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Written by Desiree on Feb. 23, 2017
Good news! No change in Jill's MRI so the neurologist is recommending that she have another MRI in 6 months (August) and if there's no change with the meningioma then she won't need another one for a year. Woohoo - GOD IS GOOD!

Written by Desiree on Feb. 19, 2017
Thanks for all of the anniversary wishes! It was such a nice surprise and I really enjoyed reading Bonnie's recap from my big day, 31 years ago wowsa! I have been fighting Strep throat so we had a very uneventful anniversary. Taking amoxicillin and am finally feeling better. Cindy and I had hoped to take a trip up to Casper last weekend (the weather has been so nice) but since I was sick we didn't think it'd be wise to possibly spread it :-(

What's everyone been doing? Glad to see some posts from vacationers Pete and Barb but it makes me very jealous! Drink a Mai Tai on the beach for me please.

Jill had the MRI done on her head last week and we go in to see the neurologist on Thursday to confirm that the meningioma won't require further treatment. Cindy has to take care of her in-laws so won't be able to attend the appointment but I will report back. I'm confident following our first visit with this neurologist that it's benign and she'll just keep a monitor on it.

Lastly, happy 25th birthday to Bryan today. I know that your mom's taking the family out for Chinese food tonight so enjoy!

Love to all and keep posting.

Written by Val on Feb. 19, 2017
Have a great vacation! Soak up some sun for us! Tell Pete to be careful around those dolphins!

Written by Cindy on Feb. 19, 2017
Lucky ducks, Pete and Barb! Have a great vacation!

Written by Pete and Barbara. on Feb. 17, 2017
Hola from puerto Vallarta! We arrived yesterday to better than expected weather. Today was even better! We are soaking up some sun for all of you. Pete saw dolphins while kayaking. Hope everyone is doing great!

Love Pete and Barb

Written by Bonnie F on Feb. 15, 2017
Hi all HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to Dave and Desi. I just have to share some memories I have of that time. Val and I and little Erica boarded a plane for Denver, when we got to Denver we were able to take a shuttle bus up to Greeley(before high prices and small seats) Erica was a good little girl all the way, she was barely a year old. Also arriving on a shuttle bus from Albuquerque NM was Carl, who was still working there. I can see his face in the bus window when we all took shuttle buses back to Denver to go home. We had a fun time, Carl and I even danced. As I remember the wedding was very short, the dresses were beautiful red and white, Audrey also very beautiful in a red dress think. It was a very fun and memorable trip. We were on the plane in Denver for the trip home for a long time, I remember Val telling me to look back at the long line of planes waiting to take off. Jenny was having fun with little Erica and Art was being the good dad he always was. So many memories of this trip. Love, Bonnie

Written by Cindy on Feb. 14, 2017
Happy 31st Anniversary to Dave and Des today! Know if shes's feeling better(had been sick with flu-like symptoms yesterday)Dave will take her out somewhere. Remember your wedding and the cute red dresses we wore as bridesmaids(wish I could still fit into it-ha).
We had a very exciting Valentines Day, I hate trying to go out to dinner just for the reason Val described-very busy, and usually disappointing(that sounded awful, I hope you were "comped" your meal) we went to Ron's favorite place "Chick Filet", never disappointing LOL!
Got back from Palm Springs late Sunday afternoon, stopped in to check on his folks and set up their meds before coming home. Had agreed to work on Monday then again Tuesday so today I'm finally doing laundry and chores around the house, forget how I'm not used to working and how tired I get when I do. Our trip was very relaxing and way to short but always nice to get away.
Much love to everyone!

Written by Val on Feb. 14, 2017
Happy Anniversary today to Desi & Dave! Enjoy your special day! Those of us up north are going to be enjoying some very unseasonably warm weather the next few days. We are supposed to be near or over 50 degrees tomorrow! Beautiful and also good for snow melting! Hope everyone had a nice Valentine's Day. We double dated with mom and dad and were looking forward to a nice meal at the local golf course. They had advertised some good specials, but it turned out to be a disappointing experience. Mom, Dad and Kevin ordered rack of lamb. We sat down around 7:30 p.m .and at 9:30 p.m. we still had no food. I asked about it several times & of course they were very behind as they were way busier than expected and they were grilling steaks and the lamb on a grill outside. When they finally brought the lamb, it was very charred on the outside but red and cold on the inside. So they made hamburgers and we finally ate around 10:00 p.m. Took the lamb home and will try to roast it in the oven and see what happens. Normally we don't go out on Valentines Day much anymore as it seems like it is a long wait everywhere. Guess we may go back to eating at home!

Written by Bonnie F on Feb. 7, 2017
Happy Birthday, London hope you have had a wonderful day. Hope my card arrived on time. Love, Bonnie F

Written by Desiree on Feb. 6, 2017
Happy 18th to our gorgeous London McKenzie Hultman! We wish you an awesome birthday and hope you have great day. Love you much and will call you later tonight.

Written by Love you! Jill on Feb. 6, 2017
To my very special niece! Happy Birthday London!!! Wishing you a very special day.

Written by Val on Feb. 6, 2017
Happy 18th Birthday today to Miss London Hultman! You are such a beautiful young lady! Wishing you an amazing day on your 18th birthday!

Written by Sue on Jan. 31, 2017
Thanks for filling us in on Jill's health, Cindy. So glad to hear she received such good news. We will just have to pray that it will not grow any larger and cause any problems. Hope Jill can get some help with her hearing. Love to you all.

Written by Bonnie F on Jan. 30, 2017
It's early evening and I just read the post from Cindy concerning Jill. So glad it is not as serious as you were worried about.
Guess we should all be glad for good health if we have it. Talked to Audrey last night, she didn't mention anything, seemed to be in a good mood. Glad that it has been discovered and that it isn't cancerous. Take care everyone, Love, Bonnie

Written by Val on Jan. 30, 2017
Just read your post Cindy - WOW! God is good! So grateful it is not a life threatening issue, but can only imagine how much you all have been worrying. Thanks God it is not cancer. Appreciate you sharing this with all of us. Jill is so lucky to have her two sisters there to be her support system through all these things! Love you!
