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Written by Shelley on Jul. 13, 2017
Val and Kev's anniversary is July 14 -- today Friday! For some reason post shows July 13!

Website: Washington
Written by Shelley on Jul. 13, 2017
Happy anniversary to a couple that supports, delights and brings good to everyone around them! Happy Anniversary Val and Kevin!

Written by Desiree on Jul. 11, 2017
Thanks for all of the bday wishes! Chance came home over the 4th so the week was packed full of fun. I still think back to all of the great birthdays I had on the farm (especially when I got the kitty)!

Written by Shelley on Jul. 6, 2017
Belated birthday cousin Desiree! Please know I did think about you on the 5th- I just didn't get my digits on here to type it! Hope it was a lovely day and a happy birthday week!!

Written by Cindy on Jul. 6, 2017
Hi everyone, Thought you all might like an update from the Colorado bunch. I will be going to Casper next week to spend some time with my mom and to take her in for a physical, she hasn't been feeling to well, complains of "hot flashes" but no one can figure out how that can be happening with a woman of 81 years old(good Lord, I certainly hope I won't have them that long-LOL!) she also says she just doesn't have any energy, so anyway decided its been going on long enough that we figured it was time to get some blood work and see her doctor. Will have to wait and see. She hasn't been to thrilled with the idea of the ND trip so know she isn't feeling good. I did tell her that she and I would drive and take it slow and just enjoy the ride(she said that might be ok so I'm hoping we will start out Wed the 2nd and get there on the 5th, however, I don't think we'll be there for the anniversary dinner for Robert & Ardella as Desiree and Jill are flying in to Bismark that evening at around 7pm and we are suppose to pick them up- maybe my Mom could come and I could go alone to pick them up, I just don't know-just got the anniversary invitation today) I will call and talk with Barb this weekend to let her know. Also, need to talk with Des and Jill, we will all be bummed out to miss it but with work and such that was as early as they could come in. :(
I did book hotel rooms in Minot for the time we'll be there(Fri, Sat, & Sun-I believe the girls fly out of Bismark on Monday) quick trip but very action packed! My mom tires out pretty easy so hope she won't poop out.
Things here are busy- working about half a day once a week and of course lots of stuff with the inlaws-never a spare moment, but I will say having Ron retired helps with all the appts, etc with his folks. Always have to have one with Marj and the other with his dad to go to the appt. This retirement is much more tiring than working and definitely not as fun and the pay sucks-ha!
Really look forward to seeing all of you!

Written by Bonnie F on Jul. 4, 2017
Happy Birthday to Desiree today on July 5! After a hot July 4th we are bracing for an even hotter July 5th Hope you can do something special for your birthday, Desi, and we hope to see you for the Haga reunion. News flash , it sounds like Deb and Nick may be coming for the reunion too! Yipee!!Bonnie F.

Written by Val on Jul. 4, 2017
Happy Birthday Desi! Hope you have an amazingly wonderful birthday! Looking forward to seeing you at the Haga Reunion!

Written by Sue on Jul. 3, 2017
Happy Independence Day to everyone! I'm very thankful for this great country we live in.
A very happy birthday to Desiree! I hope you celebrate in a big way and have a wonderful day!

Written by Val on Jun. 30, 2017
Hello HHFs! I have updated the website for the month of July so please be sure & check it out! My husband is celebrating his 60th birthday on July 19th, so had to post a "retro" photo of him! Hope everyone has a fun & safe July 4th holiday. For many of you it's probably a long weekend if you have Monday off! Kevin & I will be working Monday. Erica is coming to ND the evening of July 6th and staying until the evening of July 10th. Will be a quick visit but we are very glad she can come! We will be spending July 4th doing all the traditional activities in Velva. Our grand nephew Kellan, who is 4, has been waiting for months to come to Velva to ride with Uncle Kevin in a fire truck in the parade! So I look forward to seeing them ride through. We will be celebrating a grand nieces 7th birthday with a picnic at noon & then I will be heading to the park for the cake walk. It's always a busy day! The weather forecast is for a very hot day here on July 4th! Will have to find some shade to stay cool!

Written by Bonnie F. on Jun. 28, 2017
The answer to prayers came this afternoon when we received some substantial rain, with some hail, but it has been so dry we don't care. I was working up at VVM when the downpour came, just a little white stuff there, but Curt claims the ground was covered with hail here at the farm. My garden looks a little beat, but I think it will perk up. Very grateful for this rain and hoping that a lot of farmers and ranchers received it. Take care all HHF's and have a very good 4th of July. Bonnie F.

Written by Sue on Jun. 17, 2017
Happy Father's Day to all you great dads out there. I can't even imagine life without mine! You're the best, Dad! It was fun to Face Time with the group who gathered at Val and Kevin's today. Can't wait to see all of you in August!

Written by Val on Jun. 15, 2017
Happy Birthday today to Olga! Hope you have a great birthday and a great weekend! Lots of ice cream and cake!

Val & Kevin

Written by Sue on Jun. 9, 2017
Hi everyone! Thanks for all the birthday wishes and cards! They were much appreciated and enjoyed. The kids definitely made sure I had great meals and desserts!
May is always so incredibly busy with all the special ceremonies and events I am required to attend at school on top of the normal things but I made it through and last Friday was the end of the school year. I started with summer school right away on Monday. Had to get a sub so I could help conduct a marathon 14 interviews yesterday looking for people to fill some math positions in my school for next year. 21 years of teaching!

The kids, Steven's girlfriend, Mary, and I all have made plane reservations to be in Minot for my parent's 60th wedding anniversary and the Haga reunion. Kathleen's boyfriend is still deciding if he is coming or not. It's Looking pretty expensive for a flight on the days he could come. Airplane travel is not cheap anymore!

Don't think I ever took the time to tell everyone that Kathleen and Craig took 2nd place in the pro ballroom smooth competition at Nationals in April. They were hoping for the top four and were floored they placed 2nd. Many of those couples have been dancing together for a long time and they've only been dancing together for four months. They move on to the world competition in Las Vegas in July, the week before the reunion and anniversary. They also gained a sponsor for Kathleen's ball gowns and Craig's suits. That is really wonderful because one of the gowns can cost $4000 or more and she can't afford that!

It is hot and dry here, too. Summer has no doubt arrived. Can't wait to see many of you in August!

Written by Val on Jun. 7, 2017
Thanks for posting the awesome photos Desi! London was a beautiful graduate! It was fun to see your whole clan as we never see photos of all you peeps! Marley is so big now! What a great weekend for your family! Good to hear news from Cindy too! So happy to hear that some of you will be coming for the Haga reunion! I need to get going on more planning! Time is flying by! Good luck with your church rummage sale Cindy! I am off to Minot soon for our annual meeting, which is this evening! Always glad when another one is in the books!

Written by Desiree on Jun. 7, 2017
Hi family - I just wanted to let everyone know that I finally posted London's graduation pics. Just click on the tab and enjoy!