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Written by Barb & Pete on Oct. 10, 2017
Happy Birthday Deb!! We hope you have a fantastic day -- hopefully took the day off and took Val's advice to go wild! And belated Happy B-days to Carl and Lindsay.

Update on Dad -- he went to the ortho surgeon today, Tues. They took xrays and compared to original ones and decided the break hasn't gotten bigger, so they think it will heal on its own in 6-8 weeks. So no surgery. He got a new sling. But it's still very painful (the pain meds just don't do enuf) and he's supposed to continue icing, and it obviously affects his mobility, so is a total bummer. Your prayers for healing and pain relief are greatly appreciated!
Love to all!, Barb & Pete

Written by Val & Kevin on Oct. 9, 2017
Happy Birthday to my "little" sister Deb! I surely hope you take some time to take it easy today! Maybe call in sick! Skip exercising today! Have 1/2 a birthday cake! Be irresponsible! Whatever you do have a great day! Mom is coming to our house tonight for an early birthday supper & Kevin will be checking over her car in case she needs it for a weekend road trip! Hope to talk with you this evening!

Written by Sue on Oct. 9, 2017
Happy Birthday to Lindsey, Carl and Deb! I hope you are all celebrating all month long!
Still waiting for fall here. Was over 90 degrees again today. Hoping it starts to cool down a little soon.
Thanks for praying for my dad and mom. The break is about two inches below his shoulder joint. I'm hoping it heals without surgery. Barb will go if he needs surgery. I'll go after her if they need more help.

Written by Val on Oct. 8, 2017
Prayers for Uncle Robert who broke his arm on Tuesday and is waiting for a doctor's appointment to determine what the course of action will be. He was at the junkyard on Tuesday of last week removing a part off something & a wrench slipped & he flew backwards & landed on his left shoulder. He did not seek medical attention until Thursday & long story short he has a break in his left arm between the elbow & shoulder higher on the arm. He is in alot of pain. Mom & I went to see him yesterday afternoon. His arm is very swollen, as well as his hand. Hopefully the swelling goes down before his appointment tomorrow. Prayers for him and Ardella. Barb is on "stand by" if she needs to come home to help!

Written by Bonnie Feist on Oct. 3, 2017
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CARL! Hoping you are having a good day and wishing I was there.
It,s sunny here today, but tonite we may have our first frost. I have my garden prepared and may cover my fairy garden flowers, fall is definitely here. Have a great day, we will call this evening. Mom

Written by Val & Kevin on Oct. 3, 2017
Happy Birthday Carl! Hope it's a great day! Enjoy some cake, ice cream and maybe a nice meal! Dessert is always the best so why not make it first on your birthday!

Written by Val on Oct. 3, 2017
Yikes! Glad Jenny was not there on Sunday!

Written by Desiree on Oct. 2, 2017
Whew - thanks for the update Val. I guess Jenny was in Vegas the day before the shooting and stayed at the Mandalay Bay - YIKES!

Written by Val & Kevin on Oct. 1, 2017
Want to wish my brother-in-law Lindsey a Happy Birthday! Hope you have a good day!

Written by Val on Oct. 1, 2017
Good morning! For those of you that have heard about the shooting in Las Vegas, Erica is safe and was not at the concert. Thanks for all your inquiries about her safety. Her neighbor's daughter and a friend were there but they are fine. So terrible. Pray for those who lost loved ones or were injured.

Written by Desiree on Oct. 1, 2017
Hi - it's Monday morning and I just heard about ANOTHER big shooting in Vegas at the Mandalay Bay. Is Erica ok? Awful, Awful, Awful. Please Lord help our country!

Written by Val on Oct. 1, 2017
Hello everyone! I have updated the family website for the month of October! Hope everyone had a nice weekend. Mom, Robert, Ardella and myself attended the funeral for Warnie Helstedt on Friday morning. There were a number of other Helstedt/Haga relatives there also. It was a beautiful fall day & Warnie was laid to rest with full military honors in the Veteran's section of Rosehill Memorial Cemetery in Minot. It was also Hostfest week which was fitting since Warnie & Beverly had volunteered at Hostfest for nearly 30 years & enjoyed this event a great deal. I spent Friday afternoon at the Hostfest working at the Touchstone Energy Booth, which go me to great seats (Row 8) at the Doobie Brothers concert! They gave a great concert & even though they are looking rather "old", they still could rock it! Kevin enjoyed the concert too! I enjoyed a number of Scandinavian foods including rice pudding & Finnish Stew. It was the 40th anniversary of the Hostfest. I still remember Grandma Lou going to the first few festivals when they were held in the City Auditorium. It is a "happy place"! If you have never attended you really should put it on your "bucket list".

Written by Val on Sep. 24, 2017
We received word this weekend that Warren Helstedt passed away on Friday. His heart was giving out & only functioning about 10%. He had been at home on hospice since early August. Our thoughts & prayers go out to his wife Beverly & children Pam & Tim & their families. Also to his siblings Donna & Sandy. His funeral will be Friday, September 29th at Bread of Life Lutheran church in Minot. He will be buried in the Veterans section of Rosehill Cemetery in Minot. If anyone would like to send a card to Beverly here is her address: Beverly Helstedt, 1201 32nd Ave SW, Minot, ND 58701.

Written by Cindy on Sep. 20, 2017
Woot,woot! Congratulations, Kathleen & Craig, this is wonderful news and you got the family "stamp of approval" lol(maybe you don't even care, but it IS worth a lot in this clan) Can't wait for details! Congratulations again!

Written by Val on Sep. 19, 2017
WOW, Congratulations Kathleen & Craig! That is awesome! So glad Craig came to ND to meet us all!
