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Written by Barb and Pete on Jun. 27, 2015
Hei from Bergen!,
Wanted to let you know we just arrived in Bergen and we are having a fantastic trip. Will be here a couple of nights and then head back thru the mountains to Oslo. Went on Norways highest road yesterday and the scenery was phenomenal. Also went on 3 ferry rides across the fjords. Our hotel was right on the fjord and had a river behind it. Incredible scenery. Hope everyone is doing great!
Love, Barb and Pete

Written by Barb and Pete on Jun. 24, 2015
Hei from Trondheim!
We have now left Hadeland and are on the tour of other areas of Norway. At Oslo we toured the Palace of the king and Queen which was very deluxe. Today we took a trip to Hell. Indeed it is a small town near Trondheim. Everyone had a joke about Hell. It is very wet and Cold today in Trondheim. Was in the low 50s and there was definitely a Wind chill, and then it started raining. We are hoping for better weather in Bergen.

Love to all!, Barb and Pete

Written by Cindy on Jun. 21, 2015
Hi everyone, I'm late in posting my Fathers Day best wishes to all the "dads" in the clan, better late than never. We celebrated early on Saturday when Ron and I went to Denver for the day, Greg took us all(including Jenny) out for dinner at the Olive Garden. Had a wonderful meal and always so much fun to spend time with the "kids" Have decided after laying on Gregs new bed that maybe we should start looking for a new mattress, ours isn't that old but seems so hard on these poor old bones. We'll see-lol!
Finally getting some HOT weather here, almost 100 yesterday and sounds like more to come. I won't complain since we've had so much rain, even the farmers said "enough already" the sad thing is one or two day of the heat and the grass is drying up already. Never a happy medium.
I wish I were in the "Norsky" countries like Barb and Pete, it sounds devine-I bet the sweets are heavenly! Have fun but always be on your guard people are so anti-America all over the world from what we here in the news.
Nothing too exciting around here, same old, same old! Guess I should try to plant a fruit tree, the one Erica is planting sounds wonderful! Are Val and Kevin planning a trip to Vegas anytime soon. Would be fun to meet up out there, Ron is busy with work but I am pretty much open after next week when his dad will get his cast off. Yes, I'm still playing "nurse" for them. A never ending thing I'm afraid,ha.
Do want to get up to Casper and hang out with my Mom a bit this summer-need to re-do her deck with the stain/paint that we put on a few years ago that was suppose to last forever-guess the nasty Wyoming winters weren't taken into account by this company. Oh well, at least gave us another five gallon bucket of the stuff free! Free is always good!
Love seeing all of the things going on in your lives. Miss you all and hope you continue to have a great summer!

Written by Sue on Jun. 21, 2015
Greetings to everyone and a very Happy Father's Day to all you dads out there!
Noticed it was supposed to be 111* in Las Vegas today. Sure glad it hasn't warmed up that much here yet. They always say fall is the best time to plant in Houston, which seems weird, but the humidity and heat are so stressful for new plants. Sounds like a fun tree that Erica is going to plant. I have a pomegranate tree I moved with that is in a big pot, but haven't decided if I will plant it here or not. I left a persimmon, pomegranate, and a peach tree when I moved. It is nice to have that fresh fruit. I hope your apple trees grow like gangbusters, Curt!
I had about five inches of rain from tropical storm Bill. Was sure glad it went slightly south and west of us. As saturated as we are from the rains a couple weeks ago, our bayous would not have handled a lot of rain.
Just three more days of summer school and then I will truly be on vacation! Yippee!
Glad you are having a great trip, Barb and Pete. Thanks for the updates.

Written by barb and pete on Jun. 20, 2015
happy fathers day to the best dad in the world ++ and all the HHFer dads! We hope you have a special day and are having good weather.

all is well in Norge. We had a big banquet last night, saw New relatives in the morning Erling and Anne. And today took a cruise on the Randsfjord. Tomorrow we are off to Eidsvoll and Tuesday to Oslo.

We love you and miss you!, Barb and pete

Written by R and A Helstedt on Jun. 19, 2015
Hi Barb and Pete. The secret code is 623169. Hope this works for you. Have fun.

Written by Val on Jun. 18, 2015
Happy Father's Day to all the dads! Hope you all have a special day!

Great to hear from the Norway travelers! How awesome that you got to go in the house that Gundmund Haga built! Am sure you are having a wonderful time!

We had lots of rain early this morning. Sun is out now, but more storms in forecast for tonight.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!



Written by Barb and Pete on Jun. 18, 2015
<hei again from norway,
Dad and mom, you should have received a code from Yahoo.com in Your email that would unlock Our email account. can you please check Your email and then post the code here on simplesite. just click to add a Message on the guestbook.

we are having a fabulous time. weather has been rather cool and did rain on wednesday and thursday. Met New Rya relatives and have gotten to go into the house that Gudmund Haga built! that was an Incredible experience.

hope everyone is healthy and well ++ we are doing great. love barb and pete

Written by Barb and Pete on Jun. 16, 2015
hei from norway,
wanted to let you all know we made it to norway With no problems and are having a fantastic time.

we do not have Access to Our Yahoo email so will not be able to keep in touch With that, so am thrilled we got on the Family web site.

we are in the homeland and have stayed two Nights with Our relative Ragnhild and her sister kari have taken us all over to Our Family farms and have met New relatives.

hope everything is great back home. we love you and miss you. happy birthday olga!

love, pete and barb

Written by Val on Jun. 16, 2015
Happy Birthday Olga! Was good to visit with you on the phone! Wish you could have had your birthday off! Sounds like it was a busy day! We were thinking of you!

