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Written by Val & Kevin on Apr. 25, 2018
Happy 28th birthday today to Greg! Hope you had a good day! I know your mom & dad we're going to be in Denver & take you out for supper! Have a good one!

Written by Those who are Weary of Winter on Apr. 14, 2018
LOL over Bonnie's e-mail about our spring flowers in Mpls! No warmth here to support flowers. We've had cold weather (direct from ND). Today we've gotten at least a foot of snow and had blizzard conditions. More is coming overnight. NO SPRING on the horizon yet. And it sounds like more snow on Weds. And they're predicting lower temps than normal for the next 6 weeks! Aack! Am coming to ND for Mother's Day -- to warm up!

On a brighter note, we had lovely birthdays -- thanks to all for the birthday greetings! We were in Duluth last weekend for a Norwegian meeting which was fun. Love to all!, Barb & Pete

P.S. I'm with Cindy about the website -- let's keep it going. I so appreciate everyone posting as we're not on facebook either. If not for the website, we wouldn't know much about what's going on in the family. The website is a great way to keep in touch!

Written by Bonnie F on Apr. 8, 2018
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BARB AND PETE! Hope you have a wonderful two days of celebrating getting older and wiser! HA
Seriously, hope the sun shines and the spring flowers are out for you. Send them to ND, we need it! ENJOY! Love and best wishes, Bonnie F

Written by Val & Kevin on Apr. 8, 2018
Happy Birthday to Barb today and Pete tomorrow! Hope you have fun celebrating your birthdays & do something special! You are both very special to our family & have so many GREAT memories of our times together! Wishing you all the best on your birthdays and always!

Written by Cindy on Apr. 8, 2018
I'm going to be early and wish Barb and Pete very HAPPY BIRTHDAY on Monday and Tuesday, guess that's the way to do it, how could you ever forget each others special day?! Hope you plan a special night(or two) out for dinner. Always like to think about when we were kids and the special times we all were able to spend together on those many special holidays, birthdays, etc. Those are precious memories that will stay with me forever! Maybe that's why I always love birthdays because they were always made to seem like "our" special day.
Are the plans for the big weddings coming together? Are Uncle Bob and Aunt Ardella making plans to go to Texas? Any thoughts from Val and Bonnie about going? I really want to go to one or both weddings but am trying to figure out just how that may happen, still several months to get those details worked out.
Miss you all!

Written by Grandma Bonnie on Apr. 6, 2018
Just an update about grandson Nick J, as I type this he is flying over the Atlantic Ocean to England where he and other interns of the company where he works will spend a week in the countryside retreat of this company, enjoying the outdoors, and I suppose learning more about what the company does. We talked to him last night and he sounded really excited about the trip, a first across the ocean for him and also a first to visit a foreign country other than Canada. Have a great flight Nick ! Love, Grandma Bonnie

Written by Grandma Bonnie on Apr. 6, 2018
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ERICA! It was great talking to you this a.m.,but knew we should be short as you were getting ready for another day of work. Hope you took the time to have some cake or other great treats for your birthday, also hoping you will get to do your plans with your co-workers for tomorrow night You are our special and only grand daughter, we miss not being able to celebrate with you in person. Love, Grandma Bonnie

Written by Cindy on Apr. 6, 2018
Happy Birtday, Erica! Hope you aren't working too hard and that you go up and celebrate your big day! Much ❤️ love, Cindy and Ron

Written by Val on Apr. 5, 2018
Happy Birthday to our beautiful daughter today! We hope you have a fantastic day! Loved this photo of Erica & Goofy from our trip to Disneyland over Easter!

We enjoyed a trip to Las Vegas & California over the long Easter weekend with Erica & our grandniece Kira! It was short, but VERY SWEET! We arrived in Las Vegas about midnight our time & took Kira on a drive down the strip in Las Vegas so she could see all the lights. She was more interested in seeing different types of cars including a Tesla! We left Las Vegas on Friday morning & drove to Anaheim. We spent Saturday & a good part of Sunday at Disneyland & California Adventure. We all loved Carsland. A recreation of the fictitious town of Radiator Springs from the movie! Kevin LOVED this & it was so great to see him having such a good time! We all had a great time at the HAPPIEST PLACE ON EARTH! We drove back to Las Vegas Easter Sunday evening & left for home on Monday.

It was a balmy 1 degree above this morning in Velva. As someone said on Facebook it feels like the 96th day of January. We are supposed to get more snow this weekend! Yuck!

Hope you all enjoyed the Easter holiday! If any of you live in a warmer climate - PLEASE send some warmth to us in North Dakota!

Written by Bonnie F. on Mar. 31, 2018
Hi all HHF'S and HAPPY EASTER! hOPE YOU ARE HAVING A NICE DAY EVEN THOUGH THE WEATHER HERE IN ND IS COLD AND SNOWY1 I sang with the Solid Oak gospel group this a.m. We sang "Then Came the Morning" with some special effects. Quite nice I thought. Our church was packed lots o f beautiful Easter lilies and decorations and lots of little girls in spring dresses and little boys in suits! I myself wore a dress - first time in probably ten years, I thought I looked pretty good, might as well compliment myself HA. We were actually invited out to my bosses farm for Easter dinner, but because of all of our bovine friends and the fact they are in unfenced area right now, we couldn't make it. I made a nice ham and a pineapple pie and we had hot cross buns, so guess it was okay. I do appreciate being invited though. Maybe some other time. Now we just finished feeding all the bovines and are hoping for some peaceful time to rest and eat more. Waiting to hear from the traverlers that they are Vegas bound, they are 2 hours behind. Heard from Shelley, she is in the country at here house, temp is 60 degrees in West Virginia. Sure would like to hear how some of the rest of you spent EAster. Love to all , Bonnie F.

