a beautiful place, much different than when we started out. Lots of work but he called last night and is happily "all set" Also moved Greg's "old stuff" into Jennys place, her boyfriend, Matt was such a BIG help, I insisted that Ron not take a risk lifting anything heavy and with his king size bed going to the third floor it would have been a disaster without the help of a strong, able-bodied young man. Happy to report that it seems Jenny has finally found a "keeper" (don't want to get overly excited yet but fingers crossed)
We will go down again after church on Sunday to help get his old place cleaned up but Greg is very neat and orderly so it doesn't need much. May spend the night since he has a real nice guest room for us now. Don't know for sure what we'll do on the 4th but maybe we will see what the kids have planned.
Des, Jill, and I are headed to Casper next week as my Mom had cognitive testing(she is getting kind of forgetful)and now we will meet with the doctor for the results and suggestions as to what we can do, if anything. She had agreed to the test but was not too happy after taking it, she said it was too long(3 hours)and some was hard but some was easy. "Won't make any difference anyway"-I say wait and see.
Jill is having a big party/barbeque on July 9th to celebrate getting through the cancer scare. Lots of work, but she wants to do it-kind of a potluck, she's having a friend smoke meat and help from a few of us so hope it doesn't wear her out too much. She says there will be around 50 people if everyone shows up. Wish you could all be here, know all your encouragement and prayers helped her immensely.
Have a happy 4th of July and God bless America!

Written by Val on Jun. 22, 2016
Getting excited! Erica comes home tonight & will be staying for a couple of weeks! She is the maid of honor in our niece's wedding this weekend. Going to be busy, but fun! Erica & Tasha are like "sisters" - both only children & they share a number of similar personality traits! My aunt Ramona (dad's sister) and my cousin Mary Beth are also on the plane coming to ND for a visit too! We are supposed to have some hot & windy weather this weekend & maybe some storms Friday night. Hope they pass us by! Been lots of crazy weather in ND the past few weeks! Lots of hail and big wind! We are hoping to spend a few days up at Lake Metigoshe next week and relax and enjoy the outdoors. Taking our bicycles along and planning to go out to the bible camp & spend some time. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
