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Written by Bonnie F on Nov. 13, 2016
Hi all Today was another beautiful day here, although quite windy. Our gospel group sang at church so the morning was full. This afternoon Val, Ardella and I went to a bridal shower for Rita Holte, who is getting married on December 30. It was held at the Ron and Tami Holte house on North Hill in MInot. It was fun to see relatives again like, Sandy W, her daughter Chris and her 2 granddaughters,
Brooklyn and Hunter, also Punky, Goldie. Beverly H her daughter-in-law and the list goes on and on. Fun times , beautiful gifts, and delicious sweets enjoyed by all.
Now I must get ready for my big trip to Las Vegas and the Grand Canyon, hope the weather holds so everything comes off all right and on time. Love, Bonnie F.

Written by Val on Nov. 12, 2016
Such a beautiful day in North Dakota! Unbelievable that we were outside all afternoon in our shirt sleeves! Kevin & I went to the farm & did a few things to help with the transition to winter. No nearly enough, but we did get to enjoy being outdoors. Dad was baling. Another nice day in store for tomorrow! Keep em coming!

Written by Val on Nov. 7, 2016
Sure do miss Uncle Art and his beautiful smile! Thinking of Aunt Audrey and her family. Miss him!

Written by Bonnie F on Nov. 4, 2016
Our family lost a good man on November 3. I believe he is in a better place and no more suffering for him, just blessings in heaven above. Bonnie F

Written by Desiree on Nov. 3, 2016
Today is the 7 year anniversary of Art's passing. It's always a tough day for our family but we really appreciate being able to look at the tribute on website. We miss him so much. Love you all.

Written by Cindy on Nov. 1, 2016
Hi everyone, Haven't been on for a week or who can keep track of time-lol) Enjoyed reading the updates, everyone is so busy. Did my last flu shot clinic this morning, darn, no more mad money! Have enjoyed doing them, kind of miss interacting with people as a nurse. worked in the yard all day yesterday cleaning up leaves and using the blower/vacuum in the window wells. I was FILTHY! Very sore last night but not too bad surprisingly today.
Still have the back yard to do but think I'll take a break for a few days.
Was with the in-laws for Halloween, they do a community candy give away for lots(and lots) of kids-the place they live provides the candy so I did some decorating in front of the apartment and Marge and I greeted all the families that came. Got home close to 7pm and still had quite a few kids, was a beautiful night even if a little windy, finally turned out the light at 8:30.
Miss you all. Enjoy Fall!

Written by Val on Oct. 26, 2016
Many thanks for all the birthday wishes! I had a nice day. I did have to work as we had a board meeting on Wednesday morning, so had to get prepared for that event. But... had lots of well wishes & gifts from my co-workers. No birthday cake at work, but one of the guys' wives made Halloween cookies that looked like fingers, pretty tasty, but a little creepy looking. I left work at 3:00 p.m. & went home where I enjoyed a cup of coffee while I opened some cards & gifts I had received in the mail. Kevin & I went to Minot for a very yummy supper at the Longhorn Steakhouse. Then came back home & mom & dad came to celebrate with me! Mom always makes my birthday special by making me a cake complete with candles and of course singing & gifts! Dad makes my birthday special by calling me early in the morning to wish me Happy Birthday! The chocolate angel food was yummy & Shelley participated in the singing via Face Time! I was blessed with a wonderful day! Thanks again to everyone for thinking of me.

Written by Desiree on Oct. 25, 2016
May I be the first Coloradoan to wish Val a very happy birthday! I hope that you're having a great day and are doing something special. We are almost finished painting the house and my poor old body can sure feel it. Next time, I think we're going to have to call the professionals! It sounds like I should have hired the Choppers to come and help. That sounds like it was a huge job too and I bet you're all thrilled to be done with it. Like Bonnie, I loved the pic that Barb posted of Val, Deb and Shelley on the couch. It's so fun to see those :-). Also loved the pic of Val and Shelley. You guys both look great! It sounds like Barb has been keeping busy and certainly finding interesting things to do. I bet the Russian Art Museum was really a neat place. Keep posting and love to all! Happy Birthday Val!

