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Written by Sue on Mar. 19, 2020
Happy Birthday, Aunt Audrey! Hope you’ve had a nice day.
Happy Birthday, Dave! Hope you are feeling better and stronger every minute!
Steven and Mary opted not to go to Mexico this week. Great decision says this mom!
Stay safe and healthy everyone!

Written by Val on Mar. 18, 2020
My brain is foggy! Jill and Cindy are both in Casper celebrating with Aunt Audrey! I apologize for my foggy brain!

Written by Val & Kevin on Mar. 18, 2020
Happy Birthday today to Aunt Audrey and also to Dave Connor! We will be thinking of each of you today! Life is certainly challenging for both of you right now & you are in our thoughts & prayers. Glad to hear that Cindy is in Casper with Audrey & know she will make Aunt Audrey's BD special. To Desi & Dave, hoping Dave gets the care he needs during this hospital stay & can go home soon & continue his road to recovery. To all the HHFs - please take care of yourselves during these uncertain times. It is certainly like nothing I can remember in my lifetime. Perhaps our senior family members have some wisdom to share. Stay safe & healthy everyone!

Written by Sue on Mar. 14, 2020
Hi everyone! Landed back in Houston Thursday night to a text from Steven saying he had heard my school was cancelling next week, meaning this coming week, and was I staying in ND longer?! Stopped at the grocery store on my way back from the airport since I had emptied my frig before my trip and was astonished to see so many empty shelves. I imagine most of you have experienced that by now. Save some for the next person! Was a good trip to Minot. Always good to spend time with my folks and was happy to spend time with Bonnie and Val. Thanks for your prayers for my Dad. Pneumonia is not fun. As of last night, he says he feels like he is getting better everyday. Steve and Mary had long planned a trip to a resort in Mexico, the 17 th through the 24th. As of last night they were still unsure if they were going or not. It’s a group of 8 friends. Lots of tough decisions for people to make in these weird times. Am praying for all you HHF’ers! Love, Sue

Written by Val on Mar. 10, 2020
Hello HHFs! Hope you are all stocked up on toilet paper & hand sanitizer & practicing good hand washing techniques in light of the coronavirus scare! Stay safe everyone! As most of you are aware, Dave Connor (Desi's husband) had a serious medical emergency last week (Ascending Aortic Aneurism). He is still in cardiac ICU but hoping he can be moved soon. Dave has a long road to recovery. Please keep Dave & Desi & their family in your prayers. Sweet little Charlee will need to give Grandpa lots of smiles to make him feel better! I visited Uncle Robert, Ardella & Sue last night. Sue is here for a visit over her spring break. Uncle Robert is still fighting a cold/respiratory issues & has been for a month. Prayers for healing for him too! And... keep Audrey in your prayers as well. Aging is not pretty. Take care everyone!

Written by Desiree on Mar. 3, 2020

Written by Desiree on Mar. 3, 2020
She's a sweetie

Written by Desiree on Mar. 3, 2020
She's a sweetie

Written by Desiree on Mar. 3, 2020
Howdy hi family. Thought I'd check in and let everyone know that the Conners are good. We've been busy working and that's about it. I was horribly sick with the flu for about 3 weeks, terrible stuff. Just enjoying being healthy, the nicer weather and, of course, my grandkids! Figured I'd post a few updated of my pride and joy since she's already 6 months old. Yikes it's going too fast! Congrats to Craig & Kathleen, exciting times :-)

Written by Val on Mar. 1, 2020
SO GLAD to see some posts here! Exciting news for Craig and Kathleen, hope they love their new home! The weather is ND should be nice for your visit Sue. Hope Cindy & Ron enjoy their vacation! Sounds like Barb & Pete enjoyed theirs! Vacations are always a nice break from the everyday. Asking you all to keep Olga and her mom in your prayers. Olga's mom Sveta is in the hospital & Olga is very worried & of course she cannot travel there at this time. Some positive thoughts & prayers would be appreciated.

Written by Cindy on Feb. 29, 2020
Hi all, sounds like everyone is busy(in a good way) Ron and I are leaving for Palm Springs today- spent the night at Greg’s and enjoyed some time with him! We are in search of some warm weather and a bit of R&R!
March came in like a lamb in CO as well so hope it doesn’t go out like a lion😬
Glad to see all of your messages!

Written by Sue on Feb. 28, 2020
Oh yes, forgot to say “Happy Leap Year Day!”. I know the date says the 28th but it really is the 29th!

Written by Sue on Feb. 28, 2020
Howdy everyone. It’s rodeo time in a Houston. The trail riders are coming into town from all around the state. Had to wear our western duds at work yesterday along with a chili cook off. Kathleen and Craig have closed on their first house and today is moving day. It’s in McKinney, TX. They are most excited, I’m heading to Minot on Wednesday. Can’t wait! Hope it’s not too cold. Leaving the 60’s and 70’s.

Written by Pedro and Barbarita on Feb. 27, 2020
Hola again from Mexico. Must say we have been to Mexico many times but had a new experience today. We went to lunch in a restaurant and came back to the beach and discovered a 5 - 6’ orange iguana underneath pete’s beach chair! After at least 20 minutes he finally moved and went under my beach chair. Then he slowly made his way down the beach.
Hope everyone is doing great, almost March so spring must be around the corner. Hang in there North Dakotans.

Written by Barbarita and Pedro on Feb. 26, 2020
Hola from Puerto Vallarta. We are having a wonderful time here. Great weather, food and drinks. Pete is kayaking like crazy and has been up close and personal with the whales and dolphins. Tried a new drink today called a mango tango which is daiquiri with half mango and half strawberry. Hope everyone is doing great. We are soaking up the sun for you!