Written by Cindy on Mar. 28, 2018
WOW! The "Elvis Weekend" looks like it was fabulous! I really like "fun" things like that and its so much fun to make "true fans" this happy, you are truly a good daughter, Val to have the patience to go with the ladies-I'm sure you had a good time too but know you did it mainly to make your Mom happy, BTW did you have a purse too?) These are the things you both will remember forever. I still think about my trip with the sisters(Bonnie & Audrey) to Vegas. Would like to think up something we could all do and enjoy together again!
Things here are as always-nothing too exciting but always something going on. Went to Denver last weekend, Greg and Ron went to an Avalanche (hockey) game while Jenny and I went shopping at the BIG Park Meadow Mall, so busy, lots of families out enjoying all the Easter activities. Wish I had a grandchild to take to see the "creepy" Easter Bunny as Jen called him-LOL! Had to be back to usher at church Sunday but did go down on Friday night so we could all go to dinner together. Ended up going back on Monday-Greg called and his Highlander was "shaking" when he was driving at higher speeds on I-25, was in the middle of a big project at work and couldn't take off so I said we weren't doing anything and would come down and help, ended up "hanging out" with Jen while they took care of the vehicle-needed an alignment(potholes all over)Greg says it helped thank goodness. Is so nice to be able to do things like this on a whim now that we aren't working, would hate if the kids ever moved too far away!
I am planning to send some $ to Shelley, I would hate if we quit having the family website-I don't do Facebook(and I'm SO glad I don't)and love to be able to stay in touch with all of you-I may not send as many notes(figure you don't want to hear the gruesome details of my boring life-ha) but I love hearing about all of what you all are up to.
Hope Val and Kevin have a wonderful time over Easter with Erica and your niece. Happy Easter to the rest of you s well. I am helping with communion at the early service so I may go back to bed after that lol!

Written by Val on Mar. 27, 2018
Hello HHFs! First THANKS to Shelley for renewing the website for another year! If you enjoy the website, please help with a donation to keep it going. Seems like we don't have alot of activity, so maybe we need to take a poll & see if we want to keep it going! I have updated the website for April & hope you will all check out the front page!

Well you asked for it and so I did it! I posted some photos of the Elvis Extravaganza weekend in Medora for all to see! They are in the Elvis Extravaganza folder! It was a very fun & special weekend with Bonnie, Punky, Goldie & myself driving four hours to Medora to spend the weekend with Elvis. We were not sure we were going to get to go as we had a snowstorm on Friday and we had to leave Saturday morning. But we left & all was well! We had a great time as you will see. We had matching Elvis Sweatshirts that attracted alot of attention & I can say that we were the "life of the party". The signs we held up during the song "Are You Lonesome Tonight" got Elvis's attention & brought him to where we were seated. He got down on his knee & sang to Bonnie! Bonnie was also featured in a video that appeared on the Medora.com website. She was giving Elvis a kiss as he sang "Love me Tender". An epic weekend!

Wishing everyone a Happy Easter! Kevin & I will be traveling with our grandniece Kira to Las Vegas on Thursday evening. We will stay with Erica & the four of us will leave Friday morning for California. We will spend a couple days at Disneyland and Adventureland and then head back to Vegas on Sunday later in the day, returning to ND on Monday! Will be a whirlwind, but we are looking forward to 80 degree weather! Hope you all have a Happy Easter!

Written by Shelley on Mar. 26, 2018
Hello! We are still an old fashioned website... not on Facebook - so, we have an annual subscription. It cost $115 to re-subscribed which I just did.
I'd like to challenge HHFers who have never donated toward the site to do so! You can either send me a contribution via post, or via paypal to my email address at shellme09. Thank you for your support and keep posting!

Written by Barb & Pete on Mar. 24, 2018
We're hoping that the Elvis crew is maintaining some kind of control in Medora tonight. Know they're probably "all shook up" and swooning wildly. Hopefully no "jail house" rock is occurring. We're awaiting the report on the big weekend and some fun pics!

Love, Barb & Pete

Written by Barb & Pete on Mar. 19, 2018
Happy Birthday Audrey and Dave!! We hope you have had a fabulous day, and we wish you a wonderful, healthy year! Audrey, your cake looks totally divine -- wish we were there to celebrate with you! So glad the girls came up to celebrate with you. Love Red Lobster!

All is well here. We had a fabulous vacation in Mexico. Perfect weather and the resort was wonderful. Pete had a close encounter with two whales (mama and baby) when he was out kayaking -- said it was his best ever! And the whales put on quite a show a couple of days -- was the best I've seen from shore in the 10 years we've been going there.

Was thrilled to meet up with Sue at the Mpls airport last Weds on her way back to Houston. Had 1 1/2 hrs to visit and we maxxed out our time together - was great!

Not much else going on. Waiting for spring to arrive (tomorrow) but still have a mountain of snow in our driveway, so doesn't look like spring yet. Love to all!
Barb & Pete