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Written by Val & Kevin on Feb. 6, 2018
Happy 19th Birthday today to Miss London! We sure hope you have an amazing day!

Written by Val on Feb. 1, 2018
Happy February everyone! I have updated the website for a new month! I am glad January is in the history books! Really seemed like a long month! We are supposed to have snow tonight and tomorrow and bitter cold weather again for a few days.

Is everyone geared up for the Super Bowl this weekend? I am going to cheer for the Eagles since ND native Carson Wentz is on the team (although he can't play). I am a little upset with the news that the Eagles fans are not very nice! I hope Carson can influence them somehow to change their behavior! Barb and Pete will have to report on any Super Bowl happenings or mishappenings in Minneapolis!

Hoping to stay home this weekend. Kevin & I made a quick trip to Sioux Falls, SD last weekend to watch our grand nephew compete in a show choir competition. Was fun to watch, but lots of driving. We got home Sunday evening and then drove to Rolla, ND on Monday morning for a funeral. Then I was in Bismarck Wednesday and Thursday with the VEC staff and board of directors for meetings. This week went fast!

Hope you are all staying healthy! The flu must be horrible this year from all you see on the news. So sad to see young kids dying from it. Be sure & get to the doctor if you are sick!!!!

My home computer died this week so guess I will probably have to shop for one of those. Yuck! This one is not that old.

Love you all!

Written by Val on Jan. 19, 2018
We had a great evening celebrating Uncle Robert's birthday last night! Was a beautiful evening! We also celebrated Ardella's birthday too! Wishing you both a great year ahead!

Written by Cindy on Jan. 19, 2018
Happy Birthday, Uncle Bob! Hope the 83rd year of your life brings you new surprises and old memories of a very good and happy life. Much love xxooxx

Written by Anonymous daughter on Jan. 19, 2018
Happy Birthday Curt (belated) and Robert!! Thought this picture from 1982 was a classic as Robert often says "I don't play games." But obviously he does and has fun! And Curt seems to be enjoying himself too! Happy Birthday Father Figures!! We love you!!

Written by Pete and Barb on Jan. 19, 2018
Happy Birthday to the absolute BEST DAD EVER!!! We love you very much and wish you a wonderful day and a wonderful, healthy year! Hope you're celebrating with a cake and ice cream, but best of all, no below zero temps! Note the photo from 1964-65 winter -- a homemade snow plow -- perfect for hauling kids around. But note our backyard then -- no shrubs or trees in the background.

All is well here. Vikings fever is taking hold. And we finally got out of the deep freeze and have had melting the last 2 days. Yee haw!
Love to all,
Barb & Pete

Written by Sue on Jan. 19, 2018
Happy Birthday to my dear Dad! I hope you have had a wonderful day. You deserve it! Wish I could be there to celebrate it with you. I imagine you are going out for supper tonight. Enjoy!

Had two unexpected days off this week due to a massive ice/sleet/sort of snow storm for a couple days. It got down in the teens for a few nights. It didn't even get above freezing one day. Many people had their pipes break. I am fine. Most freeways were closed due to black ice on them. We don't have the equipment to deal with ice and snow on the roads here. All in all it sort of seemed like Hurricane Harvey in many ways. It's been quite a weather year for the Houston area!

Written by Val & Kevin on Jan. 18, 2018
Happy Birthday today to Uncle Robert! It is a very nice day in ND today! Was 44 degrees on my thermometer in the car on my way to work this morning & it was raining! Not sure about rain in January? Hope your day is awesome!

Written by Bonnie F on Jan. 14, 2018
I must add to the HOORAYS after the Vikings won last night. Val had bought some Viking cupcakes for the occasion, and after church, I ate one, later thinking oh no, probably put the hex on the whole game. Anyway, as soon as the touchdown winning the game was shown, my cell phone rang then my landline, it was Carl,joyous as I was, saying the Vikings finally got a break, If you don,t know, he and I have been true Viking fans thru it all, what a way to make us happy --and we had more cupcakes here at the farm and I am saving the rest in the freezer for Sunday night, hoping for more good breaks! Bonnie F/

Written by Jill on Jan. 14, 2018
What a game. We were rooting for the Vikings! It's exciting to see someone in that we can celebrate too! I definitely will continue to cheer them on!!!

Written by Val on Jan. 14, 2018
Us ND Vikings fans are “cool as popsicles”! I said it would take a miracle & they got one!! OMG SO EXCITING! Even Curt was awake!! Skol! One game at a time!!

Written by Shelley on Jan. 14, 2018
Did they have to do it that way?!! Total Heart attack!! Unbelieveable desparate luck!!

Written by Sweating Vikings Fans Pete & Barb on Jan. 14, 2018
Is everyone in North Dakota still breathing after the big Vikings game?? Holy cow - talk about down to the last second! Heart attack city! We actually turned our tv on and Pete watched (I couldn't stand to, and stayed in the other room - and I'd hear swearing). But VIKINGS WIN! Onward ho!

Hope everyone is staying warm.
Love, Barb & Pete

Written by Cindy on Jan. 12, 2018
Just catching up on the family " news". Belated happy birthdays to aunt Ardella, uncle Curt, and Kathleen. Also, happy belated anniversary to Bonnie & Curt, 59 years is unbelievable, hope I can remember things like you wrote about your wedding day when Ron and I hit that mark! Hope you got to go to the " local bar" for a meal/ drink lol.
Things here are status quo, no inlaws having illness or surgeries, so that's a big plus. Ron and I haven't been doing too much, did get a new light fixture put up in my bathroom( little things like that make me happy:)
Hope you all stay warm in the northern states, we have had decent weather but still cold enough that I don't feel like going out after dark. Is it too early to want spring to be here?!
Hugs to everyone.

Written by Bonnie and Curt F on Jan. 12, 2018
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Kathleen, hope you have had a great day, Thinking of you down in Texas as we are in a very cold and dreary deep freeze. Best Wishes and keep on dancing! Love, Bonnie and Curt