Written by Bonnie F. on Jun. 16, 2015
Happy Birthday Olga! Good to talk to you this evening, even if only briefly, you were WORKING from home for your job! So conscientious you are, don't know if I spelled that word right, but guess you celebrated on the weekend.

Thanks to all who expressed sadness on the loss of our pet, MAX. He was such a lovable dog, I look out my window evey morning, where he would lay outside his dog house and I always thought he was looking at me. Hope we did the right thing, I just couldn't watch him not eat or drink and just get weaker.
Have my garden all up and looking good. We had radishes for supper tonight.
We had a nice pre-father's day on Sunday.
The Heislers and Erica came with two apple trees to plant. Thanks, kids , a great idea for your dad. We got them planted and watered and then had a delicious supper with peach pie for dessert, and then Robert and Ardella dropped by , so had a very nice visit with them.
Was great having Erica home for a visit, she was super busy, but we saw her some and it was fun.
Happy Father's Day to all the dads. Love, Bonnie F.

Written by Val on Jun. 16, 2015
Happy Birthday to Olga today! Hope it has been a good day. Know you were celebrating over the weekend too! Sending our love & hugs on your special day! It is a very cool day in North Dakota, only about 60 degrees & overcast. Sounds like NC is warm today!

Erica was home for a brief visit this past weekend & here to attend her friend Maggie's wedding. Was a beautiful outdoor wedding at the Scandanavian Heritage Park in Minot. They had a golf theme for their wedding. Erica was supposed to return to LV last night but her flight was cancelled. She left this afternoon. Is very hot in LV, forecast is for 100's all week. Unfortunately she is getting her landscaping done, not great start for her trees. She will have to water a lot. Planting a citrus salad tree, has lemons, limes & tangelos on one tree.

Hope you are all enjoying summer time!


Written by Cindy on Jun. 8, 2015
Busy day for me today setting up for the annual church garage sale this weekend, I am suppose to be in charge but many "chiefs" and guess I will just function as an "indian"(unless there is a problem-then I'm in charge-ha!) So much "stuff" again. Start the pricing tomorrow. Very proud of myself, got the newspaper ad in and even posted on craigs list(that was a first for me)
Greg and Jenny drove up yesterday (Sunday) Had a wonderful day of shopping-Greg ordered a king size bed and headboard, to be delivered to his place in Denver on Saturday. Also bought all the bedding and such(beautiful stuff, nothing but "the best" for my son- wanted Egyptian cotton sheets, I never spent that much money on all my bedding, LOL)
Jenny's more like me and shops the sale racks, got some real "deals" and cute clothes.
We all met up with John, Candy, and Talon in Loveland for dinner at the "Red Robin" to celebrate Candy's birthday. They were on their way to Denver for a 3 day stay so Talon could be evaluated for his asthma/allergies at National Jewish Hospital. London got a job for the summer so had to stay home with the animals and so she could start her new job. My Mom is staying in Casper so she and London will watch out for each other.
So in reading the notes I assume Max must have passed away and went to "Dog Heaven" Sweet old dog, hope he's happy running and jumping and "going to town"
Sorry for your loss Aunt Bonnie and Uncle Curt.
Glad to hear your sale of Kevin's dads estate went well. Hope you get to enjoy some time with Erica.
Love to everyone!

Written by Val on Jun. 7, 2015
Happy belated birthday to Candy! Hope you had a great day! We had a busy weekend! We have been sorting, throwing & preparing for an estate sale of my father-in-law's possessions. We decided to have the sale in conjunction with the Velva citywide sale. We opened Friday afternoon which was a good move since it was pouring rain Saturday morning. But... There were some hard core rummage salers out in the rain! The sun came out in the afternoon & we did good business on Sat.too! So we got rid of a lot! Was a success! All of Kevin's siblings were home except one, so was fun to be together, but hard to see the house emptying out.

I had not heard about the nasty weather in Colorado? Glad you are all OK. We had a warm windy day here today & supposed to be warm this week. We had over 2" of rain Friday night to Saturday afternoon so we need some sunshine!

We will miss Max & know mom will miss him a lot! But... He had some major health issues & was having problems breathing & was not eating. He was a great companion & friend & provided lots of smiles to many!

Verendrye's annual meeting is this week so will be busy! Erica arrives Thursday evening so looking forward to having her here for a few days, although she will be busy with wedding stuff. One of her best friends from high school is getting married on Saturday.

Love to all!

Website: K
Written by Barb on Jun. 7, 2015
Happy Birthday Candy!! Hope you have a terrific day and year and celebrate in a big way! Hope you're still rockin' the yoga pants (it's all the rage here).
Sorry to hear it's been so rainy in Colorado. Sue said they had a dry week finally - after all their rain they needed a break. And she's done with her regular school year now (yeah!), but is teaching summer school again this year starting tomorrow (think it's about 3 weeks).

Hope that the Velva city-wide garage sale was a success - and Val, hope you got rid of lots of stuff of Kevin's dads.

Bonnie, we're so sad to hear about Max. He was such a great dog - loved his personality and remember Curt telling stories about him literally pulling the pickup when trying to exercise him when he was younger. You guys were great to him and gave him a wonderful home!

We're doing great and getting ready for a trip to Norway in a week. We'll spend the first couple days with relatives (our great-grandmother Eli Reah's brother's descendants, Ragnhild and Kari) in Lunner, Hadeland, then will join our tour group for a week in the home land, a day in Oslo and Eidsvoll, then off to Trondheim, the fjords, Bergen, the mountains and back to Oslo. Am so looking forward to it (except for the jet lag -- but have about 3 different remedies for it, so something should work - Pete of course has no problem at all).
Love to all!, Barb & Pete