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Written by Val Heisler on Dec. 21, 2016
Kevin and I sent our wishes to all of you for a very Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year! We miss you all & will be thinking of you during this special season. Our tentative plans are to host some of Kevin's family (about 25) at our house Friday evening. This was put together very quickly so we are having pizza, a veggie tray and ice cream sundaes! There will be some little ones, so need move the ornaments on my tree to the top level! Will be fun to have our house full of laughter and noise! Unfortunately, Mother Nature is toying with the idea of giving us a winter storm for Christmas! The forecast for now is showing some snow starting Christmas Eve and continuing till the day after Christmas. Heaviest amounts are predicted for Christmas Day (they are talking 3 day total amounts of up to 18 inches). We had planned to make the trip to Minot to be with Robert & Ardella & Barb & Pete on Christmas Day, but have decided to move that to Christmas Eve. Sure hope we get to go! This winter is really going to be exhausting! So thinking we will be hunkering down for Christmas Day & Monday. Gotta love ND! Erica is not coming for Christmas. She is working at a retail store & they are swamped! She will be working very late on Christmas Eve, preparing the store for the day after Christmas. Seems like so many people have such an obsession to shop! We will be going to Las Vegas for a few days early January & taking our niece Tasha along. Glad we get to go & see Erica. We are so blessed to have all of you in our lives & to have such warm memories of Christmas spent with all of you while we were growing up. We really were blessed! Love to all!

Written by Cindy on Dec. 16, 2016
Hi everyone from wintery Colorado,
I must admit I am not very good to even open up my computer let alone send any messages(you must know by now the computer is not my friend, always seem to have difficulty with it-lol)
I'm up early today, don't know why, most people would just stay in bed when its so cold but my body does what it wants and here I am.
We had a snow storm yesterday, so glad I didn't have anywhere I needed to be. We got about 4 inches of snow and is still snowing this morning, know for some of you that doesn't seem like much but its a big deal here. Also is cold -1 degrees when I got up 20 below in Casper so more like ND up there! Jenny and Matt went to Steamboat Springs this weekend, he snowboards so he'll be happy with the snow, Jen says shes just going to go shopping or sit at the condo. That's my girl, just give us a "warm" cocktail and we're happy.
Greg will be coming to Greeley on Friday for Christmas and Jenny and Matt will come up Christmas Day, we will be going to Ron's brothers again which is nice, we will take his folks along(they skip the Thanksgiving party-too many people) Hoping the weather will be nice for all the folks driving. I-25 is such a mess to drive on anymore, people drive way too fast and lots of accidents all the time, really take your life into your hands when you're out there.
Don't expect Christmas cards from me, I just can't sit down long enough to get them out and as I told Des I feel like I should write a note on each and I hate writing anything anymore. Know that we are wishing each and everyone of you the most wonderful holiday ever, as always wish we could spend time with you all but alas we will be lucky to have both our kids with us if all works out.
Merry Christmas with love to everyone!

Written by Desiree on Dec. 16, 2016
Hi - I'm here! Sure not enjoying this cold, snowy weather - winter has come too fast!

Cindy, Jill and I made a trip up to Casper last weekend for an early Christmas celebration with mom, John, Candy and the kids. We had so much fun and went to see a holiday Christmas show at the Casper Events Center. Lots of Christmas singing, dancing, beautiful costumes. Everyone really enjoyed it!

I'm with Val wondering where the time is going? I had big plans to get my Christmas cards out early this year but guess that's not happening (and I don't work so I really don't have any excuses lol).

Chance has started a new job at a local concrete/excavation company. He really likes it and enjoys being close to his friends and actually having weekends off.

Hope everyone is enjoying the reason for season and taking time to just enjoy being with family. Love to all and keep posting!

Written by Valerie Heisler on Dec. 13, 2016
Is anyone out there! You must all be busy with holiday preparations! It's yet another bitter cold day in North Dakota! Our road was drifting shut again last night. We left my car in town, got home in the pick-up but snow was heavy! Our neighbor blew out the road this morning and I got a ride to the office with his wife. Kevin is making an offer on a tractor today! This is going to be a long winter! As for holiday preparations, I got some packages off yesterday and hope to get to my Christmas cards soon! Can't believe how fast the time is going!

Written by Val on Dec. 5, 2016
Greetings from the North Pole where we are having a blizzard! This could be a VERY long winter! The storm rolled in last night & is still going strong! Wind gusts near 40 mph or more along with snow. Fortunately we are not getting near as much snow as some places. Kevin's place of employment closed for the day & I had him give me a ride to work on the snowmobile. Concerned for mom and dad and the animals today. Hopefully everyone stays safe!

