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Written by Sue on Apr. 9, 2020
Happy Birthday dear Barb and dear Pete! I’m so glad you have each other to celebrate with since none of us can be there with you in person.
I have Good Friday as a holiday so just finished watching the online service from my church. Mary is working. Steven is out golfing. Kathleen and Craig are working, although today is her last day at LSPI since they are furloughing everyone. They hope to bring them back on July 3. Time will tell. Craig is fighting for his job. They are trying to get a SBA and PPP loan to keep the studio afloat. So many are applying and the banks are swamped. The regulations aren’t super clear. Online Teaching, now for four weeks, has been quite an experience for me.
Happy Easter to all!

Written by Bonnie F on Apr. 9, 2020
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BARB Hope you have had a nice day. Did you or will you have a birthday cake for you and Pete? I hope my joint card has reached you and also that Pete will have a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY , tomorrow. I have not been real good about getting ready for Easter, no cards will be sent, but hopefully we can Face Time with as many as possible. Thinking of both of you , STAY SAFE AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Written by Val & Kevin on Apr. 8, 2020
Happy Birthday today (April 9th) to cousin Barb and tomorrow to Pete! You are both very special to our family and we wish you all the best as you celebrate your birthdays! Hope you get some good take out to enjoy! We are looking forward to a 3 day weekend. Will be a quiet Easter and strange as we "attend" church on line. Please stay safe everyone! Love to all!

Written by Desiree & Dave on Apr. 7, 2020
Happy belated birthday beautiful Erica! Love the pic that Shelley posted. Hopefully you were able to have some cake (there's always good reason for cake lol). We wish you the very best in your 35th year!

Written by Shelley on Apr. 5, 2020
Happy Birthday Erica Lynn!!!
thanks for lighting up my life.

Written by Bonnie F on Apr. 5, 2020
HAPPY BIRTHDAY today to our beautiful, wonderful granddaughter, ERICA! I know you are staying in like the rest of us, but hope we will be able to facetime at noon or one so grandpa Curt can be in to. We love you and miss seeing you so much, but we are happy you are staying well and keeping busy at home. Love, Grandma Bonnie

Written by Val & Kevin on Apr. 5, 2020
Happy Birthday today (April 6) to my amazing daughter! Love you so much & hope you have a nice birthday! It is hard to fathom that you are 35 years old! Where does time go? I decided even though we can't be together, I made you a birthday cake so we will celebrate here in ND for you! A good reason to bake and eat cake!

Written by bonnie feist on Apr. 5, 2020
Wonderful to come up to the computer and read the message and see the photo of Dave!So glad he is doing better and is home and looking good! Val has been good to tell me the texts that she received during his health crisis. I have been praying for him as have many of you. I do look forward to this website, check it almost everyday and love to hear what iks going on in the familh. Please keep sending messages. Thanks to Val for the nice Easter printing of chickens and ducks? Hope it cheers everyone up! STAY HOME AND STAY SAFE. BONNIE F

Written by Desiree & Dave on Apr. 4, 2020
Hello wonderful family! Dave and I would like to thank ALL of you for your prayers during Dave's difficult health scares. Geez what a month we've had, aortic aneurysm, blood transfusions, cardiac stent, severe edema, blood clots, infections, bleeding ulcers (3 surgeries for that alone). It is by miracle and the grace of God that Dave survived. I want everyone to know that I felt your prayers and how assuring it was for me in my scariest time to know that you were all out there. Thank you and we love you all!

Written by Val on Apr. 3, 2020
Hello everyone! I have updated the family website for April. Things have certainly changed in a month! Wow! Kevin & I were up BEFORE 6:00 a.m. today (Saturday) & on the road to Minot by 6:30 a.m. to do some shopping at Walmart. Today they started limiting the number of people that can enter the store. We stood in a line & were let in one by one. We each had a cart & did divide and conquer. It is all so strange! We were back home by 9:15 a.m. & as Kevin said "you would not even be dressed or showered yet"! Thanks dear! Hope you are all doing well - stay in - stay healthy!

Written by Bonnie F . on Mar. 31, 2020
Happy April Fool's Day! Has anyone been fooled?? I am good so far, although the sticky wet snow we got and the cold weather could be zonking us. Working in the house, finished my Bergen Cemetery project, now I must find a giant shredder as there are papers from years ago that I have permission from the board to shred. Hope to get a few Easter decorations out next, it is coming soon. Everyone STAY IN AND STAY CAREFUL! Bonnie F

Written by Barb on Mar. 28, 2020
We are under order to "Stay At Home" for 2 weeks, so we are "in" and Pete is working from home. I went out for groceries last Tues -- no t.p. but they had more meat. But now there was a shortage of milk. Went out Thurs to Staples, and found two packages of t.p.! Shipped some to Dad & Mom as I was worried they might run out.
Reading lots of books! Stay healthy everyone! Wash your hands, sanitize and practice safe social distancing!

Written by Val on Mar. 24, 2020
Hello HFFs! Hope you are all staying well & practicing social distancing! Am sure you are all facing different challenges in this crazy time. Kevin & I are still going to work. My boss has been in the office TOO much as all his meetings are cancelled. Seems like we have a staff meeting everyday & things feel pretty tense at times. We will get through this, but we are only in week two here! Everyone please pray for Dave Connor - he is back in the hospital & dealing with some bleeding ulcers. Him & Desi need our prayers. Prayer for all of you - that you stay healthy! Love to all!

Written by Bonnie F on Mar. 23, 2020
Hi everyone, I am staying home and in as much as I can to avoid getting the C-virus. Don't know how to spelll it for sure. I had to go to Gooseneck Implement to get Curt one bolt. Thought I wouldn't get in, there was a sign on the door, then a srange man in John Deere shirt came and told me to come in. He got me my bolt and I left, then I realized I had never seen him and I didn't know him at all. Sure hope he doesn't come down with the virus as I would never know, bad decision I guess as I exposed myself to someone I didn't know.
Have to hope I will be wrong, he didn't look sick. I hate this!!! Bonnie F

Written by Barb & Pete on Mar. 19, 2020
Happy Birthday Audrey & Dave! We trust you're healing Dave! And Audrey, how fun that Jill and Cindy are there to celebrate with you, and John & Candy. Enjoy another year of being dearly loved by us!
New realities with the corona virus. Pete is now working out of his home office -- in our basement! I tried to buy groceries and toilet paper on Tuesday. Empty shelves with no hamburger, fresh chicken or potatoes at Sams and 2 grocery stores. And no T.P.! Finally got some at Menard's when a clerk sold me a 24 pk she personally bought. Felt I scored a pot of gold! I think the key to this new reality is LOVE, not fear. Let's pray for each other, keep our bodies healthy and help others.