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Written by Cindy on Dec. 18, 2019
Me again! Just thought I'd let everyone know, if you're in the area (LOL) Des and I are having a 60th birthday bash for Jill on January 1st at the Old Chicago restaurant from 1-4 pm in Greeley-not a surprise as it being on a holiday figured we better let her know in case she would have made other plans. Will be a LARGE affair since Jill has so many friends- I think we're at around 40 people already! Could be upwards of 60-70 people-I don't even know that many people-ha! Wish you all could come too! Desiree will be decorating and bringing the cake, so you know there will be lots of yummy buttercream frosting!
Merry Christmas!

Written by Val on Dec. 16, 2019
So glad you girls got to go to Casper & celebrate with your mom! I am sure she enjoyed it very much! Glad there were no bad storms & you got back to your homes OK. Sure hope you all have a nice Christmas holiday. Laughter is a wonderful gift! We are looking forward to the arrival of Shelley, Barb & Pete and Erica for the holiday. We will be at the Heisler household on Christmas Day & plan to have an early evening meal. Erica is flying in that day, so we wanted to wait for her arrival. Just hoping her flight is on time. I still have gift wrapping to do & hope to bake a few things. The time just gets away from me & I don't have the energy I used to! I saw a Facebook post that said "The first christmas was pretty simple, it's okay if yours is too! I need to remember this! Love you all! Wish we could all be together! Holiday hugs to all!

Written by Cindy on Dec. 15, 2019
Ok now I see it works. Jill, Des, and I were able to go for the weekend, we all stayed at mom’s and had a great time. Lots of yummy food and silly games and mostly lots of laughing. Wish we could do this more often. Did of course snow while we were there so made the trip home a little scary but Des and her big vehicle made us all feel safe. I certainly would have not want to drive my little car in those conditions. Mom was in good spirits and enjoyed every minute of us being there(she just wants to stay home so we did her grocery shopping and got her all settled for another week- Candy is so good to take care of setting up her meds and getting groceries for her-also now paying bills for her so very reassuring knowing someone is looking out for those things) Seeing London and Talon is such a joy- just love them to pieces!
Enjoy the holidays!

Written by Cindy on Dec. 15, 2019
Hello all, home from Casper, haD a wonderful Christmas weekend with the family.

Written by Barb & Pete on Dec. 9, 2019
Greetings from COLD Minnesota!
We had a wonderful trip to Louisiana to see Pete's brother, Tony & family. Thanksgiving was a rush with four toddlers (all one year old girls) and two boys - ages 3 & 8. Was very lively! The rest of the time we enjoyed getting out for walks and seeing some small towns in the area. Even got to walk on a Mississippi beach on Dec 1st and it was gorgeous -- about 68 above and sunny. Too fun! We missed the first big snowstorm of 9" in MN while we were gone! Winner! Didn't have to drag out my boots until yesterday - a possible record!

Huge thanks to Val for posting the Bryan & Molly album -- great pics and it's SO good to see everyone! Wish we could have been there.
Love to all. Stay warm!, Barb & Pete

Written by Cindy on Dec. 5, 2019

Written by Cindy on Dec. 5, 2019
well....I am going to try again to post! I don't know what it is but I sure have a time with this site!
Thanksgiving was a great day-we were at Ron's brother and his wife were our hosts again, Greg was home for the week and he enjoyed the food, fun, and games.
busy this week getting ready for the Christmas tea on Sat. at the church- I do a lot of work to get things ready and its lots of fun. Wish Mom was closer so I could take her along.
better see if this goes through-keep posting!

Written by Val on Nov. 29, 2019
Hello everyone! The family website has been updated for December AND I have posted photos from Molly and Bryan's wedding. Check out the folder titled Bryan & Molly. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and now it is on to Christmas! Love to all!

Written by Val on Nov. 28, 2019
Happy Thanksgiving to all! The day always goes fast! Had a traditional Thanksgiving dinner with Mom, Dad , Robert, Ardella, Kevin & I. We had pumpkin & shoo-fly pie! Mom & Dad had gotten the shoo-fly pie & shared with us today. It gets dark here by 5:30 so Robert & Ardella left to get home before dark. Kevin & I went to the farm & hauled & stacked wood in the basement before the impending storm moves in! Sounds like we may have blizzard like conditions Friday night into Saturday. Hope they are wrong!

Written by Bonnie F on Nov. 27, 2019
Hoping everyone has a safe and good Thanksgiving and giving thanks for all of you our very special family. Love, Bonnie F

Written by Val on Nov. 26, 2019
Happy Anniversary today to Deb & Lindsay Johnson! Hope you have a nice day and nice holiday weekend! Hope the snow stays away from your area!

Written by Bonnie F on Nov. 24, 2019
Today was lefse making day for Val and Bonnie. We started at one o,clock and made 2 batches, enough for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Carol (Punky ) Burckhard came down and helped us some, and we had lefsa fresh from the grill with butter and sugar, YUM YUM. So good. Also Curt , Kevin and Tyler tried to bring the cow/calf pairs home across the river, but because of heavy ice near the shore, they would not come. We will try again tomorrow

Written by Barb & Pete on Nov. 23, 2019
Thanks SO much for your postings Val! Is so good to see pics of our WY/CO relatives! Everyone looks fabulous! Sounds like a marvelous event. Congrats to Bryan & Molly! And Happy Birthday Cindy -- enjoy your new year!
All is well here. Rather "balmy" weather for this time of year. Pete actually got to go bike riding (44 degrees - above!).
Love to all!, Barb & Pete

Written by Val on Nov. 20, 2019
Congratulations to Bryan & Molly on their marriage! We wish you a lifetime of happiness as husband and wife!

Written by Val on Nov. 20, 2019
Hello all! Mom & I returned from our trip to Colorado on Tuesday afternoon. We had a wonderful time and so glad we got to be there for Bryan & Molly's wedding. It was GREAT to see Aunt Audrey and all of her kids and grandkids. Ron & Cindy were wonderful hosts & we really enjoyed visiting & reminiscing. I will try to get some photos posted in an album soon! This photo was taken at the IHOP the night we arrived.