Written by Barb & Pete on Dec. 2, 2016
Happy Birthday Steven! We can't believe you're already 23 years old -- seems like just yesterday you were a little kahuna (just 6 1/2 yrs old in the pic). Forgot to ask what you picked for your special dinner -- pork tenderloin? Enjoy your weekend at the lake!

So sorry to hear about your accident Bonnie. Hope you had some Arnica for the bruising (both internal -- the little pills in the purple tube -- and external). And sorry to hear about all the snow in ND -- sounds like temps are going to dive in the next few days. Guess winter is now officially here.

We had a great trip to Jackson, TN. Julie is a fabulous cook so we had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner. Even got to play golf the day after, which was a first for us. Hope everyone is doing great!
Love, Barb & Pete

Written by Val on Nov. 29, 2016
Happy Birthday today to Steven! Hope you have a fantastic day! We are digging out from a winter storm. I am actually home today as our road is blocked & we can't get a vehicle out. We left my car in town last night & Kevin brought me home in the pickup. So he rode the snowmobile to Velva this morning & then took my car to Minot. He simply cannot miss work! Then he comes home after dark to try and work on things here. I made a pot of soup this morning and some chocolate chip cookies and am heading outside to see if I can shovel some snow off our deck!

Written by Bonnie F. on Nov. 29, 2016
Hi all back from my wonderful trip to Las Vegas, the Grand Canyon, and Zion National Park. Carl and Olga and I got to Vegas on Sunday night. Erica was ready for overnight company and tho she left for work at 6 a.m. on Monday, had breakfast ready. We left for the Grand Canyon by 9:30, took a detour to see some rock murals and arrived at about 4 p.m. after driving thru rain, sleet and snow. Rushed up to the first viewing site, so I got to see some of the canyon. It was windy , wet and cold. Got to our motel and stayed in the rest of the night. The next morning the sun came out and we had a wonderful day viewing all the canyon sites, I can't really describe it you have to see it. Then about 3 p.m. we exited the park and were on our way to Zion. Arrived there Tuesday nite in the dark at the bottom of Zion canyon was our lovely lodge, the only place to stay inside the park. Spent most of Wednesday driving and hiking there, not too strenuous for me, a really beautiful park, left about 2 p.m. for Vegas, driving thru Utah which is such a beautiful area, stopping in St George for ice cream, arriving at Erica's house, after huge traffic. There a slow cooker of chili was waiting. Again Erica was at work, so we just relaxed after all the driving. Thanksgiving day was warm and bright again as was most of our trip. WE had a lovely traditional dinner made by the Smith's store with lefse I brought from home and an apple pie furnished by Michael , Erica's friend . After dinner the three of us decided to go to the Bellagio and view the garden exhibit. After parking in the parking garage, we started for the exhibit. While moving along and trying to adjust my cross body purse. I wasn't watching , tripped over a cement parking barrier and flew thru the air landing on the grill of a car in the next parking lane. It really hurt, I had no control over my body. I mainly hit my nose, blood came fast and furious. My glasses didn't even break and there were no teeth knocked out. ERica and Olga were very good helpers, after the bleeding stopped we got in the car and went back to ERica's. no gambling or viewing for us this day. Iced my face quite a bit but by the next morning, I was looking like a raccoon with 2 black eyes, banged up nose, etc. We went to see a park in Erica's neighborhood and also drove to see where she is working, then boarded our planes and came back. I am still hurting in my head some, and the bruises are slowly looking a little better. Since Val had bought tickets for a wine walk on the Saturday I came home, I went, figuring I would be looing like this for a long time, also went to cousins Donna's 80th birthday party, and that evening drove my car to help Curt finish the baling he hadn't got dome which we finished at 9 p.m. What a few days for me.
Now we have had betwwen 17 and 20 inches of snow, storming very hard yesterday, better today but some people couldn't get out of their houses. It's a mess! Happy Birthday greetngs to Steven Doeling today, hope it is warm and dry where you are. I must find someone to shovel off the flat roof of the house, I am afraid it might collapse under the weight of all this snow. Needless to say, I won't be doing it. Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving, I am thankful for all of you. Love, Bonnie F.

