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Written by Bonnie F on Aug. 3, 2019
Here I am, posting again. Where is everybody? Today I canned 7 quarts of peach sauce, made a peach pie and a peach cobbler from the peaches, I bought and also put up 3 quarts of dill pickles! It was a very productive day. I want to wish HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to Robert and Ardella, 62 years together! Have a very good day, Love and Best Wishes! B and C

Written by Bonnie F on Jul. 25, 2019
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Jenny T . Hope you have a great day! This may be late, my computer is trying to die, but still seems to work sometimes. I did enjoy a trip to the ND State Fair on Sunday night, had some fair food, walked the midway and listened to country music thanks to Val's fair ticket. Enjoying some nice warm weather right now, we will remember it this winter! hello to everyone also best wishes to Jenny. Bonnie F

Written by Val on Jul. 24, 2019
Happy, Happy Birthday today to Jenny Thompson! Hope your day is awesome!

Written by Barb on Jul. 23, 2019
Hey all! Today is National "Cousins Day"! Thinking of all of you fantastic cousins!! The memories are so fun and wonderful! Spend a couple of minutes today in gratitude for our wonderful family!

All is well here. Pete and I went to our first Twins game in their new (now old) outdoor stadium on Friday. Was a sweatfest! Heat index of 115! And dewpoint of 80! Just like Houston! We had primo seats -- 3rd row up from the visitor's dugout so it was almost like we were on the field. Incredible! Hope everyone is doing great!
Love, Barb

Written by Val on Jul. 19, 2019
Happy Birthday today to John Hultman! Hope you have a great day! Kevin had a good birthday & appreciates all the birthday wishes! We spent the evening at the ND State Fair! Birthday supper was a foot long corn dog - had been YEARS since we had had one of them. Birthday cake was a funnel cake! Attended the Rascal Flatts concert, was a beautiful ND evening!

Written by Bonnie Feist on Jul. 18, 2019
HAPPY BIRTHDAY today to son-in-law, Kevin! We hope you have a great day. Enjoy the fair and concert tonight with Val! Our best wishes for a good year ahead, you certainly deserve it! Also HAPPY BIRTHDAY on the 20th to nephew John A Hultman! Sending best wishes to you and have a nice day and a good year!

Written by Val on Jul. 17, 2019
Thanks Desi for posting all your baby and grandma news! So exciting for you! Sounds like you have found a new passion - decorating cakes & cookies! That is wonderful! Looking forward to the arrival of little Charlee!

Written by Val on Jul. 17, 2019
Hello Everyone! We want to thank all of you for your well wishes for our 40th anniversary! Thanks to those who sent cards & greetings! We had a WONDERFUL day! It was a busy day & we did not get to visit with everyone like we wanted to, but felt surrounded by love! I have lots of photos but none of Kevin & I together yet to share as the photographer has not gotten them to me. I will post an album after I get those. In the meantime, I want to thank Erica & Shelley for all their hard work to make the day go smoothly! Was great having them home! Thanks again all!

Written by Desiree on Jul. 15, 2019
Lastly, Chelsea didn't want cake at the shower so I made these watermelon cookies in the bakery! Wish you all could have been there (just like for Val and Kevin's anniversary party too) but life is just so busy anymore. Thanks again to my wonderful family - love to all.

Written by Desiree on Jul. 15, 2019
The theme of the baby shower was "don't eat watermelon seeds." Below is Chelsea 8 months pregnant and here's a picture with Jenny!

Written by Desiree on Jul. 15, 2019
Dave made the Charlee heart below and we printed a huge one on adhesive paper for the nursery.

Written by Desiree on Jul. 15, 2019
Woohoo first message went through so I'll try another. Cindy gave me the shirt at the baby shower! Chels and Chance are doing great. She received EVERYTHING that she wanted so now they're "nesting." I'm anxious to meet my granddaughter Charlee. Our Safeway jobs are going GREAT and I just received a $1.50 raise! Honestly, we really can't believe how much we are enjoying it.

Written by Desiree on Jul. 15, 2019
Congrats Val and Kevin on 40 years! I was with you in spirit while making cakes in the bakery! Thank you to all of the HHFers for all of the wonderful gifts, money and gift cards that you sent to Chelsea for the baby shower. She was overwhelmed with the kindness from the "ND family."

Written by Cindy on Jul. 14, 2019
Absolutely the truth, Barb and Pete!
Thought about the fun that was happening at the Velva park and sure was wishing he could have been there. Happy 40th anniversary to Kevin and Val! Hope you had a wonderful time❤️ Hope there was cake!
Ron and I are in Steamboat Springs for several days, having a great time, hot weather but not as hot as in Greeley so glad for a little get away.

Written by Barb & Pete on Jul. 14, 2019
Happy 40th Anniversary to Kevin & Val!! We hope you had a fantastic celebration in the park! Can't tell you how much you guys mean to all of us in the family -- you two are the BEST!! Congrats on 40 years -- you are inspiring You truly "light up" our lives with all the help you give to others!!
Love, Barb & Pete (and I know we speak for all the HHFers)