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Written by Cindy on Jun. 6, 2017
Hi everyone, Been a while since I've checked in. Was happy to see the pictures of Nick's graduation, what an exciting time in his life. Got such a nice thank you note from him, obviously brought up well to send his notes so quickly. Is he taking some time off before he enters the "real world" LOL! Anyway, suppose he is just glad to be done.
We had such a wonderful time at London's graduation, she is such a doll (in looks and personality) lots of great food and pleasant memories of a special weekend. She got a job waitressing for the summer at the Red Lobster in Casper, wouldn't be my favorite place to eat (I don't eat any kind of fish or seafood) but hopefully will make some decent tips:) I think Talon is done with classes sometime this week- he plans to catch up on "sleep" he told me. I sent Candy an e-mail wishing her a happy birthday today but she reminded me its tomorrow(June 7th) I see Val thought it was on the 6th too!
Missed a call from Val the other evening, don't know where we were but it doesn't happen that we're out very often in the evening! Hope to catch up at some point, this week is busy since I'm again in charge of the church garage sale, I'll have to die before they'll let me out of this gig! Lots of stuff to sort and price but not as bad as previous couple of years, made an executive decision (not me but some of the other ladies) not to accept clothes this year-lots less work but have to admit I don't miss it, unbelievable some of the old, musty, dirty clothes people would leave. Yuck! Then again' some real nice things-hope we aren't sorry! People are always looking at clothes.
Still hope we get to come up for the Haga reunion, my Mom isn't sure she's up for it, gets so tired out, but hoping to get her into it as July comes along. Des and Jill have made reservations to fly in for the weekend and I did make reservations in Minot so we'll see.
Love to you all!

Written by Val on Jun. 5, 2017
Happy Birthday to Candy today! Hope you have an awesome day & take time to pamper yourself and relax!

Written by Val on Jun. 3, 2017
Good to see a post from Desi and we will be waiting to see some photos from London's graduation! Glad to hear that Chance likes his job! We are HOT, HOT, HOT here in ND! We have had temps at or hear 90 degrees with LOTS of wind and no rain! It is very dry here! Our lawn is already looking very brown and crunchy in areas. Please do a rain dance for us everyone! I planted my flowers, but after days of 30 mph wind they are not looking very good. I was at one of the greenhouses in Minot today and they have lots of plants left. If this keeps up people will have to replant due to wind damage! Kevin spent most of the day helping with hay hauling at the farm. Dad has a couple young kids that are helping with field work. They are busy preparing the fields for planting. Hope the truck pull went well!

Written by Desiree on Jun. 2, 2017
Hi All! I've got pics to post of London's graduation just need to find some time to do it! I loved the grad pics of Nicholas. Wow can't believe how much he looks like Carl. He must be really tall too cause he towers over Grandma Bonnie. I'm heading over to Greeley this aft to see the twisted sisters and John, Candy and the kids are coming down for a truck pull. Chance wasn't able to get off of work so won't be participating but he's loving his job in Omaha and it's going really well so that's a definite positive.
Gotta run - love to all!

Written by Val on May. 27, 2017
Happy Graduation to London! Hope you are having a great weekend celebrating! Sending hugs!

Written by Val on May. 22, 2017
Hello everyone! I finally got a chance to share some photos from Nick's graduation! I created an album titled Nick's graduation with some photos from our trip to Iowa & the graduation ceremony! Hope you enjoy them! Thinking about Miss London & her big weekend coming up! Wish we could be there to celebrate with you! Hope someone will post some photos from her graduation! We have a grand nephew graduating in Bismarck this weekend, so will be attending his open house on Saturday & then back to Velva for several open houses on Sunday! Looks like our Memorial Day will be cool & windy. Hoping for some rain, we need some very badly! Very dry here! Love to all!

Written by Bonnie F. on May. 18, 2017
Hi all you HHF'ers! What is going on in Colorado??? LOoks like snow, oh boy that's not good. Looks like something we would have in ND, but thank goodness we don't.
Went to Minot today for DRs' appts' and bought some plants, hope I might get to plant my garden this weekend. Had a great trip to Iowa, Minnesota, and Nebraska, thanks to excellent driving by Kevin and their GPS that's in their car, didn't get lost at all. Pretty tired last week but hope to get energetic in the future. London's photo and announcement are so special. She is a very beautiful y oung lady. We will be thinking of her next weekend. Go away snow in Colorado! Love, Bonnie F.