Written by Cindy on Nov. 25, 2016
Happy belated Thanksgiving everyone! We were at Ron's brothers for the day, always a fun day, she had it catered this year and had the best turkey breast I've ever tasted, also mashed taters and gravy, a huge salad with this tasty citrus vinegrette dressing, pumpkin bars, along with pumpkin and pecan pies, and on and on-wow, think I'll have this place start cooking all my meals(since I don't cook any more and since this was so good)lol!
Today is just a day to relax, I'm with Val in that I won't be taking in the Black Friday sales, nothing that pressing to go out for. It sounds like its CRAZY out there.
Greg is here visiting so have been to the movies, out to eat, renting movies, lots of things we don't usually do. Jenny had to work of course but they went to Matt's grandparents after she got off for dinner.
Heard John, his family, and Mom went to Wheatland to Candy's parents house for the holiday. Wish they were closer to us, I might even cook if they were-ha!
Glad to hear you all had a nice time.
Thank you to everyone for the birthday wishes. Ron and I did go to the casinos for the night, didn't win any big money but had some nice meals and a few cocktails then slept well before heading home.
Love to everyone.

Written by Val on Nov. 24, 2016
Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving! We had a relaxing day, enjoyed a good meal and visiting with Robert, Ardella & my dad. It gets dark here so early now, the days seem awful short! Uncle Robert shared yesterday that there was a video of him plowing with his Hart Par this fall at an Oliver plow day. We watched the video last night, so wanted to share where to find it with all of you. If you go to YouTube.com & search for Northern Lights Oliver Plowing 2016 you can watch. Fun! Hope everyone is doing OK today after the big holiday! We go to pick up mom at the airport tonight & hoping to go downtown Minot for the lighting of the Christmas Tree!

Written by Val on Nov. 21, 2016
Happy Thanksgiving to all! So good to see posts from Desi, Jill & Barb! So sorry to hear that Dave might have more surgery ahead of him. Glad to hear your business is picking up and Chance has found a job. Wishing Barb & Pete a great Thanksgiving & trip to Tennessee! Mom, Carl & Olga are at the Grand Canyon today and I am sharing this photo that Olga sent of mom at the Grand Canyon! They will be venturing to Zion National Park today and then will be back in Las Vegas to spend Thanksgiving with Erica. I will be preparing a traditional Thanksgiving meal & will be blessed to share it with my hubby, my dad and Uncle Robert & Aunt Ardella. No plans for Black Friday shopping for me. I will be at work, enjoying the quiet. Kevin has the day off, maybe he will go do the Christmas shopping! Ha! Enjoy the holiday weekend everyone!

Written by B&P on Nov. 21, 2016
Happy Birthday to fun, fabulous cousin Cindy! We wish you a fantastic day and year!! Sounds like you're off celebrating and having a good time! Love the pic from your childhood. Your Norwegian heritage is showing as you have Haga eyes (great-grandpa Carl Haga had the ice blue eyes too).

So glad to hear what everyone is up to. Total bummer about Dave and possible entire shoulder replacement - yeow. Glad to hear Bonnie, Carl & Olga are exploring the National Parks & will be with Erica for Thanksgiving. We're heading to Jackson, TN to be with Pete's brother & wife (Tony & Julie). Haven't seen them for a couple of years so we're looking forward to it.

Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Love, Barb & Pete

Written by jill on Nov. 20, 2016
Happy Birthday big sis. Hope you and Ron have the most wonderful time at your second home. Haha. Wishing you lots of luck!!!!!

Written by Desiree on Nov. 20, 2016
Happy Birthday to the best big sis ever! I know that you and Ronny are up at Blackhawk so keeping my fingers crossed that you win big!

We're good - have actually started working a little bit so that's exciting. Chance will be starting a new job next week with a concrete company driving a big crane truck. He's excited to start something new. The oil company that he was working for has called him to come back, however, I think he's just tired of doing the 20 hours a day.

Dave's shoulder is not healing properly from the big rotator cuff tear so now their thinking that he might have to undergo a complete shoulder replacement! Needless to say, he's not to thrilled about the whole situation. Me neither for that matter. Ugh!

We've been having beautiful fall weather down here but definitely need the moisture. Had a little snow (very little) last week but sure could use some more.

Cindy, Jill and I went up last weekend to visit mom. She's doing really good and asked me to say "hello from Audrey" on the family website.

No big plans for Thanksgiving. One of Chance's friends will be coming over for dinner (his mom is in the hospital with a brain tumor) and his dad's a drunk so trying to help the poor kid out. Hope everyone has a nice day and doesn't eat too much lol.

Love to all

Written by Val on Nov. 20, 2016
Happy Birthday today to Cindy Thompson! Hope you have a fabulous day and that you take time out to pamper yourself! Will be thinking of you! Got mom off to Las Vegas last night & she, Carl & Olga all arrived safe in sin city! Today they were off to the Grand Canyon & tomorrow they are off to Zion National Park. Thanks to Carl & Olga for arranging the trip. They will spend Thanksgiving with Erica. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone too!