Written by Bonnie F on Oct. 25, 2016
HAPPY BIRTHDAY VAL-hope to celebrate a little by bringing cake and ice cream when you get home from supper out in Minot. Tried to make a chocolate angel food cake like I used to do, not sure if the result will be good or not. We opted out of the flood control meeting tonight. Both tired and they never really get anything accomplished. We took the Heislers out on Saturday night to celebrate the end of corn chopping. The choppers started on Monday afternoon and were done on Friday afternoon! Wow it was fast and furious. Val has a photo of the pile, it is ginormous!! Lots of activities and etc this weekend, I am ready for a quiet one, Bonnie F Love the photo of the 3 girls Barb!

Written by Barb & Pete on Oct. 25, 2016
Happy Birthday Val!! Hope you're having as much fun today as you were in the picture years ago. You're an incredible cousin and we wish you an incredible day and year!!

All is well here. We're still having pretty nice temps and it hasn't frozen yet - winner! Went to the Museum of Russian Art the other day and saw a Faberge collection of previously unknown artifacts. Was very interesting. No imperial eggs (although there was a video) but did see some imperial brooches and cigarette cases. And went to a genealogy seminar last Sat that was inspiring. Now if I just had more free time to work on it. How did the church bazaars/garage sales turn out? Hope they were a success.
Love to all!, Barb & Pete

Written by Shelley on Oct. 24, 2016
Happy Birthday amazing sister Val! You do so much to keep us all in touch... to make new family memories possible. Wishing you a fantastic day today!

Written by Bonnie F. on Oct. 18, 2016
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY BARB and PETE! Hope you have a great day! Is it on the 18th,if so I might be late but the wish is sincere. I love the Vikings infinity scarf you sent for my birthday, can't wait to wear it next Sunday for the big game I believe against the Philadelphia ?
Our annual lutefisk and meatball dinner is also Sunday along with a bazaar which is supposed to be by the women of the church to benefit campers. The last few years I have sat there for 6 hours, because I am the treasurer I guess it is my duty to sell and watch the stuff. Have asked for help, but I am almost always turned down.
We do not have a large group of women organization, so the whole affair is just kind of a adventure. Cousin Donna always helps and a few others, but with all the women in the church, think it should and could be much more organized.
Enough griping, hope the Vikings play the late game. Go purple,y ou are doing well, even without Adrian (sorry Shelley)Started on our massive corn chopping party today.
Wow, there is a lot out there, Curt can hardly keep up in our above the ground silo. Hope everyone stays safe. Love, Bonnie F.

Written by Cindy on Oct. 18, 2016
Happy Anniversary Barb and Pete! Aren't you happy you found each other! We're all happy to have Pete in our family.
Busy week, spending days at the church getting ready for our fall garage, bake, craft sale-can never get over all the "treasures" that show up for these sales-think people sneak in their stuff at night when no one is there HA!
Jill had her first mammo since the treatment and all came back clear! Yea, we're all so happy!
Keep on posting, love you all.

Written by Val on Oct. 17, 2016
Happy Anniversary to Barb & Pete today! You two are such an awesome couple! So much fun and full of adventure! Hope you have a wonderful day!

Written by Bonnie F on Oct. 15, 2016
Thanks everyone who remembered me on my birthday! I had a very nice day,lunch out at the Golf Course with Val and CURT!
Ice cream sundaes with homemade hot fudge with the residents at Valley View Manor and also Clara and Ronan, and Merle and Donna,delicious supper with the Velva Woman'Club group and finally cake and candles at home. So sorry I spaced out Marley B's special day, hope it was fun for you and your Grandma Jill! Now back to reality, a whole year older, and now the same age as my husband. Think FALL I think it is trying to think winter here, Bah
Humbug to that! Love, Bonnie F