Written by Desiree on May. 17, 2017
It's May 18th and here's what's happening in Colorado - ugh!

Written by Barb & Pete on May. 13, 2017
Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful HHFer Moms! We hope you have a lovely, special day -- you all deserve it! Thanks for raising us thru the diaper phase, thru school days, thru young adulthood, to finally be solid citizens (and we're still learning from your excellent examples of how to age gracefully & vibrantly)! Your love has powered us to become who we are today!

Pete and I SO enjoyed our lunch with Bonnie, Kevin & Val a week ago! Thanks guys for stopping on your way to Iowa. Congrats to Nick to earning that degree!

We had gorgeous weather this week (started last Fri when the Velva folk brought it from ND). Switched out my clothes from winter to summer yesterday -- yee haw! Love to all!, Pete & Barb

Written by Pete and Barb on May. 1, 2017
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our incredible, beautiful sister Sue! We wish you a fantastic day!! Hope you're celebrating up a storm and keep celebrating all week, month & year! You deserve it! We love you so much!

Loved the pics of London's prom as well as her graduation pics -- London you're stunning!

Congrats to Ron on your retirement! Perhaps you could become our personal IT consultant! Am sure you'll find lots of good projects and/or volunteering opportunities.

All is well in Mpls except Spring disappeared and we got some snow today. We are SO ready for warmer weather. We're looking forward to seeing Kevin, Val & Bonnie as they drive thru on their way to Iowa this week -- we're connecting up for lunch!

Love to all!, Pete & Barb

Written by Cindy on Apr. 30, 2017
I do not understand why this date is always wrong, it is 5:13pm on May 1st-just sayin!

Written by Cindy on Apr. 30, 2017
Happy Birthday to my dear Cousin Sue! Hope your kids or someone will make you a cake-YUM!
We were in Denver for the weekend to celebrate Greg's birthday, got real nasty with snow and wind-in Lone Tree where Greg lives we saw about 8"-but by Sunday it was warming up and melting. I was worried about our trees but only a few small limbs broke off, everything is so nice and green and was in the 60's today. Spring storms are just a nuisance more than anything, guess we need the moisture but sometimes its so heavy that it causes lots of damage but thank goodness that was not the case.
Heard through a friend that Jenny posted pictures from the restaurant that we ate at for our celebration-The Melting Pot which is a fondue place-decide I could just eat the dessert part-OMG so luscious, a little pricey but ok once in a while for a special occasion.
Well, I'm calling this day 1 of Ron Thompson's retirement(the weekend didn't count)went out and did a little shopping at Sams but nothing to exciting. Will have to wait to see how long it takes for him to drive me crazy-LOL!
Got a card off to Nick the other day, wow so proud of him. So glad to hear some of you will be there to share in his big day, quite an impressive degree.
Keep on posting like to keep up on everyones exciting life.

Written by Love Jill on Apr. 30, 2017
Happy Birthday cousin Sue. Hope your having a wonderful day!

Written by Bonnie F on Apr. 30, 2017
Happy Birthday , Sue on this May Day Hope you have a wonderful day. Will your students bring you May baskets? Your card and letter are just going today, I got kind of behind.
Loved the photos of London and her prom dress and date. Hope it was a wonderful time for you and that you will have lots of memories of good times in HS. Love, Bonnie F.

Written by Val on Apr. 30, 2017
Oh my goodness Miss London you look beautiful! Love your dress! Hope you had a wonderful time at the prom!

Happy Birthday to Sue tomorrow on May Day! Hope you have an amazing day!!

Was a beautiful day in Velva today! Should have been home doing yard work but instead was in Minot doing errands in preparation for our upcoming trip. Kevin was bowling both Saturday & today in the state men's bowling tournament. Happy to report his team took 3rd in state so they should get some payout!!!
